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How can I create unique threads to handle(iterate) portions of a given number using #pragma - Openmp?

So basically I'm new to Stackoverflow and to the whole OpenMP - #pragma parallel implementation of code... I have a decent idea of how threads work. I'm trying to make a variable 'p' (that will be ...
AncientTides's user avatar
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C++ MultiThreading giving different result [duplicate]

I'm a bit new to multithreading in C++ and I'm just trying to complete some simple for loops using OMP. For this function specifically, an array of user specified size n is filled with random integers ...
Fayemrost's user avatar
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c++ pragma omp segmentation fault (data race?) with arrays

I used #pragma directives to parallelize my program. Without it, everything works fine. Unfortunately, I use complex arrays which I have to declare globally because they are used in several functions ...
thiasma's user avatar
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OpenMP #pragma, only one thread working on my code

I am working on a code and I am trying to use more threads according to the guide I have been provided with. It says: "Parallelism is achieved using an OpenMP #pragma to dynamically allocate rows of ...
Tarta's user avatar
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Why my C code is slower using OpenMP

I m trying to do multi-thread programming on CPU using OpenMP. I have lots of for loops which are good candidate to be parallel. I attached here a part of my code. when I use first #pragma omp ...
hadis's user avatar
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