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Python Paramiko method paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect only receives files via key_filename, is there a way to pass a string variable? [duplicate]

Python's package Paramiko has the moehtod paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect to connect. It receives the private key as a file with the parameter key_filename. ssh.connect(key_filename=key_filename) ...
Moisés Briseño Estrello's user avatar
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Python, SSH Tunnel forwarding with CA key

I had a working SSH tunnelforwarder using sshtunnel library. ssh_tunnel_server = { 'ssh_address_or_host': (remote_host, 22), 'ssh_username': ssh_user, 'ssh_pkey': ssh_key_path, '...
domagaja's user avatar
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SFTP server in Python with Paramiko does not allow SFTP connections

I rewrote the question because it didn't fit underneath. I'm trying paramiko library, in python, to configure an SFTP Server. I start defining a ROOT_FOLDER to the path of my wished one. Then i exend ...
MagoLione's user avatar
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Second .connect with paramiko (ssh) [duplicate]

Form the main Linux OS (connected, working) I would like to run another ".connect". Here is the code: import paramiko hostname = "hostaname" ip = "1111.111.11.11" ...
Gооd_Mаn's user avatar
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How to properly use of Python Paramiko channels to read data from it [duplicate]

This is in relation to my previous question: Python SSH Paramiko set_keepalive not working on Linux I'm trying to write a code that uses Paramiko's channel to execute a command on CISCO network device ...
klosz007's user avatar
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Old SFTP Issue: paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable host key)

Error: paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable host key) Paramiko Version: 2.8.1 [cannot update unfortunately] Debug Logs: DEBUG:paramiko.transport:starting thread (...
LearnerJS's user avatar
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Python SSH Paramiko set_keepalive not working on Linux

I'm trying to write a script that initializes firmware upgrade of the network switch and analyzes the output from the switch once SSH session is terminated. I use Python 3.11 an Paramiko 3.4.0. To ...
klosz007's user avatar
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"TypeError: string argument without an encoding" when retrieving an ORM object

I'm trying to set up an SFTP server in python, using paramiko library. I'm using a PostgreSQL to store users credentials, by SQLAlchemy library. When I try to login using FileZilla or WinSCP to the ...
MagoLione's user avatar
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mock paramiko.SSHClient.exec_command() with side_effects [duplicate]

I need mock execution of some remote command via ssh.exec_command() It returns tuple (stdin, stdout, stderr) as paramiko.ChanelFile object. I know I can use mock.MagicMock() and that is what I have ...
rashi's user avatar
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Socketio emit doesn't work inside a thread

The title. I have this code with Paramiko and Flask and the thread is not emitting the message: from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_socketio import SocketIO, send import ...
Jaime Emiliano Legorreta Lozan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sftp paramiko and sshd-mina not able to write on remote server even if no error. On local sftp server it works though

I'm just showing the code used to try to upload a file in sftp: # Check file size def check_file_size(path): try: size = os.path.getsize(path) print(f"Local file size: {size} ...
SGiux's user avatar
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configure django storages with sftp server , docker local project

I was trying to configure django-storages to use sftp server to upload static and media to the sftp, however when I do collectstatic it shows "timeout" error here is my django conf. USE_NNUH ...
Israa Salameh's user avatar
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Convert paramiko.sftp_file.SFTPFile object to unicode

What I need, is to copy a .csv file from an SFTP server to a Google Cloud Storage bucket without downloading the file locally. Here is my code so far: from import storage import io ...
Maximuluss's user avatar
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Paramiko - How to read SSH server output of a script ran at logon

I am writing a script to do some automation and searching through the Paramiko documentation and Stackoverflow I cannot find a way to do this. When logging in to the server in question, the server ...
Wichid Nixin's user avatar
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How can I do Tailscale authentication with Paramiko?

I'm writing a script that uses the Tailscale API to get a list of devices, then uses Paramiko to connect via SSH and query some data on the device. This worked fine yesterday, but today all the ...
parsley72's user avatar
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Is there a way to make two pings in one SSH session?

I'm trying to make a script that makes a connection via ssh to a cisco switch, and right there makes two pings one after the other. The problem is when I'm doing it - the output in the second ping is &...
Seggenz's user avatar
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Execute Shell command after Switching to another user in Python [duplicate]

I am looking for a solution in which I should be able to do following in Python: Login to a unix system with a generic user (user id/password); Switch to another user who can not be directly logged ...
Praveen Mishra's user avatar
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Paramiko - SFTP server removes files before they are uploaded [duplicate]

I am using paramiko to send pdf and csv files to an sftp server. The client is telling me that some files arrive on the server but I keep getting the error: Failed to upload 180.pdf for order 180: [...
Eugen 's user avatar
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Pytest/Unittest SFTP Client Connection

I've written a function that establishes and returns an SFTP client connection. Here is the code: import paramiko from io import StringIO from fastapi import HTTPException def get_sftp_client( ...
daniel guo's user avatar
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Can't connect to Oracle 19c db with SSH tunnel using python

I am not an expert neither on Oracle or Python, so maybe the answer is obvious but I still couldn't find the answer to my problem on forums. I have an SSH connection to Oracle 19c db on SQL developer ...
Nándor Zaja's user avatar
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Running Custom C over ssh with paramiko [duplicate]

I've been trying to automatically execute some compiled C code over an SSH session. However, I have a big issue; my C code requires user input, and therefore I need to be able to catch those inputs ...
Guillaume Bnb's user avatar
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Running Powershell commands using Paramiko in python in a remote Windows 7

I'm using paramiko in Python to send commands (and retrieve data) from another server. When I send a Powershell command to Windows 10 server it all works OK. But when sending this to Windows 7 it ...
Izik's user avatar
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Python not catching a Paramiko IncompatiblePeer exception

I have the following code: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import paramiko from paramiko import SSHClient from paramiko.ssh_exception import IncompatiblePeer xkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file('./...
montjoie's user avatar
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Install kerberos packages using paramiko [duplicate]

I'm trying to automate installation of kerberos packages (krb5-kdc, krb5-admin-server, krb5-user) using python-paramiko library on Ubuntu server. Ref article:
Abhishek Agarwal's user avatar
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Trouble moving directory with paramiko [duplicate]

I am trying to creating an automated process that retrieves a file/files from an API, downloads the files onto a local path, then moves the files to a remote path onto an SFTP. API ---> Local Path--...
sdgibbs's user avatar
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Parse the output of a linux command

I'm trying to match one specific line to capture an address in the output of a bridge control command on a remote host. I'm not sure if this should be done using stdout and readlines. I'm a noob... ...
notsure's user avatar
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Paramiko: stdin.write works only if I stop at a breakpoint, doesn't work with sleep

I'm trying to run a command on a remote Linux machine with paramiko ssh = SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(IP_VM_AIX, PORT_VM_AIX, username=...
Zlotz's user avatar
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Breaking up python computation to speed up ssh

I'm using a Paramiko connection to execute a handful of commands over ssh. A few (not entirely real) examples to show the idea: def get_version(conn): stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command('...
Sonicsmooth's user avatar
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Paramiko how to check if current path is directory [duplicate]

I'm encountering an issue while working with the paramiko library, specifically regarding the SFTPClient module. I'm attempting to recursively download files from a directory, including all ...
Gabi's user avatar
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SFTP file transfer time stamp

I am writing a python script to check how long the file is staying in the SFTP. Every minute the script will run and it'll check if the file is there or not. Here's a part of the script checking the ...
Vaishant Sah's user avatar
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Failing to pass a downloaded file-like object from sharepoint using the shareplum and paramiko libraries

I'm receiving an error when passing a file object using paramiko's putfo(). AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'read' Here's what my putfo() looks like ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ...
BlakeB9's user avatar
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How to resolve BadHostKeyException with paramiko? [duplicate]

I have following code to connect to a linux box and run a command, But I'm facing BadHostKeyException even after I have added WarningPolicy and AutoAddPolicy. print("---CCCCCCCCCCCCC--...
mac's user avatar
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How to enter a command twice with paramiko

I use paramiko package in python, and I have to input command('pcoip-list-licese') and input password('Password1!'). When in server same command, the server request password. ...
hanel's user avatar
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Paramiko hangs during connect()

I'm trying to use paramiko to upload files to a remote EC2 server. My which primarily handles my tkinter GUI imports a custom lib.file_handler module that handles some functionality. That ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to use pysftp with the -o"HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa" -o"PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa" options?

Using paramiko I want to select the list of pubkey algorithm my key is in, do you know how I can run a similar command like: sftp \ -i private_key.pem \ -P 22 \ -o"HostKeyAlgorithms=+...
Natim's user avatar
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how to solve the problem of the script freezing after restarting the service in paramiko python

Simple script: import json import paramiko from rich import print, pretty, inspect from settings import domain pretty.install() convert_dom = json.dumps(domain) set_domain = json.loads(convert_dom) ip ...
JustAnotherVar's user avatar
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When using the Paramiko rename function to change the name of a file in a new directory I get an error

Currently, I am using Paramiko to connect to an Sftp server to find a file and then rename the file in a new directory. I can use sftp.get() to get the file and place it in my directory, however, when ...
user23492696's user avatar
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Automating CLI with paramiko in python : Sending keyboard keys into CLI command [duplicate]

I am currently automating CLI command testing with paramiko in python. After successfull connection with ssh and running one command, an interactive session opens up in CLI itself, which is asking to ...
Palash Agrawal's user avatar
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Get the credentials an instance of `Channel` used to authenticate in Paramiko

I've been working with this multi-threaded SSH server that I made and I've encountered an issue. I need a way to get the credentials each channel used for authentication. For example, in handle after ...
TheTridentGuy supports Ukraine's user avatar
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What is the best way to implement multithreaded SSH logins using Netmiko with Python?

I have a list of network devices I need to SSH into in order to get the output of a command. I'm using Netmiko (Python). The SSH login credentials of each "login request" are JSON objects ...
funk4del1c's user avatar
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Paramiko Put - Send SFTP succeed but I got an error message [duplicate]

I am sending a file through a SFTP server which is known to be difficult (PORT: 1002_) The file is going through but I still have the error ssh_Client = pmiko.SSHClient() ssh_Client....
Josiane's user avatar
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How to open a GUI-Application on a Server (Raspi) via SSH using python/paramiko?

As server I got a Raspberry Pi with a display connected by hdmi. From my Windows 10 pc I whant to execute a gui-application on my Pi by ssh, so that the application get's displayed on the Pi's display....
Markus's user avatar
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Aws Airflow 2.7.2 installing paramiko 3.3.1 error

I'm upgrading my airflow from 1.10.12 to 2.7.2, python 3.6 to 3.11.7 and trying to install my libraries I get an error on Paramiko enter image description here but I have already tried to install ...
Leonardo Peña's user avatar
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Paramiko "UnicodeDecodeError" when authenticating with key from Pageant

Experiencing an issue when attempting to connect to a server using Paramiko and SSH agent Pageant. The error indicates that the script is failing during the connection attempt, specifically when ...
Frank's user avatar
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Ansible module succeeds on my Mac, but fails on a Rock Linux box?

I created an Ansible module shown on this post Pass/fail result for Paramiko SFTPClient get() and put() functions? Here's a simple playbook to test the module. - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: ...
Chris F's user avatar
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Pass/fail result for Paramiko SFTPClient get() and put() functions?

I'm writing an Ansible module using Paramiko's SFTPClient class. I have the following code snippets import paramiko from ansible.module_utils.basic import * def get_sftp_client(host, port, user, ...
Chris F's user avatar
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Paramiko on OpenWRT 22.03

I seem to be having trouble getting Paramiko to run despite all the dependencies I think it needs installed. Whenever I try to import it the following traceback occurs: Python 3.10.9 (main, Sep 11 ...
Cooper's user avatar
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Ansible custom library for SFTP returns error

I'm trying to create my first Ansible library to upload/download files from our SFTP server since the current modules do NOT support SFTP protocols. Here's the library/ file (I removed the ...
Chris F's user avatar
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how to get more info from try/except

I'm having problems with my code in python where basically I make several SSH connection. I'm always using this format: try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko....
martinmistere's user avatar
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Why this exception using Paramiko?

I'm trying to teach myself Python to connect to an SFTP server. I tried out this sample code from How do I change directories using Paramiko?. import paramiko # Create an SSH client ssh = paramiko....
Chris F's user avatar
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