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Why is my key size generated from rsaKeygen() always 19?

When running the rsaKeygen() function, the key it makes is always length 19, and increasing the size of the p and q generation ranges causes the program to hang. Code: function rsaKeygen() p = math....
Overo3's user avatar
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Fortanix dependency for Java 17

I am upgrading from Java 11 to Java 17 I am using the fortanix dependency com.fortanix:sdkms-client:4.27.2394. but it is compiled in java 8, I need the one for Java 17. Opening the class I see ...
Judy1989's user avatar
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RemoveCertificate in System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SignedCms - is real (NetFramwork 4.7)?

Net6 has method System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SignedCms.RemoveCertificate(X509Certificate2 certificate)
Alexey's user avatar
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Why are there no extensions in the CertificateExtensions property of CertificateRequest?

I'm adding a SAN extension to my CSR public CertificateRequest GenerateCSR(string subjectName, List<string> ipAddresses, out RSA rsaKeyPair) { if (ipAddresses == null) { throw ...
vitkuz573's user avatar
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PartialChain error in X509Chain when building certificate chain?

I'm encountering a PartialChain error when using the X509Chain class in C# to build a certificate chain. The error message states: "Cannot build a certificate chain for a trusted root authority.&...
vitkuz573's user avatar
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Including other certificates when signing using SignedCms and CmsSigner on .NET C#

I'm trying to implement the following signing operation using C# .NET APIs. $ openssl smime -binary -sign -certfile WWDR.pem -signer signerCertWithKey.pem -in manifest.json -out signature -outform DER ...
b.sodhi's user avatar
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Meaning of algorithm properties in a certificate

I am not able to find a reliable definition for the different algorithm properties in a certificate. In windows UI, I have this CA certificate and a CRL it generated (with certutil/ADCS): My ...
stan's user avatar
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Decryption error while Decrypt the symmetric key

I'm trying to use RSA algorithm and PKCS1Padding for encryption the given password but when cipher.doFinal() is called the BadPaddingException is thrown. Here is the code : String rsaKeyAlgorithm = &...
Mohammadreza Khatami's user avatar
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How can i get public key in DER format from base64 encoded public key?

I am trying to get public key in DER format from base64 encoded public key using swift. Is there any way to do this?
ahad alam's user avatar
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Automate parsing yubikey pin in pkcs11

I'm working on infrastructure that requires me to load a smartcard prior to getting access to the bastions. This is done using a Yubikey based The code looks like : ` Generate-ssh() { ssh-...
sagan cobra's user avatar
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What is the safest way to recognize if a file is application/pkcs7-mime or analogous in Angular?

I need to know a safe method to detect application/pkcs7-mime or similar files. One way would be to detect the final extension of the file but I would like to know if there is something better than ...
Danilo Giovannico's user avatar
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OpenSSL.crypto.Error when trying to load certificate from Azure Key Vault

I need to implement certificate-based authentication for web API hosted in app service on Azure. To do this I firstly generated .crt certificate file and private key .key file like this: openssl req -...
devaerial's user avatar
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convert pkcs1 signature to pkcs7 signature using nodejs

as you know, there is no pkcs7 sign in ios, so in backend with nodejs we must convert to pkcs7 for another service call which only accept pkcs7 and it's not in our company. in our sever we have that ...
Faraz's user avatar
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In which version of openssl is the pkcs8 v2 option introduced?

In which version of openssl is the pkcs8 v2 option introduced? Ex: openssl pkcs8 -in key.pem -topk8 -v2 des3 -out enckey.pem From which version of openssl does v2 of pkcs8 work by default?(Which uses ...
Vejju Deepesh's user avatar
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How to check pkcs format of a private key using golang code?

I am trying find the encryption format of a private key whether it is pkcs1 or pkcs8. Is there any golang code that helps me identify it
Vejju Deepesh's user avatar
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Parsing OIDs in CertificatePolicies from CSR object in CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 in c#

I am trying to parse a CSR, CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 object to read the OIDs in the Certificate policies in extension but I am not able get to it. CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 request = new ...
Bhupesh Pant's user avatar
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What is the accepted way to transfer public-private keypairs over intranet? [closed]

I have an embedded system (Netburner 5441x) that consumes public-private RSA keypairs. I have ported OpenSSL into the system but the processor cannot make keypairs fast enough for the application. ...
Larry Martin's user avatar
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problem in importing private key to the token

I am trying to inject an der formated private key to a PKC11 compatible token, with the below command: pkcs11-tool --module /path_tp/ --login --write-object private.der --type privkey --...
alireza sadeghpour's user avatar
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Azure Function Could not load file or assembly 'System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs'

I recently tried decrypting and verifying PKCS#7 message in C# .NET Core 3.1 Web Application. Here is how I did it. I used System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs in Web app project. But after implementing ...
Rocky Mishra's user avatar
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C# Decrypt AES CBC pkcs1 padding, there is System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.PKCS7 but does not have PKCS1

I need to decrypt a cipher that was encrypted with AES CBC 128 with PKCS1 padding. But, C# AesCryptoServiceProvider and System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode does not have PKCS1. What should I do? ...
Tom's user avatar
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Problem with cURL in PKCS11 with USB TOKEN

I am trying to run a cURL on ubuntu on a usb authentication token to an URL. I can see the private key when I run the command ''pkcs11-tool -l --pin -O", while if I run the command on p11tool ...
AlexVexa's user avatar
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Go TLS x509: no DEK-Info header in block even if using pkcs8

Already burning hours figuring out why I cannot get the certificate using cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(blockCrt.Bytes, blockPEM) A bit of research history I did Able to read Understanding PKCS1, ...
Louie Miranda's user avatar