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Gym's box 2d (openAI) doesn't install successfully [closed]

i've tried updating all these packages but nothing worked. brew update brew install gcc brew install swig Both are the screenshots of my errors I got while installing gym box 2d
Harsh kw's user avatar
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Reward not improving for a custom environment using PPO

I've been trying to train an agent on a custom environment I implemented with gym where the goal is to resolve voltage violations in a power grid by adjusting the active power (loads) at each node. I ...
W8_4_it's user avatar
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What is the best way to use JSON data for a Python auto-battler simulation: Direct access or pre-conversion or any other to Python classes? [closed]

I'm building a simulation for Hearthstone Battlegrounds in Python, focusing on creating an auto-battler system. I've already loaded card data from a JSON source, which includes details about minions ...
Andy wang's user avatar
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"Install TensorFlow and Gym with Conda for usage with Jupyter Notebook in macOS Sonoma, Intel processor

I am trying to set up a virtual environment using Conda to code a lab activity regarding RL, but it is proving to be quite a nightmare due to incompatibilities among different library versions. The ...
Javier's user avatar
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BrokenPipeError during multithreading AI training with SubprocVecEnv

I'm working on training a reinforcement learning agent to play super mario bros using SubprocVecEnv to parallelize environments and speed up the process. However, I encounter a BrokenPipeError when ...
Calebe Miranda's user avatar
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PPO clip AI issues

I have been trying to make a PPO clip AI using openai's pseudocode from a while ago however it is not very good. I am only trying a simple environment (cartpole) and the issue appears to be that after ...
edwardo's user avatar
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Cartpole gym spawn point

How can I change the initial spawn point on of the cartpole while resetting the environment? I have to use a custom reward in testing reward is like: def new_reward(state, x0): s = state[0] ...
Giuseppe Denina Rivera's user avatar
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Unable to use all (or most) of gym-retro games

My working ENV System: ubuntu 18.04 Version: python 3.6/3.7/3.8(3 envvironments all the same result), gym 0.25.2, gym-retro 0.8.0 How did I do? I follow this guide to install gym-retro. and I ...
Chuckie Zhu's user avatar
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Install gymnasium with atari games using conda

Sorry if this is a silly question, but I can't figure this one out. I am trying to install gymnasium with Atari games using conda. Here is my from setuptools import find_packages from ...
Theophile Champion's user avatar
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Garage Framework Dİmension or concatenated Error

I am working on the Robosuite framework to simulate a robotic control task with a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. I'm implementing the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) from the garage library. I need ...
karasinek's user avatar
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Applying reinforced-learning on combination of continuous and discrete action space environment

I have a custom gym environment, where it has 3 continuous and 1 discrete action space. I would like to apply a reinforcement-learning algorithm, however I am not sure what to use. Below you can find ...
oakca's user avatar
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Module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool8' In cartpole problem openai gym

I'm beginner & trying to run this simple code but it is giving me this exception "module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool8'" as you can see in screenshot below. Gym version is 0.26.2 & ...
Jitender's user avatar
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Error while running "pip install gym==0.21.0" in WSL 2: "AttributeError: module 'pkgutil' has no attribute 'ImpImporter'"

I ran "pip install gym==0.21.0" then got this Collecting gym==0.21.0 Using cached gym-0.21.0.tar.gz (1.5 MB) Preparing metadata ( ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error ...
cy lin's user avatar
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error when trying to render a gym environment

I wrote and run this snippet of code some weeks ago, which it worked. import gym # Create predefined environment env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v1') # Print environment in terminal env.render() But ...
Javier Arambarri Calvo's user avatar
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Render 'InvertedPendulumBulletEnv-v0' from different view - Pybullet, Gym

I trained an RL agent to control an inverted pendulum and wanted to create an animation of it and render the environment. I was able to create the animation and control the pendulum correctly, however ...
Simone Manni's user avatar
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The reset() problem of RecurDyn simulation model with Gym for reinforcement learning training

I'm trying to integrate a RecurDyn simulation model with Gym for reinforcement learning training. The simulation model communicates with RecurDyn through an FMU file(FMI2.0) in Python. However, when I'...
sequoia00's user avatar
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Is it fine to make an API call inside a reinforcement learning program?

I have made a game simulation with rest of the API available, and I would like to create a reinforcement learning AI in Python using gym from OpenAI. So, is it fine to make API calls inside the step ...
pandoux's user avatar
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Model-based RL | How to convert a custom Gym environment with discrete actions to continuous

I am working on a project where I have a Gym environment with a discrete action space and a continuous observation space similar to the CartPole environment from Gym. I am trying to convert the ...
raurackl's user avatar
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DRL Agent is getting stuck on the lower bound of my action space

I'm new to DRL and I've set up an env for an RIS assisted CoMP-NOMA network (this is unimportant I believe) but there's a function here that gives me some "rates". I'm supposed to be ...
Ahmad Faisal's user avatar
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How to preprocess observations for a DQN agent in Stable Baselines3?

I'm working on a reinforcement learning project using the Stable Baselines3 library to train a DQN agent on the Breakout-v4 environment from OpenAI Gym. I've written some code to preprocess the ...
Abby93's user avatar
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Replay buffer in StableBaselines3 for a Gymnasium environment

I'm creating a customized replay buffer class based on ReplayBuffer from stable_baselines3.common.buffers, using a gymnasium environment instead of the gym environment. The return value of the env....
Siqi Wang's user avatar
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How to implement Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning using Stable Baselines 3?

My goal is to implement a custom version of the Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning (RARL) algorithm using the the algorithms and functions already provided by Stable Baselines 3 (SB3). The ...
Akash Agrawal's user avatar
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TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'list' and 'int' in pokerenv

I am trying to use the pokerenv library for a reinforcement learning project, but even the example code provided by the documentation itself produces the following error: ------------------------------...
darth momin's user avatar
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I have no idea why DQN is making only 0 for q_values.argmax().item()

'q_values.argmax().item()' I used this method to make an action for training , but this keeps making same value, 0, even when my action space is 4001~8000. Maybe some of my code structure is not ...
박성진's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

OverflowError When Setting Up gym_super_mario_bros Environment in Python on JupyterLab

I’ve been following a tutorial on YouTube ( to build a Super Mario AI model using Python. However, when setting up the gym_super_mario_bros environment,...
David Engel's user avatar
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How do I log observations after reset in Stable_Baselines3?

I want to log each observation obtained after reset during training, while using SB3. Based on this issue message, I decided to use the Monitor wrapper instead of a callback. However, the Monitor ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How to Solve mujoco-py Installation Error Caused by Windows Path Length Limitation?

When using the OpenAI Gym HalfCheetah-v4 environment on windows, I encountered a path length limitation issue. The specific error is as follows: could not create 'C:\Users\zchy\AppData\Local\Packages\...
SSZZZ's user avatar
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requested array would exceed the maximum number of dimension of 1 issue in gym

let us suppose we have folloing code : import gym from stable_baselines3 import PPO env = gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human") model = PPO("MlpPolicy", env, ...
AI ML's user avatar
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Overriding environment OpenAI gym registry error

To the best of my knowledge I followed this documentation for gym_examples verbatim and received this error logger.warn(f"Overriding environment {} already in registry.") I ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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Cython Compiler Error When Running GymEnv Library in Python

The error happens on the last line of this code section: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") from torch import multiprocessing from collections import defaultdict import ...
Harrisino's user avatar
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I'm getting a "invalid type "ResourceVariable" must be a string or Tensor." on the rL compile function when trying to train a DQM with Keras

I was trying to train a model on a gym environment when I encountered the following error: TypeError: Argument `fetch` = <tf.Variable 'dense/kernel:0' shape=(4, 24) dtype=float32> has invalid ...
Jas Chawla's user avatar
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CUDAError: Not enough memory for an RL environment using Gymnasium

from TTset_main import load_TTset # File paths for training and validation data filted_tset_path = "path.csv" filted_vset_path = "path.csv" # Load training and validation sets ...
Paarth Jha's user avatar
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co-training of agents with message passing

Lets say I have two RL agents (A and B). I want to train 3 A and 1 B to gathere such that afetr each time-step there is a message passing from all A to B and something from B to all A. In other words ...
nkp's user avatar
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How to Build More Realistic simulation Models Using MESA Agent-Based model and Reinforcement Q-Learning Methods?

I am working on a project to compare different modeling techniques for optimizing the waiting time of consumers at a movie theater. Specifically, I have created simple models using: Discrete Event ...
diffusion entropy's user avatar
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Unable to allocate memory for a Reinforcement Learning problem

import gym from gym import spaces import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import ...
Paarth Jha's user avatar
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Integrating Dirichlet Distribution into PPO in Stable Baselines3

I'm working with the Stable Baselines3 library to train a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) model for a reinforcement learning project. I want to integrate a Dirichlet distribution for action ...
ElonMuskofBadIdeas's user avatar
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Keras RL DQNAgent error 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'

I am tryng to train a multiheaded DQN agent with keras rl. I creted a custom environment with gym and when I try to build the agent i get the error "'list' object has no attribute 'shape'" I ...
Parham Sadeghi's user avatar
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AssertionError: Out of bounds observation when using action mask in Petting zoo env

I have a custom Petting Zoo parallel env, which worked fine until I added some action masks. I follow the action_masking tutorial and try to implement action masking in this way (in a different class ...
paulinho's user avatar
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How do I use gym supermario v3 env as model input but use gym supermario v0 env in the screen?

I want to run gym-supermario-bros on my computer, but I train it on supermario v3 env, I want to see it in v0 version, is there a good way to use my trained agent in supermario v3 env but render v0 ...
Chuckie Zhu's user avatar
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Why do I get a mismatch between box. space and tensor format in torch when I run the code about rayrllib?

When I try to use Ray RLlib for training, line 228 in the complex input network in raylib displays an error: **SampleBatch.OBS: torch.reshape( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: reshape(): argument 'input' (...
ZLY's user avatar
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Environment "Breakout" not found in OpenAI Gym

I'm trying to create the "Breakout" environment using OpenAI Gym in Python, but I'm encountering an error stating that the environment doesn't exist. Here's my code: import matplotlib.pyplot ...
Abby93's user avatar
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Building a Reinforcement Learning Model by combining outputs of many different ML models

Compared to many people, I am an amateur about coding and I need some guidance. After careful writing and tweaking to build a stock price predictor (hopefull a trading bot after that), I built 3 ...
Kaan's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda'

I'm encountering an AttributeError when trying to run a PPO trainer on an OR-GYM environment for inventory management using Ray RLlib and PyTorch in a CPU-only setup. Despite explicitly setting ...
Sumaya's user avatar
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Expected type 'MyEnv', got 'Env' instead

I have created my custom environment from OpenGym, and I'm getting the previous warning on this line: env: MyEnv= gym.make('gym_envs/MyEnv-v0') When I remove MyEnv, I don't get the warning there but ...
Peter's user avatar
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IsaacGymEnvs: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered --> FrankaCabinet task (modified)

I am creating a simpler FrankaCabinet task in IsaacGym in which I am replacing the cabinet with just a box with a cylinder to be reached to. For the same, I have deleted all the cabinet and props ...
Kunal Ostwal's user avatar
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start position gym minigrid

I am trying to modify the start position of the agent in the minigrid but "agent_pos" does not seem to work. Would anyone know what to do? import gym from gym_minigrid.minigrid import * # ...
Edwin Meriaux's user avatar
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Keras Sequential Unhashable type: 'list error at import

I'm having problems with running a deep q-learning model with Keras-RL and OpenAI Gym in Python. In particular I get an error when loading the Sequential model from the keras package. The code is the ...
Albifer's user avatar
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how to fix wheel building error when installing Box2D

I am attempting to write a Reinforcement learning model using Box2D and TensorFlow in Google Colab. I have a simple one line install command for everything as I've found that Colab breaks whenever I ...
Jared Brace's user avatar
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Why is my DQN exhibiting performance decrease over the training cycle to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem?

I am currently trying to train a DQN (using gym and pytorch) to solve small instances of the Travelling salesman problem (for now I just want to solve a size 10 problem as I know it is capable of ...
Jordan Klein's user avatar
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How fix ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence?

I was looking at the code for implementing Q-learning algorithm in gymnasium Pendulum-v1 environment and came across a github with a similar implementation, but when I try to run the code I get an ...
Pudding_2159's user avatar

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