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Understanding headers and include

I am trying to grasp how actually multiple definitions of include files collaborate and sometimes collide. So I have a custom header file file.h, where some functions are declared within an #include ...
Dimitar's user avatar
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Error Link2005 in visual 2005

I wrote a c program in Visual C++. test2.cpp #pragma startup pragmaEgFun1 void pragmaEgFun1(){ printf("Hello 1"); } test1.cpp #include "test2.cpp" int main{ printf("...
CODError's user avatar
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Can the pre-processor directives like #include be placed only at the top of the program code?

I have used the #pragma directive inside functions without error or warning(especially #pragma pack()).But the following code shows the warning incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function '...
Rüppell's Vulture's user avatar
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Gwan include scripts

I am currently trying to import some libraries into my Gwan C script. I have read through the manual and am using #pragma include to include the folder that my libraries are in, and then use #pragma ...
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