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Using AsyncMock with context manager to assert await was called (python)

I am new to using asyncio in Python and I'm having trouble figuring out how to write a test which uses python-websockets (and asyncio). I want to have a client which connects to a websocket and sends ...
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Python unittests: how to get an AsyncMock to block until a certain point

I have some async Python code I want to test, which include something like async def task(self): while True: await self.thing.change() ... self.run_callbacks() In my test ...
askvictor's user avatar
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How can we properly mock/stub async methods of a mocked class?

I want to mock/stub the async methods of the Connect class returned by websockets.client.connect; such as send and recv. I succeed in testing the instantiation of the class, but I can't seem to setup ...
LFLFM's user avatar
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Python asyncio: how to mock __aiter__() method?

I have a code which is listening to messages on WebSocket using aiohttp. It looks like: async for msg in ws: await self._ws_msg_handler.handle_message(ws, msg, _services) Where ws is an ...
Eugene Naydenov's user avatar