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Error:(26) error: ' ' is incompatible with attribute android:icon (attr) reference

I am trying to hide the status bar but decided not to do so, so i did back everything but this problem exist. errors: Error:(26) error: ' ' is incompatible with attribute android:icon (attr) ...
BDMs's user avatar
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My App Installs Two Applications - Android

Whenever I try to run my App, it installs two app in the emulator/device. I only want to Install my Main Activity, but the Splash Activity installs also. I know the problem is in the Manifest. Can ...
jajaja's user avatar
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Android Application won't show up even though it said it was installed

I am trying to install an application on my android phone. It says it is successful but I don't see it on my phone. Here is my xml manifest <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest ...
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I Can't Resolve the file!! Help?

I just want to generate a Google Maps app to play with Android development but I can't seem to get past this "R cannot be resolved to a variable" error. I have tried the uncheck Build Automatically, ...
cmcg321's user avatar