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1 answer

Typesetting "et al" in italics with natbib

It looks I'm dealing with an entient problem here but I seem not to find a solution. I'm using Jabref and LaTex(natbib) and I want my reference to appear like this in the text: Peter et al.(2023) i.e, ...
Nictor's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

IEEEtran: spaces between words in title [duplicate]

I have this bib item and I am using IEEEtran as a bibliographystyle. I have used the default IEEEtran.bst and IEEEtran.cls. I am not sure, if I need both but I have tried all variations. @misc{...
purple monkey's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Underline function not working in MiKTeX?

This seems ridiculous but I'm using LaTeX for the first time in a while and when I attempt to underline like so: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} ... \begin{...
casr's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I remove an automatically placed LaTeX citation?

My problem is following: I am citing 19 papers in the bibliography section of my LaTeX file, but whenever I run it in Texstudio to get a PDF, an additional citation appears: "Automatically ...
Andras Di Giovanni's user avatar
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How to get bibex citations as [Gaz14-ol] for online references?

I want to get online references to appears as [Gaz14-ol] or [MQT21-ol] or [GPP+20-ol] while i get [Gaz14] or [MQT21]. @misc{Latex5, author = {Gazebo}, title = {{Open Source Robotics ...
tolearntoseek's user avatar
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R Markdown not producing bibliographies for PDF

I am about to give up on LaTex through Rmarkdown. I mean honestly what is the point when it is just a constant stream of errors that take an hour to solve. Anyway, the last thing that I need to solve ...
3kixintehead's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

BibTeX You can't pop an empty literal stack

I know just the basic of latex, and I got an error inside the bibliography files iet.bst a bibliography file modified by IET and offered as latex files to write a paper to be published. The error is ...
Leozítor's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Problems doing citations using RStudio with natbib with a bibliography style

Consider the following: test.rnw \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \begin{document} <<setup, include = FALSE, echo = FALSE>>= Sys....
Clarinetist's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Converting Jupyter to PDF using Latax

I am trying to convert a Jupyter notebook to PDF using latex but i am facing the below issues. I believe it is to do with graphs that get generated when i compile my document. The file also contains ...
AA2018-2020's user avatar
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APA6 one author latex citation doesn't work

\documentclass[jou,apacite]{apa6} \title{Example of an APA style for journal article} \shorttitle{APA style} \twoauthors{Author One}{Author Two} \twoaffiliations{Institute of Psychology}{Institute ...
Esoteric maverick's user avatar
1 vote
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Latex: Can I cite a reference after the bibliography

I'm having trouble with citations after the bibliography (in my appendices) using Bibtex/pdflatex. I'm using the 'puthesis' class - Purdue's class for our theses - which is built on top of the '...
ahagen's user avatar
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1 answer

Attaching Mendeley .bib to RMarkdown

EDIT: Fixed first problem, but now I've got a different one. I have been attempting to attach a bibliography generated by Mendeley to an RMarkdown document, but it's yielding a font error. I'm ...
nmariano's user avatar
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Not able to add the second refernce, as i add second citation in .bib file and build the file from latex ,the changes are not shown

basic structure of my latex file is :- \documentclass{article} \usepackage{cite} \begin{document} % all the content goes here \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{biblio.bib} \end{document} ...
Amarjit Dhillon's user avatar
3 votes
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Pandoc(md, latex) should generate bibitem in Bibliography

With pandoc I am trying to produce a .tex file by combining a .md and a .bib file. In the resulting latex file, Pandoc already formatted as plain text the inline reference as well as the full ...
Martin's user avatar
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Run LaTeX command in Sublime 3

I'm working with LaTeX files in Sublime 3 (3059). Given a main .tex file and a .bib file holding the citations, I'd like to be able to issue the standard: pdflatex main.tex && bibtex main.aux ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Wrap URL (ignores margin) in BibTeX using pdfLaTeX

I'm using the breakurl package and the hyperref package with pdfLatex and BibTeX to cite a url. The url is breaking, but not according to my margins. Is there any way I can make the url recognize my ...
Andee's user avatar
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67 votes
4 answers

Compiling LaTex bib source

I am writing my thesis in Latex, and I have the references in an own thesis.bib file which look as follows @Article{xxx, author = "D.A. Reinhard", title = "Case Study", year = ...
Klaus's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Remove header from bibliography pages

I use this LaTeX code to add a bibliography section: \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{bp} The first page looks fine. It contains the Bibliography title, no header and a list of citations. ...
Lukáš Lalinský's user avatar