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Use Arkime to read and process packets from kafka

We have huge amount of custom packets with different size and length in Kafka topics. about 1 GigB/s. we want read this packets, process and then store useful part of data in elastic. is it possible ...
saeednzr's user avatar
2 votes
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How to intercept IP packets going to the kernel Linux

I need to create a TCP session "manually", without using the connect() function. I have tried to use RAW sockets. But in this case, I only get copies of the incoming IP packets. The original ...
asdo's user avatar
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2 answers

Wireshark not capturing packets when applying "tcp and host" ( ip address of facebook)

I am trying to Capture all TCP traffic to/from Facebook, during the time when i log in to my Facebook account using this "tcp and host" capture filter, but it is not capturing ...
vansika's user avatar
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Acknowledgment for [FIN,PSH,ACK] combined packet

How can I acknowledge a TCP packet with [FIN, PSH, ACK] flags set to 1? Do we need to acknowledge for both PSH and FIN separately or a single ACK can work in this case?
Hassan's user avatar
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Trouble importing pyshark module

My current project involves receiving data packets from an external IP device and displaying/using the data with python. I am currently trying to use pyshark to extract this data, but am running into ...
AcePilotWarhawk's user avatar
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What is the difference between these 2 TCP packet captures? One doesn't work

Senario 1: TCP string containing "PV_MOTION_ON" is sent by a simple utility like PacketSender to an automation program for parsing TCP strings. It works perfectly. Scenario 1 WireShark PCAP File ...
BElias's user avatar
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Who bears the responsibility for dealing with client ephemeral port reuse after power loss?

We have clients that, on startup, map an smb share on a FreeNAS server. We've noticed that after a power loss, they sometimes have an issue connecting to the smb share. After a bit of debugging and ...
aggieNick02's user avatar
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Get Header and Request Body from Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4

I need to read the requests and responses from a particular desktop app, I have been able to capture requests and responses from Microsoft Network Monitor. How can I get the Headers and Response Body ...
Purujit Bansal's user avatar
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read raw packets over network with C#?

I've got a proprietary BMS language that is sending it's info over a specific UDP port on the network. The existing interface is not very well made or maintained, and functions poorly. I have access ...
rizz's user avatar
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TCP response with RST, ACK

My unit is supposed to send CSR request to a CA server and get the new certificate. When checked packets captured via Wireshark, TCP packet is sent with SYN but received RST,ACK. When tried to ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Packet capture inside windows docker container

Is it possible to capture tcp packets inside a windows docker container? (using an image ultimately based on microsoft/windowsservercore) netsh trace start fails with The inbox capture driver could ...
Duncan's user avatar
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Network and Transport layer functionalities on Captured packets

I have a Client and Server programs communicating on TCP, implementing IEC-60870-5-104 protocol on the application layer. I am sniffing a copy of all traffic between them, How do I exactly replicate ...
reddi hari's user avatar
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Wireshark filter for packets which initiates FIN (connection close) sequence from the server-side

Apache (ec2) --- Client (ELB) | | |-------[1.]FIN------->| | | |<-----[2.]FIN+ACK-----| | | |---------ACK--------->| | ...
S.Tana's user avatar
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Howto intercept tcp packet and modify in the fly?

Howto intercept tcp packet and modify in the fly without proxy in Linux (Ubuntu)? by example, capture packet as wireshark but modify the packets. Need capture, search and replace packets, but example:...
e-info128's user avatar
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What are different between these?(TCP packet)

enter image description here These have a two different. if you need more information Plz leave an answer. Thanks.
Yj J's user avatar
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running `mtr` network diagnostic tool in the background like `nohup` processes

mtr is a great tool for debugging the network packet losses. Here i sample mtr output. My traceroute [v0.85] ( ...
veer7's user avatar
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Unrelated packets in TCP communication capturing results

I am using Wireshark to capture TCP communication packets in my experiment (using Mininet Simulation). The experiment involves a client ( who requests HTTP page from the server ( ...
Frank's user avatar
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go tcp assembly missing packets for large dataset?

I am trying to use use the tcp assembly package to start reassembling TCP streams. I have looked at two examples and https://...
bkhan's user avatar
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What's the meaning of "ecr" option in tcpdump?

19:25:47.629351 IP > Flags [.], seq 2372487272:2372492544, ack 2808407165, win 122, options [nop,nop,TS val 911640439 ecr 235835291], length 5272 19:25:47.631626 IP 1.1.1....
Dan's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I extract HTML code with Scapy?

I recently began to use the scapy library for Python 2.x I found there to be minimal documentation on the sniff() function. I began to play around with it and found that I can veiw TCP packets at a ...
Elias Bothell's user avatar
5 votes
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Android VpnService forward packets

I want to use android's VpnService to capture packets filter them based off IP address. I can get the packets from the "tun" interface just fine but after that i'm not sure how to forward ...
TychoTheTaco's user avatar
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Fix for 'bytes missing in capture file' using rawcap?

I am using rawcap tcp capture tool for capturing localhost packets on windows. I have a huge stream flowing and there are multiple 'XXXX bytes missing in the capture file' in the captured file. ...
Starfish's user avatar
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How to check if flag in TCP struct is set?

I'm using the pcap C library to read packets. Currently, I use the following to check and see whether a flag in the struct tcphdr (this struct is defined in the netinet/tcp.h library) is set: struct ...
The Legendary Programmer's user avatar
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How to make sure packets from the same flow land on the same queue on two NICs when bridging

I'm writing a network bridge that reassembles and analyzes TCP flows on the fly. I have a pair of multi-queue NICS and I use netmap to capture packets from each rx queues on different threads and than ...
Elektito's user avatar
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Determine the closed/closing flow in the network traffic

I've developed a network traffic classification program in C. I used the 5 tuple to determine a flow. The 5 tuple is: source adress destination adress source port destination port protocol(tcp,udp,...
Anamort's user avatar
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Parsing a TCP Packet data

I am trying to parse a tcp packet and then assign to a pointer to the start of the payload. I am using C and this is my code so far: void dump(const unsigned char *data, int length) { //*data ...
Yahya Uddin's user avatar
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How can I merge 'split/partial' packets with libpcap?

I am capturing HTTP packets, and as I expected, it is breaking them up as some of the packers are just too large for one packet. How can I merge packets together? I've looked into the structure, and ...
Kladskull's user avatar
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Modifying TCP packets on the fly

I'm currently writing a Java application where I'm running a primary sever along with a backup one (using VMs). In order to get the backup server to take over as the primary (if the primary crashes) ...
Noble Six Taniguchi's user avatar
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BerkeleyPacketFilter, filter by TCP and port

Filter by TCP and port, using the BerkeleyPacketFilter Having problem converting the code on tutorial from Need to be able to filter packets by TCP and insert port value. I am not able to ...
ChristianP's user avatar
4 votes
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Android VpnService, packets forwarding

I'm creating application based on ToyVPN to capture tcp/udp packets. After i get outgoing packets in my apllication i would like to forward them to original destination. I have managed to get ...
user2087932's user avatar
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Wireshark- Follow TCP Stream

How to invoke the GUI option of follow tcp stream using command line on Windows? I've read that there is something like tcpflow but on using it, Wireshark says command not found. The OS I am using is ...
praxmon's user avatar
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how to intercept and modify tcp packets sent and received by a certain process?

Assuming there is a process under my control (I can run it and send it commands) that sends and receives tcp packets (maybe some other types of protocol) How can I intercept its outgoing packets and ...
dandroid's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Get TCP Flags with Scapy

I'm parsing a PCAP file and I need to extract TCP flags (SYN, ACK, PSH, URG, ...). I'm using the packet['TCP'].flags value to obtain all the flags at once. pkts = PcapReader(infile) for p in pkts: ...
auino's user avatar
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tcpdump slowed down by... its own filter?

Do long BPF filters slow down tcpdump? I replay a packet trace where all the packets have ttl=k and wait for ICMP messages back. What I've been noticing is that if I use the following filter (on eth0)...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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Reading outgoing packets from selected process

Is it possible to read outgoing packets from selected process in C#? If yes, what api should I use? Thanks in advance.
Charlie Hopperson's user avatar
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What is happening when a TCP sequence number arrives that is not what is expected?

I am writing a program that uses libpcap to capture packets and reassemble a TCP stream. My program simply monitors the traffic and so I have no control over the reception and transmittal of packets. ...
zero_dev's user avatar
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How to capture network traffic by process name in mac?

I am trying to automate the process of capturing network packets send by a particular application.I don't have problem in windows as I am using Microsoft Network Monitoring tool and that gives all the ...
user1537909's user avatar
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Inspect Traffic Destined for Another Local Application

I am writing a tool to automate a much older tool that our company uses. It uses its own console-like system where the entire thing is controlled via text. I have already written parts of a program ...
cjbarth's user avatar
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Convert HEX to ASCII, data from GPS tracker

I have just bought a GPS Tracker, it can send SMS to cellphone just fine. It also supports reporting to a server via GPRS. I have setup the device to contact my own server on port 8123, it's a ...
Phliplip's user avatar
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tcpdump always filters my packets

I've been using tcpdump for about a month now, and recently, it has stopped capturing any packets that were not sent to or from the computer running tcpdump. I've stripped down my command to just: ...
Richard Calahan's user avatar
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Bits in XMAS Scan

I've seen conflicting data for exactly which flags are set in an xmas packet. nmap and other packet tools use PUF flags. However, I also see documentation that states all flags are set; and that the ...
Rob's user avatar
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Is there a way to save a reassembled TCP in Wireshark

I am trying so sniff a multi-part POST request using Wireshark. When viewing the capture I can select "Reassembled TCP" which looks to contain the header and all the data in the transmission. However ...
QueueHammer's user avatar
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How is.NET's NetworkStream delimiting multiple messages in the same packet?

So I've been tasked with creating a tool for our QA department that can read packets off the wire and reassemble the messages correctly (they don't trust our logs... long story). The application ...
Ad Hoc's user avatar
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how to print flags in TCP header of raw packets using libpcap

sniffex.c is a program that is based on libpcap , to sniff and display some packet information. How do i modify it so as to print the values of TCP flags - urg , ack , psh , rst , syn and fin ? ...
trinity's user avatar
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