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Passkey registration failing while implementing a third party passkeys manager

We are implementing a 3rd party Passkeys Manager app for ios. In the ios app in the CredentialProviderViewController I've implemented: func prepareCredentialList( for serviceIdentifiers: [...
Jaydip Finava's user avatar
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Is there a way to determine which keys exist on a device when using Apple's public-private key authentication?

I'm trying to make a good UX for allowing a user to refresh their authentication with a public-private key via the public-private key functions in AuthenticationServices. I would like to only show a &...
Egg's user avatar
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Check if there is any stored passkey on iOS

Is it possible to check if device has any passkeys stored or not? Context: I need to sign in with passkeys only if there is saved one. I don't want to show QR code and scan it with other device. My ...
Timur Mustafaev's user avatar
2 votes
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User verification failed when signing in to an iOS app with a passkey

I am trying to implement a login with passkeys in a SwiftUI app, based on the sample code provided by Apple (food truck app). On the server side, I am using node.js with @simplewebauthn package. As of ...
Rodrigue2g's user avatar
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Unexpected RP ID hash when registering a passkey in an iOS app

I am trying to implement a login with passkeys in a SwiftUI app, based on the sample code provided by Apple (food truck app). On the server side, I am using node.js with @simplewebauthn package. As of ...
Rodrigue2g's user avatar
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1Password passkey no rawClientDataJSON

iOS 17 support third party password manager such as 1Password to store and use passkey. For iCloud passkey, it is able to obtain rawClientDataJSON from ...
Kit's user avatar
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Keep getting an error on macOS when trying to use Passkeys to login

I keep getting the following error when trying to run Passkey sign in on macOS. Told not to present authorization sheet: Error Code=1 &...
Harsh's user avatar
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Webauthn using Passkeys in osx

I am trying to use passkeys to perform webauthn registration and authentication. I have an extension to the website that access the native message host program. The native message host is written in ...
hyoyin_Kyuoma's user avatar
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How do I show passkeys in the autofill prompt when the user taps the "key icon"?

I'm busy implementing passkeys but I'm encountering an issue with the autofill feature. According to the WWDC video ( at around 14:30), when the ...
Paper_Box_4112's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to associate the localhost domain with my application identifier when using Passkey auth?

Working a Vapor application on localhost, and when trying to authenticate with Passkey using the iPhone simulator, the authorizationController(controller:didCompleteWithError:) delegate method ...
Roland Lariotte's user avatar
3 votes
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Challenge fetched from sever does not match challenge created by ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider credential creation request

I followed WWDC 2022 passkeys video and I am trying to register a passkey for my service in iOS as described in that video. Below is the function where I obtain challenge from server and then make use ...
letsbondiway's user avatar