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tcpdump is not available when extracting packet features in windows

I have been trying to extract statistical features from a packet(pcap) using pyflowmeter but I keep on getting traceback error that :'scapy.error.Scapy_Exception: tcpdump is not available', I know ...
Nehal Ahmed's user avatar
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Filtering for Quic Client Hello packets with tcpdump

I am able to filter for Client Hello messages for TLS on TCP with the following: (tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xf0) >> 2)] = 0x16) && (tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xf0) >> 2) + 5] = 0x01) https://...
Geeson's user avatar
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Why can't we make tcpdump to not stop/exit when an interface on which it is capturing is brought down?

If tcpdump is started with -i <specific_interace_name> exits if that is brought down. However, if it is started with "-i any" option, it doesn't stop if wlanX/ethX interfaces are ...
Vaibhav S's user avatar
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tcpdump difference between ip host hostname | ip and host hostname

In tcpdump, which is the difference between the following two commands? I tried to understand but they seems pretty much the same to me. tcpdump ip host and tcpdump ip and host
testermaster's user avatar
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tcpdump: server client communication

I'm capturing the communication between a server and a client with tcpdump -X. I noticed a pattern and I'm not sure I fully understand it. In the following I have replaced all the header data (IP and ...
user3182532's user avatar
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How to filter tcpdump result by keeping socket recv() data only?

As is known, the result of a tcp packet capture consists of packets that may be retransmission, out of order and so on, which will be filtered and rearranged by the network stack, and the application ...
alexzzp's user avatar
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How do determine the type of data exchanged between client and server from tcpdump output

I have been working on a server Projekt and sniffing package exchange between Client and the server with tcpdump. I am having a little problem figuring out/ interpreting the output of the tcpdump. I ...
Seek Addo's user avatar
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Trying to understand packets captured with tcpdump

So I have intercepted a packet being sent from my android device to an apps server. I want to understand what my phone is sending to the server. I have rooted the phone, and install tcpdump on it. I ...
Matt Gardner's user avatar
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Error merging pcap dump files from tcpdump

I have a number of capture files that I am trying to merge. The merge files are from linux servers (both Ubuntu and Centos), a Macbook Pro and from a Windows machine. They all play nice with the ...
Gary's user avatar
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tcpdump merge possibility with dpi library

Does tcpdump can able to merge with any dpi library for deep paket flow analysis. For example: I need skype protocol flow details and header details.
Tech's user avatar
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Network sniffer in Python [closed]

I'm trying to find a good and stable network packet sniffer in python, that allows me to do exactly the as I used to with tcpdump. I found this pycap but it does not seem to be that stable... Another ...
bulkmoustache's user avatar
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netem and tcpdump loopback interface differing ingress and egress

I have two communicating applications on the same machine: app1----->loopback------>app2 I applied some delay (100ms) to loopback interface using netem (tc command) on a ubuntu machine (mint to be ...
Volverine's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit number of packet captures with tcpflow?

I want to limit the number of captured packets, such as tcpdump -c 20 but using tcpflow instead. is this possible? console throws a syntax error using -c with tcpflow any help appreciated
dudeabides's user avatar
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ping with tcpflow and tcpdump

When I use tcpflow icmp and ping I have no answer, but when I use tcpdump icmp aand ping I'm getting answer. Is something wrong with my tcpflow configuration or it should be like that?
akuzma's user avatar
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Capturing HTTP packet body through tcpdump

I am trying to monitor the network activity of a specific application on an Android device. In the application that I am attempting to monitor, I am communicating with an HTTP server that is running ...
rach5000's user avatar
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tcpdump vs tcpflow (or "why isn't tcpdump ASCII packet data human readable?")

I have used both, and I conclude that I can read html data from webpages with tcpflow but cannot do so with tcpdump. The best I get is some ugly ASCII text with lots of period symbols. My ...
Sridhar Sarnobat's user avatar