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How to detect Qt mouse events only over QPainted objects

I am attempting to produce a compass widget programatically that looks much like this: I want each "slice" of the compass to act as a button for interaction w/ the rest of the app. To that ...
Connor Spangler's user avatar
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problem with SIGNAL SLOT new notation for QAbstractButton

I am writing a small utility composed by : 1) 4 QToolBar 2) 1 QToolBox 3) 1 QMenu 4) 1 QGraphicsView I have some buttons on the QToolBox, each button represents a grid with different spacing. ...
Emanuele's user avatar
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Signal/slot not working just in a few objects

I want to connect the clicked signal of some abstract buttons to a same slot. The thing is that it only works on one abstract button, when clicking on the others nothing occurs. Any ideas of what is ...
marpe's user avatar
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How to Set and Get "comment" text using setText?

I am trying to store string data within a QAbstractButton.text(). Why? I want to display the short name in the text() itself, but be able to call the long name via the text() "comment" through code. ...
Adam Sirrelle's user avatar
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Problems aligning buttons in widget in pyqt5

I've been trying to create a widget with image background and two buttons (cancel and ok) with image and push down/up effect, using pyqt5 GUI of python language, but I have two problem: 1 – I can't ...
Roger's user avatar
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'void QAbstractButton::clicked(bool)' is protected

I'm actually working on a project with Qt 5.10.1. I'm using Linux and my partners are using Windows. We've written this piece of code: QCheckBox* _survive[9] = { ui->survive0, ui->...
duboisoc's user avatar
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PyQt5 - add AbstractButton to layout

I'm making a Solitaire card game to practice OOP and PyQt5, and I'm having trouble adding a card, which inherits QAbstractButton, to a layout (QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, or QVBoxLayout). Here is part ...
calcium3000's user avatar
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Can i use my own user defined string in 'setDefaultButton'

I would like to use my own string on the button, in the the below mentioned functions "msgBox.setDefaultButton" and "msgBox.addButton" : msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); msgBox.addButton(...
SirKappe's user avatar
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Creating Custom PyQt5 image-button

I'm trying to create a custom PyQt5 button, but am running across problems displaying it in a QMainWindow object. Here's the code I'm trying: import sys from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5....
Astrum's user avatar
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Why QAbstractButton emit all signals when using keyboard navigation?

I have a couple of custom buttons derived from QAbstractButton with autoExclusive and checkable property TRUE witch are applied to the same parent.(so the only one item can be checked at the same time)...
IMAN4K's user avatar
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Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1

I have seen many answers for the same Question, I have already gone through them but none them solved my problem, I am getting the error QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QPainter:...
Akhil V Suku's user avatar
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How to turn off QAbstractButton animateClick when lineEdit has focus

I am new to QT GUI programming and I am using QT Creator. The problem I am seeing is with my pushbutton and line edit when the user presses the enter key. My program opens a groupbox and allows the ...
Ivory244's user avatar
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Painting custom QWidget based on style sheet pseudo-state value

I have a custom QWidget (actually, derived from QAbstractButton) for which I have to implement my own paintEvent. How to I use the style sheet information? For example, suppose someone defines the ...
Dave Mateer's user avatar
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Qt QAbstractButton setDown interferes with grabMouse

I have some weird behaviour in Qt that seems like a defect. I'd like to know if anybody has a good workaround. I have a popup widget that contains many buttons in it. The user activates the popup by ...
edA-qa mort-ora-y's user avatar
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paintEvent is not getting called in a custom button derived from QAbstractButton

I'm trying to create a custom button, derived from QAbstractbutton. I have overridden the paintEvent. However, my button is not visible in my widget. What I see is that the paintEvent is not getting ...
mots_g's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the QAbstractButton::checkStateSet() method?

I'm writing my own 4 state button and I'm not quite sure what to put in the checkStateSet() method, if anything. Here is what I've got so far: SyncDirectionButton::SyncDirectionButton(QWidget *...
darkadept's user avatar
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Two shortcuts for a QAbstractButton

I need to assign two shortcuts to a QAbstractButton, but I cannot find a way to do that. It seems the only method is QAbstractButton::setShortcut(const QKeySequence & key). Is it possible ?
Jérôme's user avatar
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