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How to fix RPError: nonce mismatch, expected xxxxx, got: undefined" error using casdoor OIDC

I've integrated Casdoor login with directus using openid connect and there is a problem in login flow. When user is authenticated on casdoor side, it redirects to redirect_url with code and state ...
Asad ullah's user avatar
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How to migrate from PrivateKeyByes to PrivateKey on the ASPNET OAuth Provider

Currently I'm running the AspNet.Security.OAuth.Apple package with version 3.1.7. I'm upgrading to .NET 6 and thereby upgrade this AspNet.Security.OAuth.Apple package to 6.0.0 as well. There is a ...
JonHendrix's user avatar
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OAuth2.0 without OIDC (Plain OAuth2.0)

As far as I understand, applications that we can login with our different accounts use OpenID Connect(A profile of OAuth2.0). OAuth is for Authorization and OIDC is for authentication(It has ID Token-...
htnc13's user avatar
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Custom oAuth server implementation and its advantages

We have multiple web projects(sites), each has its own Authorization logic. Today I have been asked by my CIO to implement oAuth and use that for validating user across all sites. Earlier I have used ...
HaBo's user avatar
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How does IFTTT manage identities?

It seems to me like IFTTT ( allows you to create a master account, and then assign to that account permissions to a great deal of cloud services. How is it doing this? Is it using OpenID ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Laravel Single Sign-On

Is there any OpenID implementation on Laravel ? (Provider and Consumer) What I'm trying to do is having One CoreApp acting like an OpenID Provider, and the otherApps as OpenID Consumers so the user ...
cyberhicham's user avatar
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How to implement OAuth for my website one and use it for website two

I want to implement OAuth/OpenID for Website One and use it in Website Two. I create Sign Up, Sign In, Sign Out, Profile functionality/Pages for Website One and want to use authentication in Website ...
TIKSN's user avatar
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