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Files not found after packing everything up to a Jar-File, though its working in Eclipse

So my program is finally done in it's first version. I can run it in Eclipse IDE without any problems, but as soon as I pack it up into a Jar-File, it can't find the files that were in a folder within ...
Gregor7008's user avatar
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1 answer

Where should I add servlets in the Eclipse IDE's new folder structure

I'm new to dynamic web designing using java. In the reference video I'm following the professor is using an older version of eclipse IDE. My folder structure is a bit different from his. I'm using ...
Thulina Wickramasinghe's user avatar
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1 answer

Duplicate classes in identical packages, but only one of those can be imported

I am working on a legacy Java app and am investigating why there are duplicate classes in 2 of the projects, used in the workspace. So the classes from project1 and project2 are both in com.example....
Rivfader's user avatar
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1 answer

How to properly set up layers of application using javaee, javafx, jpa? [closed]

I am creating javafx desktop application and javaee application. They will be almost same in functionality. Both applications needs to have its own sql database, but the databases will have same ...
Wortig's user avatar
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5 answers

Howto do project structure "src/main/java" in eclipse`?

sometimes i face project structures in Package Explorer that are at "src/main/java". But if i work for myself it is only "src". Howto take controll of that? Difference between two projects in eclipse:...
Enomine's user avatar
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1 answer

Where should referenced libraries be placed in a maven project?

I am new to maven and I am trying to design an app which uses a lot of referenced libraries (jars and class folders) my question is where referenced libraries should be placed in project structure? If ...
tur11ng's user avatar
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3 answers

My src in Java Resources suddenly disappear

I'm creating a Dynamic Web Project, and I have src in my Java Resources then suddenly src disappear inside of it. I find out that the src became a context folder in the root along with Java Resources, ...
msagala25's user avatar
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1 answer

Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml.

Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Select: Maven->Update Project... from the project context menu or use Quick Fix. <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=...
Safdar Akrami's user avatar
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Java project import into eclipse created a broken hierarchy of folders

I imported a Java project into Eclipse workspace and the structure of the project folders broke. Attached the screenshot of the situation. How to safely import a project with out breaking the ...
user64287's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Multiple projects in Android Studio

I've been using eclipse for a couple of years now but have finally decided to move to Android Studio. The problem is that during these years I've created over 100 apps that are based on one project. ...
soulkito's user avatar
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Using an Eclipse Project (Structure) in Android Studio without damaging the Structure [duplicate]

I am absolutely new to stackoverflow (first question :D) so I hope I'll get all the rules in my Head asap :D. comes my Question: Is there a Possibility to work on an Eclipse Project in ...
Vic Torious's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add a test package to already existing ejb project?

I have an EJB3.0 application which has a ejbModule folder and some packages inside it. Can you Please tell me how and where to add test cases to the project? Do I need to create a separate test ...
devvapp's user avatar
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1 answer

Project Structure for Java EE7 using Maven (Core App Ejb, Children apps Ejb)

I am trying to create a project structure using Maven and Eclipse, I uses the archetype called jboss-ee6-webapp-ear-archetype (7.1.3.Final) and It generates the structure that I want to use with 4 ...
jonathan's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Separated API and Implementation Project Structure

A parent-api-impl project structure is kind of new to me. Our Java maven project structure is like this: > com.sample.myproject > com.sample.myproject.api > com.sample.myproject.impl My ...
learning_dev_me's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to Split Maven project into different modules?

I am completely newbie to Maven, I've a requirement to split my project into four different projects like web project model project DAOs project Tests project Finally packaging should be single war ...
Phani Kumar Bhavirisetty's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there any reason to use Maven project instead of Eclipse one? [closed]

I have a project written entirely in Java, and using several external Java libraries (Hibernate, a couple of Apache Commons, MQ, pretty standard stuff). I've been working with Eclipse, but this ...
Eddy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to organize webdriver project in eclipse?

I've started a few WebDriver projects in Eclipse Juno but i'm not satisfied with my structure, i think is to stupid and not efficient at all. Beneath you can see my project three now. The TEST_xxx....
Oleaha's user avatar
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1 answer

Version controlling Android/Eclipse project with all it's 3rd party libraries

So here is the deal. Let's say I'm developing an app depending on the Facebook SDK and Chris Banes PullToRefreshListView. I import the SDK's to my workspace(which I don't really like since it fills ...
Alexander's user avatar
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2 answers

Tree project structure in eclipse

I don't like the non-tree structure that eclipse provides me with (dot separators instead branches). Is there some plugin that would make it look more net beans or visual studio?
Jacek Kwiecień's user avatar
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What files are used when compiling Eclipse java applet and android projects?

If I put files not related to the code (e.g. photoshop source files, conceptual graphs, increments of code in another folder) in an Eclipse project, will those files be added to the resulting file ...
amlabs's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

How do you organize 100+ projects in Eclipse?

When you have 5+ languages and 100+ projects, IMO the default of using one workspace is not acceptable because the one workspace becomes horribly disorganized. Having one huge unorganized workspace ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Project Directory Structure Problem in Eclipse

I am facing this weird problem ..When i checked out project from svn my whole project was in directory kind of structure ie. my package was like (folder inside another folder) MainProject + + +++...
Anupam Gupta's user avatar
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3 answers

Where should test classes be stored in the project?

I build all my web projects at work using RAD/Eclipse, and I'm interested to know where do you normally store your test's *.class files. All my web projects have 2 source folders: "src" for source ...
limc's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to structure a website project in Eclipse

I am starting a web application project that will have an Adobe Flex front-end and a PHP/MySQL back-end. I've developed a lot of C++ desktop applications, but am new to building web applications, and ...
Brian Stewart's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Using Eclipse for Intellij Idea projects

I like Eclipse and I want to use it, the problem is that I can't figure out a simple and fast way to configure projects once checked out from svn. All projects I work with have several modules and ...
Alberto Zaccagni's user avatar