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How do I extract edges that contain a certain label in a dot file?

My objective is to extract paths that contain a certain label within a dot file. However, this is the first time I have worked with a dot file. I have no idea how to extract the labels of a dot file ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't generate graph using graphviz and dot layout

I am using pygraphviz 1.6 to generate the a plot using Python 3.6. Unfortunately, I can't update Python. While generating the graph, the command graph.layout("dot") generates the error: ...
user1315621's user avatar
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How to color a specific path in a graphviz dot file using python

Hello I am iterating a dot file in python using pydot package. I want to color all nodes and edges in a graph who are a parent of particular node unto the starting root. the images below describes the ...
Zain Ul Abidin's user avatar
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How to solve "[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" emerging from "pydotplus.graph_from_dot_file"?

I have a function setted up to model some data with a DeccisionTreeClassifier algorithm where I can adjust the max depth of the tree. This function returns the score, the confussion matrix as well as ...
Nazram's user avatar
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Find cluster/subgraph of nodes in dot

I have a dot file that contains a graph having different clusters, something like: subgraph cluster_bb_5020 { style=filled fillcolor=white label="label [5020]" ...
TryToBeNice's user avatar
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Graphviz cluster changes layout order of internal nodes - how to correct?

The following graphviz nodes arrange into a C shape as expected when rendered using dot: digraph G { newrank=true; "001_getCtInputChunk" [shape=rect, label="@disk_cache\ngetCtInputChunk"]; "...
Eli Stevens's user avatar
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Delete a Node in Graphviz

Is there a nice way to delete a node from a graph? I am using graphviz library to create nodes but they don't have a function to delete a node Purpose: [I want to show that a node moved from a ...
Karam Abo Ghalieh's user avatar
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Formatting multiple subgraphs - pydot

I am new to pydot which I would use to create a graph. I would like to format the nodes so as to have blocks of nodes in the same line. I accomplished that using subgraphs, and settings the rank to be ...
famargar's user avatar
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Python Decision Tree GraphViz

I'm attempting to implement a Decision Tree with scikit learn and then visualise the tree with Graphviz which I understand is the standard choice for visualising DT. I'm using PyCharm, anaconda, ...
OAK's user avatar
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Visualizing scikit-learn/ sklearn multi-output decision tree regression in png or pdf

this is the first question I'm posting on stackoverflow so I apologize for any mishaps in layout and so on (advice welcome). Your help is much appreciated! I'm trying to visualize the output of ...
CSquare's user avatar
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Parsing comments in dot file with python

I'm using pydot for parsing dot files in python. I can't find a way to parse comments present in the dot file itself, is there any way to do it? By just looking at the documentation I couldn't find ...
FSp's user avatar
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Line up the heads of Dot graph using PyDot?

I'm making a dynamically generated graph of my lab experiments. This is what it looks like now: Ideally I'd like the blue nodes to be in a line across the top, so that current experiments are visible ...
jefdaj's user avatar
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How to use port names in record nodes in pydot

I haven't been able to find a way to draw nodes with ports in pydot: neither in the documentation nor in examples on the web. Is there a way to draw the following graph using pydot? diagram: ...
Michael's user avatar
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Using a DOT graph as a basis for tree GUI

I want to use a graph that is generated by DOT (pyDot in python) as the basis for an interactive Tree-structured GUI in which each of the nodes in the Tree could be widgets. The tree will basically ...
Rishi Sharma's user avatar
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test for node membership in pydot graph

pydot has a huge number of bound methods for getting and setting every little thing in a dot graph, reading and writing, you-name-it, but I can't seem to find a simple membership test. >>> d ...
jjon's user avatar
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How to render DOT file using only pos attributes

I have taken an initial DOT file and modified the pos attributes of some nodes using pydot. Now I want to render an image file that shows the nodes in their new positions. The catch is, I don't want a ...
nova's user avatar
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