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OpenShift pipeline - How to allow only one Pipeline run at a time?

Hi I am new to OpenShift and from what I can see if I go to a Pipeline and select start twice, immediately two PipelineRuns will run in parallel. This will cause a error because both run's pods will ...
pitchblack408's user avatar
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How to set output rendering to Plain Text for errors?

I run pwsh scripts in a CI pipeline. I use $PSStyle.OutputRendering = 'PlainText' to ensure the results are returned in plain text. This works for general output, however, for some reason it isn't ...
jeremywat's user avatar
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Can I use ConfigMaps as Pipelines params in Openshift?

I've got several pipelines which need to connect to a Windows VM through SSH. The SSH connection information is mostly fixed, it doesn't change unless we need to change the VM for some reason, it ...
ibenedetto's user avatar
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Local images are failing for tasks in Openshift pipelines 1.11

I have following task definition (simplified): apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: my-task namespace: mynamespace params: - default: 'image-registry.openshift-image-...
Gas's user avatar
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How to get/set pipeline spec by REST API limited to a project?

I'm pretty new to Openshift and Tekton--we have an Openshift server (cluster?) with pipelines and I'm trying to get/create/update the Pipelines, Tasks, PipelineRuns, etc. via REST API. Using the API ...
jeremywat's user avatar
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fatal: could not read password for 'https://[PAT]@tfs.**.com' no such device or address

I'm building a Tekton task on Openshift pipelines and trying to clone the source code from my GIT repository. I'm cloning the repo in my script using the below git clone 'https://[PAT]@tfs.**.com/[org]...
Fawzinov's user avatar
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How to use single eventlistener for multiple tekton pipelines?

I'd like to have single eventlistener that would trigger different pipelines based on the git repo name.
Gas's user avatar
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Openshift Pipeline can not find user

I have below error in Openshift Pipeline - tekton pipeline controller Failed to list *v1alpha1.Run: is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:openshift-pipelines:tekton-pipelines-...
JJ36's user avatar
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Tekton: yq Task gives safelyRenameFile [ERRO] Failed copying from /tmp/temp & [ERRO] open /workspace/source permission denied error

We have a Tekton pipeline and want to replace the image tags contents of our deployment.yml: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: microservice-api-spring-boot spec: replicas: 3 ...
jonashackt's user avatar
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Tekton Pipelines: Enable alpha features using released pipelines yaml without the need to store (& maintain) feature-flags ConfigMap

We'd like to use Tekton experimental features such as the Pipelines In Pipelines feature. We already installed the feature as described in the README via kubectl apply but end up in an error like this:...
jonashackt's user avatar
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How do I automatically apply updates to Tekton resources stored in a git repo?

As background, I am in the process of upgrading a few projects from Jenkins and Gitlab CI based CI to use Tekton. In those projects, it is common to see a Jenkinsfile or .gitlab-ci.yml defining what ...
Profour's user avatar
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Can't figure out how to do variable substitution in my Tekton pipeline

So I'm not sure if this is actually a Bash issue or a Tekton issue. The problem occurs in my OpenShift (Tekton) pipeline. After having deployed my application, I have a step where I need to check if ...
Andreas Bradahl's user avatar
3 votes
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Cache Maven dependencies in Tekton Maven Task from Tekton Hub

We want to build a Spring Boot-based project using Maven. We found the Maven Task on the Tekton Hub and already have a running Pipeline. In a shortened version our pipeline.yml looks like this: ...
jonashackt's user avatar
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Installing Tekton Triggers EventListener (for GitLab) on OpenShift leads to: error configmaps is forbidden: cannot get resource configmaps in API

We're working on the integration of GitLab and Tekton / OpenShift Pipelines via Webhooks and Tekton Triggers. We followed this example project and crafted our EventListener that ships with the needed ...
jonashackt's user avatar
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Report Tekton pipeline status to GitLab regardless if pipeline failed or succeeded (using gitlab-set-status Task)

We're already using the gitlab-set-status Task from Tekton Hub to report our Tekton Pipeline's status back into our GitLab instance (here's our EKS setup & Tekton installment and a example project ...
jonashackt's user avatar
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How can I make a Tekton Task's command execution wait until the previous Task's spun up pod is ready for requests

I have an OpenShift/Tekton pipeline which in Task A deploys an application to a test environment. In Task B, the application's test suite is run. If all tests pass, then the application is deployed to ...
Andreas Bradahl's user avatar
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Tekton pipeline - start pipelinerun via kubernetes/openshift api

Just wondering if there's a way to start a Tekton pipeline via the Kubernetes API. I know we can use Triggers or the tkn cli. But for my use-case, the API would be a better option. Is there a way to ...
Bharath's user avatar
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Openshift: CI/CD access imagestream from different clusters

I'm configuring CI/CD in OpenShift: Dev > Stage > Prod and I'm facing some issues in Stage to reach Dev ImageStream. The whole setup looks like this: Dev - runs Tekton pipeline and on the last ...
Poli's user avatar
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Continue Tekton pipeline after failure (similar to jenkins pipeline catchError behaviour)

I have a pipeline where I want to: provision some resources, run some tests, tear down the resources. I want the tear down task, in step 3, to run regardless of whether tests passed or failed, in ...
gsaslis's user avatar
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