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Resolving Rust (tonic-build)/protobuf name conflict

The Protobuf file I'm building, which is from a commercial software vendor (no changes to the server or interface possible), contains a service method called Connect: rpc Connect (ConnectRequest) ...
Bender Rodriguez's user avatar
-1 votes
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crash when `ParsefromArray` [closed]

my program sometimes gets crash when l call ParseFromArray, it seems one string member variable of Head is reset to an illegal address message Head { required uint32 version = 1; required ...
nnnnx's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getBoolean(Ljava/lang/Object;J)Z in class Lsun/misc/Unsafe

I'm working in an Android Project that is targeting towards a device that runs on Android 5.1. We recently started to migrate from build.gradle to Kotlin DSL. The project has several submodules that ...
compZ's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDEA Navigation with Protocol Buffer files and Kotlin DSL

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and am trying to set it up to work with Kotlin, the Kotlin protobuf DSL, and .protos. I have a standard project setup with gradle: // build.gradle.kts plugins { alias(libs....
Martin Probst's user avatar
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pip install 'tensorflow[and-cuda]' on Fedora 40

I tried to install tensorflow and CUDA together by python3 -m pip install 'tensorflow[and-cuda]', but it seems that something went wrong. Unfortunately, I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I ...
Laplacetransform's user avatar
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install protobuf on ubuntu update the $HOME but still protoc --version points to the old version

I am using ubuntu 22.04, and protobuf is 3.6.1 which is quite old. so I tried to update the protobuf with the following commands. PROTOC_VERSION=29.1 curl -LO
user824624's user avatar
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Is the order of body of HTTP request guaranteed

The body of HTTP request could be many kinds of types, such as JSON, protobuf etc. I want to know if the order of body is guaranteed. For example, if the client sends a JSON {"a": 1, "b&...
Yves's user avatar
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How to handle errors thrown by @bufbuild/protobuf

I am trying to understand how I can get useful information from the errors thrown by the @bufbuild/protobuf package in NodeJS. Most errors look like this, which doesn't contain any useful information ...
controlol's user avatar
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Oneof field backward compatibility in protobuf

I have a two version of a protobuf message, and wanted to see whether the older version (for clients which are not up to date) is compatible with the newer version. Old version: message Foo { bool ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Does Protobuf proto2 format validate utf-8 format? Can validation be disabled in proto2?

In it seems that proto2 format should not result in UTF-8 validation. When I run Perf on a program doing protobuf encoding I can however see ...
user1147851's user avatar
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Why in file I can't find the implementation of OperationRequest and OperationResponse classes and where should I look for them?

I created a .proto file for my grpc service: syntax = "proto3"; service Calculator { rpc Add (OperationRequest) returns (OperationResponse); rpc Mul (OperationRequest) returns (...
Artyom's user avatar
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How might I convert the protobuf text encoding of a bytes field to raw binary?

Based on the protobuf text format, the protobuf text representation for a bytes fields is a byte-wise escaped string that in practice includes a mix of raw characters (including characters like $) and ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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How to resolve Missing Protobuf Libraries and Linker Errors during packaging?

I am trying to package my Unreal Engine project for Android using Unreal Engine 5.4. The project includes the Convai plugin, which depends on gRPC and Protobuf. However, during packaging, I encounter ...
Mayank Kumar's user avatar
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Python import error for google.protobuf.runtime_version and google.protobuf.internal.builder with protobuf 5.28.3

I am using the 5.28.3 version of protobuf pip show protobuf ...
Monica Sugumar's user avatar
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Bazel takes forever to compile a simple protobuf

Any idea what might be happening here, it is a simple proto message but it is over 10 min and compilation is still going bazel build :person_proto Advise will be appreciated load("@rules_proto//...
zeellos's user avatar
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Is there an analog of swagger ui for gRPC API?

Is there an analog of Swagger UI, that can visualise gRPC API (.proto files) to HTML, like Swagger UI for OpenAPI .json or .yaml documents?
nik0x1's user avatar
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pylint --generated-members doesn't ignore class protobuf class

Would anyone of you know how to configure pylint to error for the following module? Option doesn't work for 'vox_api.api_pb2.*' and 'vox_api.*', but works for 'Response': Results: $ pylint --generated-...
gbajson's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Decoding "one-of" protobuf messages

I am in the process of implementing a protobuf extension to work with our existing in-house protobuf framework. We already have this implemented for C, Python, and a couple of other languages across ...
Ken P's user avatar
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Passing message from javascript to c++ using protobuf and WASM

Please tell me where I'm wrong. I use protobuf for interaction between javascript and c++ There is person.proto which defines syntax = "proto2"; package tutorial; message Person { ...
Ami Jey's user avatar
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How to access unknown fields in python protobuf version 5.38.3 with upb backend

I'm using Python protobuf package version 5.38.3 for deserializing some packets and I need to check if the messages I deserialize are conformant or not to a specific protobuf message structure. For ...
V.Lorz's user avatar
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grpc_tools.protoc compiling grpc with edition = 2023 fails

I'm using protoc version 28.3 on macos: > protoc --version libprotoc 28.3 This version can generate gRPC for typescript and go and C++, with the appropriate plugins. It can also generate plain ...
Jon Watte's user avatar
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Protobuf compatibility for Events

I'm looking at protobuf for events, and struggling to reconcile with my understanding of schema compatibility/evolution. With Avro and Json, compatibility rules are applied as follows: API requests/...
miklesw's user avatar
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Converting FHIR Json to Google proto generated model

We have the FHIR JSON model which needs to be serialized using protobuf but we are not able to serialize it as the JSON is not getting parsed to the generated google fhir models.
Varun's user avatar
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Using protofub in C++ when compiling to WASM with emscripten. Error compiling example from documentation

I need help figuring out a problem I am rewriting part of the javascript library to wasm. I compile the c++ code to wasm using this command: emcc idw.cpp -Oz -s WASM=1 -s --no-entry -o idw.wasm (...
Ami Jey's user avatar
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How to generate class file with Proto DataStore 1.1.1 protobufPlugin 0.9.4 4.26.1 in simple project

I created HelloDataStore at Android Studio Koala with gradle 8.7. I am new to learn Proto DataStore. I checked codelab for proto DataStore but failed. Then I checked nia (now in Android) app and found ...
Shanksiscool's user avatar
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How to represent an int64 value in JSON for GRPC?

I have a problem with GRPC representing int64 values in JSON. I have a protobuf definition I'm using: syntax = "proto3"; package foo; message Bar { string spec = 1; int64 ...
Eric Brown's user avatar
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Bulding protobuf for CPP

I'm trying to use protobuf for my application. I would like to link it to run my programm Steps I did install via homebrew brew install protobuf checked if abseil is included (hence the error I'm ...
challmann's user avatar
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setting default values in Python Protobuf fields

I am writing some python test routines with protobuf acting as the communication medium with a firmware module. I keep tripping over an issue. I receive a response from a module expecting a value in ...
wdtj's user avatar
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How to omit a wrapper message in the data class when (de)serializing?

I have a Protobuf message structure like this: message TopLevel { required Identifier identifier = 1; } message Identifier { required uint64 value = 1; } Now, I want to use kotlinx....
manabreak's user avatar
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Buf with protoc_builtin PHP has different behaviour than the actual protoc plugin?

I'm migrating a PHP project using protoc to the Buf CLI. To ensure backwards compatibility, I'm trying to have Buf produce more or less exactly the same output as the builtin PHP plugin would do. I've ...
nessel's user avatar
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How to decode a protobuf Firestore event payload

I have a Cloud Run Function, that gets triggered on Firestore event, as outlined below: from cloudevents.http import CloudEvent import functions_framework ...
Tokyo's user avatar
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Qt 6.8 Protobuf serialization default values to Json

I have a message in proto file message GeoCoord { double lat = 1; double lon = 2; } After serialization this message to json and sending it with WebSocket on other socket i getting ...
Maleno's user avatar
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buf - how to remove existing path

Using a scala service with protobuf based grpc. I used to have 3 folders with .proto files in the service. One of those is now moved to a different library. So my buf.yaml was adjusted as follows: ...
J-W's user avatar
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clang-format and TextProto / .txtpb and .textproto files

Modern clang-format supports text format protobuf. I have a simple .clang-format file: --- BasedOnStyle: Google --- Language: TextProto ColumnLimit: <CHANGE_ME> I have the following sample / ...
hansfn's user avatar
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Repeating rpc calls doesnt add new objects to a queue

I'm trying to implement a simple gRPC service, where a client can queue up a task to the server. I decided to test out multiple calls, where a client sends multiple request, yet the task count is ...
melancholy's user avatar
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Why does asizeof() claim that Python instance of protobuf message takes so much memory?

I'm investigating a memory issue related to protobuf message in Python. Here is the simple protobuf message: syntax="proto3"; message LiveAgentMessage { string text = 1; } So it gets ...
zyxue's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a Message type as a type in another Message?

I'd like to assign a "message" type to Message so payload can be either Sms or Email. This is not valid type as the error says message not defined in reference to the "message" ...
engineer-x's user avatar
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Order of protobuf members in C/C++

I generate a Protocol Buffers3 message via: message M { uint32 first = 1; unint64 second = 2; } The generated .h header however has effectively this order: struct M { std::uint64_t second{...
Chris's user avatar
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Proto DataStore Fails to Generate Files Due to AndroidSourceSet Conflict in Gradle

I'm trying to implement Proto DataStore in my Android project, but the library fails to generate any files from the .proto file and throws the following exception: A problem occurred configuring ...
Burak Karaduman's user avatar
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Can't deserialize protobuf data using Kafka-Connect with Schema-registry

I am trying to sink a Kafka topic (with proto data!) into a Postgres table using Kafka-Connect and Schema-registry! My Kafka-Connect connector file : { "name":"proto_sink", ...
nilian's user avatar
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How to use protoc command to decode multiple files?

I have two proto files at different file paths -> path1/a.proto path2/b.proto i use the command: protoc --decode="packagename" path1/a.proto < dump.pb > dump.txt And the output ...
ssonthal's user avatar
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How to return Errors via GRPC/Protobuf API in Golang with rich information?

I started learning golang, so I built a small API (using GRPC & Protobuf) in my golang application. The project grew and grew - but now I am at a point, where I don't really know how to continue: ...
gth44's user avatar
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Error using Tensorflow in Python: google.protobuf

I am trying to run a Python script in Anaconda environment on Windows using Python 3.8.20 and Tensorflow 2.10. The following error occurs: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\models\...
Jekaterina Truskina's user avatar
-2 votes
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Specify "proto_path" globally

Is there any way to specify the proto_path value globally so that an import path could be recognized system wide like import "google/protobuf/Any.proto"? To be particular so that I will not ...
Arnold Zahrneinder's user avatar
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How do I generate .proto file with placeholder field names from protobuf file?

I'm trying to reverse engineering a protobuf file. The plan is to feed the result of protoc --decode_raw and a list of possible field names to an LLM and instruct it to output a possible proto file. ...
Teddy C's user avatar
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Gradle Protobuf plugin builds error with new version of Gradle

I have a Kotlin project with a build.gradle.kts file which has some protobuf task. It has Gradle version 7.5 and version 0.8.14. I am trying to upgrade the Grade from 7.5 to 8.10. ...
Bin Chen's user avatar
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The error no such package ‘google/protobuf’ occurs in bazel test genc/

I could not do bazel test for genc and got an error. I did the following steps as git clone cd genc docker build -t ...
Muramat's user avatar
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Envoy proxy react frontend grpc connection error to go server

I have a go server serving a proto using grpc and I want to call it from react frontend. Server: lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":9090") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to ...
Rad's user avatar
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How to test stream response form a server?

I am working on a client for a project I am writing in go and using grpc for the server. I wrote the code for the client with Cobra CLI. The purpose of the client is to replace the old cli interface ...
syb's user avatar
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Duplicate message type name in different namespaces throws "already defined in file..." error

Assume the following proto files File 1 syntax = "proto3"; package helloworld; option csharp_namespace = "MyNamespace"; option java_package = "com.mynamespace"; ...
Mike's user avatar
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