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Transparency in PyQt widgets & VTK

I have a few widgets such as a QLabel and QPushbuttons hovering over a VTK scene like below. As you can see, when I add a border-radius to the them, the remaining area around the labels or buttons is ...
Rishi Aithal's user avatar
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PyQT5 VTK Mouse Button Event Mismatch

I am using PyQT5 and VTK for displaying information, and have been using observers to register mouse click events through the interactor style. For some reason, when multiple buttons are clicked, the ...
Adam's user avatar
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I want to add buttons on QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget

qt can add buttons to widgets in Windows, but QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget can't. I want to add a fixed button to the QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget. How do I do that I tried it by way of layout QPushButton *...
Noob_programmer's user avatar
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using vtk on apple silicon m1

i'm trying to run this function using vtk on a mac m1. i think the problem is with my OS and not the code itself since on another OS like windows it works def get_thumbnail(PDF, axis): ## some ...
drMAIN's user avatar
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Try to have a vtkInteractorStyleImage with vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow

I'm trying to build an application with Qt and VTK. I want to display a 3D image (DICOM) in a widget like QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget and be able to change slices using the mouse wheel (and other thigs). I ...
MagicLudo's user avatar
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VTK Render Window and QThread synchronization Issue

I am currently working on developing a utility for visualizing data collection. I have created a PyQt5 GUI, and I am using the vtk library to visualize live data from an external source. My current ...
JCrypp's user avatar
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how get output of vtkrenderwindowinteractor() and import it to qopenglwidget python

I want to import my STL file into Qt. The code is written in VTK to obtain and read the STL file, and now I want to transfer it to Qt by using the QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget class. Finally, I need to add ...
mohammadsadegh jafari's user avatar
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Calling vtkRenderWindow's Render() but no update when running QT project for a long time

I have a QT project that uses the class called QtVTKViewer. All the QWidgets in the project use QtVTKViewer and added in the stackwidget of QT. The first QWidget allows the user to add and adjust ...
GodfreyA's user avatar
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Visualize Realtime pointclouds on QT widget

I am trying to visualize pointclouds on my qt widget.Following is a snippet of my code.This code can display the point clouds from a .pcd file. I am looking to visualize real time point clouds on qt ...
Zaid khan's user avatar
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vtkThresholdPoints how to get the mesh back with a surface not just points

on using the vtkThresholdPoints to threshold a mesh it returns back just the points. I need to get back the mesh with its surface again, not just the points. I need to get the thresholded mesh with ...
HadyKh's user avatar
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PyQt5 + VTK - wglMakeCurrent failed error

Minimum working example: from sys import exit from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QFrame from vtk.qt.QVTKRenderWindowInteractor import ...
vardonir's user avatar
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PyVista: Why does the callback only draw the 3d entities and not the 2d one on the second time?

I have a question and hope that you can help me. I put together a small MCVE below. When you click the button for the first time, you can see that the 3d data (add_mesh, add_points) and 2d data (chart....
Joe's user avatar
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Migration from vtk8.2 to vtk9.1 for qt application

I have a qt5.12 application with vtk8.2 which uses QVTKWidget. Now I want to use vtk9.1 instead of vtk8.2. But vtk9.1 does not support QVTKWidget anymore. So, I just changed it into ...
Leo Abalckin's user avatar
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QVTKWidget is transparent

I am just a beginner in both Qt and PCL. I am trying to display PCL viewer in the main Qt GUI Window. When I use PCL viewer, it shows up in the separate window. I also try with QVTKWidget.The problem ...
AMMT's user avatar
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Vedo Plotter in Qt - Mouse Click Event not registering at the correct position

I have tried several different things about the mouse clicks not registering correctly in my Qt mainwindow. When using only my QHD monitor, the program worked just fine (video). However, when using my ...
Daniel Jiang's user avatar
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PCL viewer inside QtCreator widget with VTK and QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget

I need to make a graphical window with a Qt widget that allows to represent inside it a point cloud that I have previously loaded using the PLC library. Here's what I have so far that doesn't work (I ...
Alejandro Fernández Suárez's user avatar
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QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget fails in debug mode

My C++ program in Visual call QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget and works fine in Release mode. However, when I change to Debug mode it fails to build which seems yo be related to Qt5Core. Note that Qt5Core.dll ...
Adam's user avatar
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Mouse control is lost after using vtk interactor

I'm trying to visualize a vtk unstructuredgrid mesh. In order to get the coordinate of a point of my mesh I use the vtk interactor. I'm able to get the point coordinate by selecting the point using ...
Adam's user avatar
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Memory leak in PCL visualizer and QVTK widget

I m using Ubuntu 20.04 with Qt5.12 for developing a QT project which uses a QVTK widget to display a 3D PCL visualiser. I m facing memory leak issues after defining the visualiser and vtk widget ...
surajj4837's user avatar
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Deleting Spheres from VTK Object

We have written a program as you can see in image: program_image. We added spheres on the object to get information about the place. Now the problem is, although we can place them with no issue, we ...
slefsmteem's user avatar
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How to disable VTK's hotkey in Python-VTK

I want to disable some VTK hotkeys, in the Python version. While there exist answers here for C++ (and maybe js), it does not seem to work with the Python version. I tried overloading OnKeyPress on my ...
Naomi's user avatar
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pyqt5 and vtk object integration

i would like to embed the glb file to pyqt gui with vtk python library. I wrote pieces of code but it does not embed the sketch to the pyqt gui. Everytime there have been placing in the second windows ...
phzdjz's user avatar
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vtkplotlib set opacity/transparency in QtFigure

i want to use the vtkplotlib library to display different 3d models and i want to set the opacity in the background of the widget to 0. I just know how to set the normal background color with the ...
marxcell's user avatar
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Problem with VTK Chart interaction with PyQt

I'm trying to Draw VTK ChartXY using QVTKRenderWindowInteractor because my program is designed to use PyQt. Problem is, showing chart is good but, i can't interact with the chart for example, zoom, ...
minsu's user avatar
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Disable "q" Onchar() vtkInteractorStyleSwitch

So i'm try to create my own custom interactor style inheriting from the vtkInteractorStyleSwitch. This issue im having is that im trying to disable the "q" shortcut for closing the vtk ...
mike citrin's user avatar
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'QVTKWidget.h' file not found

I installed PCL 1.8.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 but I encountered an error while installing a repo. [ 88%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/tviewer.dir/tviewer/tviewer_widget/tviewer_widget.cpp.o In file included ...
Yaya_T's user avatar
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how to extract the foreground from vtkWindowToImageFilter?

I'm integrating vtk with qt, i have vtkWindowToImageFilter with input set to vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow, how come i extract the image foreground only? vtkWindowToImageFilter *w2if = ...
Error's user avatar
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error: undefined reference to `QVTKWidget::QVTKWidget(QWidget*, QFlags<Qt::WindowType>)'

I m using Qt5.15 in Ubuntu 20.04. I want to use PCL to visualise point cloud data. To get PCL runnig with Qt, VTK library is also required. So in my system I have PCL 1.10 and VTK 7.1.1. I have taken ...
surajj4837's user avatar
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Connect user custome function to modify VTK object with Qt Widgets

I'm currently working on the conversion of a project initially made under python, allowing to modify the visualization of a .vtk file with a Qt interface essentially made of sliders. The project under ...
S.Gradit's user avatar
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undefined reference to 'QVTKWidget::QVTKWidget'

The env is VTK-8.0 ITK-5.2 QT-5.12 This error occurs when I compile this cmake file: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3 FATAL_ERROR) project(QtDICOMViewer) find_package(VTK REQUIRED) #find_package(...
hhz's user avatar
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underfined to symbol 'XGetWindowAttributes'

When I used vtk in qt creator firstly, I came into this trouble. And I cannot solve it now, asking for some help. I followed this website
YueMingyu's user avatar
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Problems in using vtkCubeAxesActor() instance. (Number representing, and contamination)

I have three questions. Q1. In the picture above, only X axis displays actual numbers(:300,400,etc.) but Z axis just shows ratio number accompanying 'Z(x10^3)'. How can I show actual numbers for Y,Z ...
neural's user avatar
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Point cloud not showing up in Qt+PCL viewer

I'm trying to load and display point clouds through a Qt+PCL configuration. I managed to load and display a smaller point cloud (~60 thousand points), but could't display a larger one (~3 million ...
MarcosDiaz's user avatar
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Using qt to show point cloud data, but core dump occured when I exit

my dev enviroment is QT 5.14.2, PCL 1.9, VTK 8.2.0. this is my initial code: // Set up the QVTK window vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow> renderWindow = vtkSmartPointer<...
OYounGY's user avatar
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how to compile vtk-master with qt5 and visual sudio 2015?

When I compile the vtk-master with vs 2015(update 1) and QT5, I see an error as: Error C2039 'Frame': is not a member of 'QGL Widget' GUI Support Qt Open GL C:\VTK\SOURCE\source\GUISupport\...
Jaafar Nasrabadi's user avatar
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VTK not clearing previous frame and filling background

I've installed VTK 8.2.0 with CMake for use with QT but when trying to run some VTK examples I have some issues shown below: Note: The colour banding issues in the image is from the gif compression ...
Alessi 42's user avatar
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QVTKWidget not showing colors on many faces when showing OBJ with mtl

My objective is to display OBJ files into QWidget. The code I have used to work previously. vtkSmartPointer<vtkOBJImporter> importer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkOBJImporter>::New(); ...
Neel Basu's user avatar
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Python & VTK & PyQt5: How to screenshot vtk render in def __init__?

What have I done: Create a app with PyQt5 and VTK, I add 2 VTK render in 2 QTWidget. In each VTK render, I read a .stl file and show it. I add a function screen_shot, it can screen shot VTK render ...
Zhengfei Xin's user avatar
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QVTKWidget + vtkPropPicker fails wrong coordinates

I'm using vtkPropPicker with QVTKWidget, but it is not working: pick position is always (0,0,0) and actor is NULL when clicking on the white sphere. Clicking on the empty region however returns ...
fferri's user avatar
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How to use QVTKOpenGLWidget with proper hidpi

When I try QVTKWidget, there are warning messages that told me donot use it. So I change to QVTKOpenGLWidget. But there are problems with this widget, it doesnot display properly. See the picture. ...
Laine's user avatar
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Issue with QVTKWidget in Qt Ros workspace

I am new to Qt and ROS. I am working on Qt Creator 4.8.0. I have created a catkin workspace in Qt and a mainwindow was created. And I am trying to add QVTKWidget to the mainwindow. It was successfully ...
miaa's user avatar
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SetWidth() and SetHeight() in vtkActor2D causes a crash after a rendering call

I'm trying to overlay text on an image in vtk when a certain button is clicked. I use a vtkTextActor, vtkTextRepresentation, and vtkTextWidget to achieve this. Here is my code: // set up actor ...
Lambda1010's user avatar
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Find all 3D points inside a cube(3D Box)

I'm trying to find out the 3D points of a point cloud which are inside a 3D Box. I'm able to get the points inside 3D box by the below logic, only when the 3d box is align with the axis, but on ...
Sayan Bera's user avatar
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VTK and PyQt5 : How to refresh display after changing radius value with slider

I'm trying to write a python code with VTK and PyQt5 which display a VTK Sphere customizable by the user with sliders. The conception of the windows and the widgets is ok, the problem is when I change ...
S.Gradit's user avatar
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Point Cloud Library: Sliced points to custom colors

I'm using pcl and vtk library with Qt for point cloud visualization. My setup is as the below link Now when we slice points ie, press 'x' and select a region ...
Sayan Bera's user avatar
3 votes
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VTKWidget in Qt is not updated as expected

I would like to display a 3D-Animation in my Qt5-Gui. Everything works as expected, but unfortunately the scene is not getting updated when I don't interact with the vtkWidget. In other words: When I ...
cakelover's user avatar
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Using vtkResliceImageViewer or vtkImageViewer2 with Python3+PyQt5

I've written working example for vtkImageViewer: But any image isn't rendered with vtkImageViewer2 or vtkResliceImageViewer. Have found example based on PyQt4+Python2.7 but wasn't able to get ...
MykolaSharhan's user avatar
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QVTKWidget was deprecated for VTK 8.1 and will be removed in a future version

When i create a qt gui vtk application by Cmake,then i run it with vs 2017.It appears fllowing warning.Any counld tell me how could i cancel this warning?Thank you a lot.enter image description here
andyfan's user avatar
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3D volume not showing in VTK + Qt

I try to display a 3D volume ( using VTK and Qt using a QVTKOpenGLWidget. I can display and interact with axes, sphere, cones... but the 3D volume does not ...
ordepedro's user avatar
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ParaView Python script causes non responding Visualization Toolkit - Win32OpenGL on Windows

As I have reported here when I try to render the cone example by: from paraview.simple import * cone = Cone() Show(cone) Render() I get a non responding window: My version of Python is: Python 2....
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar