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library that contains different files which more than one of them has main() method

I have added a jar file to my java project that contains different files which more than one of them has main() method.i want to know which main() runs first when i run the project.
omidXxX's user avatar
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Main has no effect on JAR

I have the following code in main class it works if i run the program through netbeans. But when i open the jar made by netbeans it seems as if i had not written anything in main except the new ...
Daksh Shah's user avatar
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NetBeans created Jar file "cannot find main method"

I realize there are similar questions on StackOverflow, but none of the answers are helping me. I have a project that I made in netbeans and after setting as my main project I did a clean build. I ...
Robert's user avatar
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How to create .jar from specific package (without main) in Netbeans?

There are a lot of similar questions, but none for this specifically. I have a Netbeans project with a bunch of packages. Only one has Main. I'd like to be able to create a .jar from just one of the ...
Vesperto's user avatar