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Strange behavior of #pragma pack

I am facing a strange issue when using #pragma pack. I have the following structs: st_a: packed with #pragma pack(1). Size = 1 byte. Contains bitfields. st_b: packed with #pragma pack(2). Size = 14 ...
kiner_shah's user avatar
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how to control padding between struct elements in GNU compiler? [duplicate]

In below code. When I print individual char array size it prints correct value. But when I print whole struct size at a time it adds one byte more for each char array. How can I control padding ...
Dharmesh's user avatar
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Packing bools with bit field (C++)

I'm trying to interface with Ada code using C++, so I'm defining a struct using bit fields, so that all the data is in the same place in both languages. The following is not precisely what I'm doing, ...
Keith M's user avatar
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Alignment of struct didn't work with #pragma pack

I have a c++ structure: struct a { char b; int c; int d[100]; }; The size of the struct should be 405 bytes. I saw that the size of the struct is 408 bytes. The reason is the ...
user3181195's user avatar
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c++ wrong values with pragma pack

header1.h #pragma pack(4) header2.h #include <iostream> struct my_struct { unsigned int a; double b; }; __forceinline void show_h(my_struct* my_struct_ptr) { std::cout << sizeof(...
Ivars's user avatar
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Struct packing in GCC on 32-bit doesn't work?

I have inherited some third-party code in a project. It's comprised of a header file and a binary library without sources, so I cannot just recompile it with different settings. The header uses a ...
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