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How to use implode() in sql operator? [duplicate]

My problem is that i stock a variable (id_chambre) as an array in my database and i want to use it in SQL but it's not working : $sql = "SELECT c.* FROM chambre AS c LEFT JOIN reservation_client AS ...
Maryam stars's user avatar
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1 answer

Get data by week with sql and php

I have a problem and I have no idea how to do that. Please help me with an idea. So I have a table : test, with columns : id begin end 1 2016-06-06 15:30:30 ...
Harea Costicla's user avatar
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PHP mysql update row where user id will be same [duplicate]

i want to insert the value in table first time once i did that again only update in same row and not insert again. my user id is unique
Himanshu Rai's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I limit the display to distinct records?

As shown in the picture below, there are redundant records. How can the redundancy be removed? Here's my code: <?php $YearNow=Date('Y'); include('../connection/connect.php'); $result = $db->...
Ca Ca's user avatar
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Undefined Variable Header in PHP SEND MAIL

After my user registers, I want them to receive an email from my local host server which I'm running. The same script below works fine on a paid hosting but when I try to run it on my local host I get ...
Iamwhoiam's user avatar
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how to close connection using prepare statement in php?

I am using php to create the user accounts on server database.I have used prepare statement to create user account.I want to know how can i close my sql connection using prepare statement or i don't ...
TechChain's user avatar
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How to fetch data from database using prepare statement in php?

I have a database in which I have user_id & associated_id.There can be multiple associated_id for a single user_id. Now I want to fetch all the associated_ids into a single array. I have tried ...
TechChain's user avatar
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Select with datetime from database

I have a problem with my select : I have a form with 2 text boxes : date_min and date_max. This dates come in controller : 2015-05-15 Now in database my dates : c_win like this : 2015-08-20 21:...
TanGio's user avatar
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2 answers

using sql MONTH or YEAR in cakephp find queries

I'm trying to get all the users that has registered during a particular month using a query like this in a cakephp application: $registered_users = $this->User->find('all', array( '...
user765368's user avatar
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english textual date expression cakephp find queries

let's say that I have a database table called users in a cakephp application which contains a bunch of users and in that table I have a field called date which contains the registration date of each ...
user765368's user avatar
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mySQL PHP print results from multiple rows

This is a beginner PHP/SQL question. Basically, I have a Database that looks like this Poem_id | Poem_content | Poem_by | Poem_hotscore ------------ ----------------- ----------- ---------...
user2415992's user avatar
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MySQLi return an array with bind_result and fetch not working

I was wondering how to rewrite/fix the following code. Basically, I have a database named DB and a table in it called poems. I want to get all the data in the poems table that has a certain ID (i.e. ...
user2415992's user avatar
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mysql FOUND_ROWS() return wrong value

I'm trying to use FOUND_ROWS() in my query, but the function returns wrong values sometimes. SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS adminslog.*, admins.fullName FROM adminslog JOIN admins ON
mehran's user avatar
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MySQL: remove number prefix from all records

I have this page table below and I want to remove the numbering prefix of '999' from the column of template_id, page_id template_id url 1 9991 a 2 9992 b 3 ...
Run's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Modify the SQL result

I want to count the total row where parent id is equal to page id in a page table, SELECT parent_id COUNT(*) AS total FROM page AS p WHERE p.parent_id = p.page_id AND p.type = 'page' and I ...
Run's user avatar
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4 answers

MySQL: Combining two repetitive queries

I have this in info in a table where sometime the pd_id is NULL doc_id doc_title doc_order pg_id 14 1 NULL 15 2 NULL 12 ...
Run's user avatar
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Converting Integer into time value, using SQL

So I am using the following SQL search to add all time values in a database in the hours field of the logbook database: SELECT SUM(hours) FROM logbook But there is a problem as I recieve the output: ...
Ben Potter's user avatar
3 votes
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What is a good query builder that can parse and rebuild SQL queries on PHP 5.3?

I do not want an ORM. I am comfortable with writing heavily targeted and optimized queries on my own, and I do not want any sort of ORM bloating my code. I am looking for a light-weight, object-...
Kenaniah's user avatar
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Store Open/Close Times and DST Changes

I've been stuck on this for two days and have gotten no where. I tend to think future and the future problems that will come around. My server's time is set to UTC and linux box is fully updated ...
Jordan's user avatar
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sql help getting data from all the followers ? ( like twitter if we follow )

example if i have follow table company one ( cid = 1 ) following two ( cid = 2 ) company one ( cid = 1 ) following three( cid = 3 ) feeds table company one ( cid = 1 ) type 'product' description '...
Adam Ramadhan's user avatar