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Retrieving Token and Cost Information for OpenAI's Whisper and Text-to-Speech (TTS) Models in Langsmith?

Is it possible to retrieve token and cost information for OpenAI's Audio and TTS models in LangSmith runs while tracing? OpenAI Audio Models I am able to retrieve this information for chat completion ...
Talal Khan's user avatar
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Real-time text-to-speech with Deepgram on React Native

I am trying to integrate STT and TTS using Deepgram and my custom LLM stack with headers into my React Native app. But I am struggling to find proper streaming packages that may allow me to use ...
Saurabh Vyas's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get the duration of an mp3 file in Golang?

I set up a text to speech an request that to openAI API then it generates an audio. Now I want to know it's duration in [MM:SS], is there a way or a library to get it?
San's user avatar
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Speech to text with OpenAI Whisper in Unity acts weird on Android phone

I am testing 'Speech to text' provided by OpenAI Whisper. It works perfectly fine in Unity Editor, but acts weird on Android phone. It consistently shows wrong text I didn't utter. For example, I say '...
David Kim's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I fix this syntax error for a TTS python program using openAI's whisper?

I'm getting a syntax error for a publicly available python program for TTS of the glados voice from portal. I am using python 3.9.9. Below is an image showcasing the error: error I'd really appreciate ...
teddy_spaghetti's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

whisper AI error : FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead

I'm trying to use whisper AI on my computer. I have a NVIDIA GPU RTX 2060, installed CUDA and FFMPEG. I'm running this code : import whisper model = whisper.load_model("medium") result = ...
athem boukhmayer's user avatar
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How to connect to local runtime in Google Colab for this specific notebook WhisperWithVAD

I wish someone could help me to connect local runtime on this specific notebook on Google Colab at this link:
cendahoang's user avatar