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Azure OpenTelemetry Exporter duplicates logs

I have a simple python script to export logs into an app insights trace table by following this example, however, the log entries get duplicated. What could be the reason? # import ...
Bennimi's user avatar
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How libraries logs depenencies when then don't directly reference Application Insights?

In Application Insights, I can see dependencies like SQL, Http, etc being logged and associated with http request. I wonder how are these logs produced, when those libraries does not reference ...
Liero's user avatar
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How to assign log messages to service in Instana via OpenTelemetry?

I am integrating OpenTelemetry to our C# stack and I am stuck with logging. I can emit logs, and those are correctly assigned to trace via traceId, and I can browse them accordingly, but they are not ...
Miro Hudak's user avatar
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How to send logs from NextJS to Azure Application Insights using OpenTelemetry and Winston?

I am using winston to log throughout my NextJS application. I want these logs to be collected in Azure Application Insights. Microsoft advises to do so using OpenTelemetry. My setup is as follows: ...
user274595's user avatar
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opentelemetry java autoconfigure agent: is it possible to send error log lines only?

According to the java agent config here: There is a property to control log exporting (we use new relic via OTLP) otel.logs.exporter which ...
John Little's user avatar
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transitioning Azure Monitor log configuration file from using OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry

Good Morning, I am working on transitioning our Azure Monitor log configuration file from using OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry. This is because Azure Monitor support for OpencCensus will end on 30 ...
user26614899's user avatar
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Custom JSON Console Formatter in OpenTelemetry: How to align a Custom Log Exporter

I have two services: one in .NET and one in Java. I have a custom log formatter in the Java service and I want to align the .NET app to match this Java service. LogTemplatejava.json: { "@...
Web Obsseser's user avatar
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Should I replace logging by ActivitySource AddEvent using opentelemetry?

I have a ASP.NET MVC web application which logs with EventSource as input and ElasticSearch or application insights as output based on configuration with azure/eventflow library. I am going to add ...
AjinkyaBhagwat's user avatar
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How to log traces in Opentelemetry Collector to stdout

we're using an OTel collector to funnel and sample traces from several microservices. We would like to log those traces (the actual trace) as single-line JSONs, crucially including attributes, to ...
LAP's user avatar
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Jaeger doesn't receive OpenTelemetry logs from ASP.NET Core app

I'm experimenting with collecting telemetry data from ASP.NET Core Web API project using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger. As Web API project I use the standard WeatherForecast sample project. Jaeger is ...
zukimo's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry Web: instrumentation package for exceptions

Consider a web page (pure front-end, html/js/css), i want to configure opentelemetry to automatically get all the console logs (in particular exceptions) and send all the data to otel collector. Is it ...
Enricosoft's user avatar
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While using OpenTelemetry to log to AppInsights: type Trace is logged with severity Verbose

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API written in C#, and I'm using OpenTelemetry, without the collector, to log telemetry to AppInsights. I've achieved this using the AddAzureMonitorTraceExporter method, ...
Pooven's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry logging to console in JSON format

Hello I need to have OpenTelemetry logs/metrics/traces sent to console of my application, but in JSON fromat. It's a .NET 8 ASP.NET application set up loosely following:
user1713059's user avatar
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How to count API clients using application insights, Web API .NET

I have created Web API service which is connected to the Azure Application Insights and also use OpenTelemetry to send data there. I would like to count the number of users which use my API. Whenever ...
Striker's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry not logging messages with exception details to Application Insights from python code

I am in process of migrating a python 3.10 project from OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry as the former is being sunsetted this year. The logs are working correctly for standard info, warning, error, etc ...
SBFrancies's user avatar
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Auto instrument Next.js 13 API endpoint request & response

I'm running a small Next.js project. It has some API endpoints that get called by other applications. I'd like to instrument these endpoints so that the incoming request and the response are ...
Tom's user avatar
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Masking multiple instances of sensitive data in logs of Azure Monitor Application Insights for Java

In trying to implement masking of sensitive data in logs sent to Azure Application Insights, with official documentation: Masking sensitive data in log message Only single instance of sensitive data ...
piplup's user avatar
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quarkus telemetry logging disable at runtime

Is it possible to turn off open telemetry logging while opentelementry is enabled in Quarkus 2.x? Looking for something similar to io.opentelemetry.level = OFF Basically, i want to provide the ability ...
sg2000's user avatar
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Capturing exceptions in OpenTelemetry .NET and

I've setup a simple .NET web api appto play around with OpenTelemetry, specifically their .NET SDK of the project. I've got it working and otel data is feeding into to easily view the trace ...
Sulphy's user avatar
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Increasing the throttling in JBOSS log

I am facing an issue regarding the throttling on my application and I am not aware of any changes that can increase this limitation. Applications runs on Quarkus Framework and has imported the ...
user3658886's user avatar
3 votes
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OpenTelemetry Swift - how to send **logs** to an OpenTelemetry Collector?

I'm making an iPhone app and want to use an OpenTelemetry Collector on my server to collect Metrics, Traces and Logs. I've implemented Metrics and Traces using this package, and it works just fine! ...
user765151's user avatar
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Linode Exporter in Opentelemetry Collector

Is there a Linode Exporter that i can use in the opentelemetry collector?. I want to use it to export logs into Linode Object storage. I tried configuring the exporter in the configuration file as ...
Rohan Prasad's user avatar
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awscloudwatchlogs exporter in opentelemetry collector

How do I configure my opentelemetry collector to export logs to Amazon awscloudwatchlogs? I have created a log-group called log-group-test-1 and under it a log-stream-test-1 Right now, I am using the ...
Rohan Prasad's user avatar
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Access the keys of an attribute with Map type in Opentelemetry Collector

I am implementing Opentelemetry Collector in Kubernetes. I have a fluentbit set up for log forwarding. Logs are forwarded to OpenTelemetry fluentforward endpoint and I need to parse the log data and ...
akd's user avatar
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Python logging MemoryHandler not passing logs to handler

I have this as python logging configuration in a project with the intention to batch the logs before printing it. But it seems none of the logs are getting printed.. logging.config.dictConfig({ ...
Rajat Jain's user avatar
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Parsing traceId, spanId from log line using Opentelemetry logprocessor

We need to parse attributes from log line so as to make them queryable on backends(eg: ES). Now I tried using otel filelog receiver which supports stanza operators, but the reason I had to drop it and ...
avisheks's user avatar
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How to use opentelemetry logs in javascript(nodejs)

I am trying to understand how to use and send logs using opentelemetry but find it is confusing. Suppose I am developing an application(preferable using javascript) and want to log things in the app ...
bunny's user avatar
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How to deal with clock skew in a multi-node Kubernetes cluster?

The issue is that the logs for a specific request (identified by a traceId printed in each log line) are being collected by loki-stack in a Kubernetes cluster, but the logs are not being displayed in ...
Dojo's user avatar
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How to set different logging levels in openelemetry-java?

We are planning to use open-telemetry as the logging tool in a new Spring-boot based micro-service. We have explored two ways to use otel, first is using manual instrumentation provided by Java and ...
Sumit Desai's user avatar
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no matches for kind "OpenTelemetryCollector" in version ""

I tried instrumenting the open telemetry by deploying the following script. apiVersion: kind: Instrumentation metadata: name: my-instrumentation spec: exporter: ...
codeX's user avatar
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Could open-telemetry collector be used without instrumentation?

We are building application with argo workflows. We are wondering if we could just set up opentelemetry collector inside of our kubernetes cluster, and start using it as stdout exporter into elastic ...
Vsevolod Mitskevich's user avatar
3 votes
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Injected traces data into Logs is not showing on Loki-Grafana

SETUP: i'm using the python-logging-loki library to manually instrument my code for logs. I have a single running instance of Loki (promtail not used, i'm pushing directly to loki). On Grafana i have ...
hashguard's user avatar
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Are time-related OpenTelemetry metrics an anti-pattern?

When setting up metrics and telemetry for my API, is it an anti-pattern to track something like "request-latency" as a metric (possibly in addition to) tracking it as a span? For example, ...
A Poor's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry java manual instrumentation without exporter

Currently I am trying to POC OpenTelemetry for a web project (war) and upon reading lots of different documentations I still don't have a proper grasp on some issues, wonder if someone could help ...
David Tovar Caballero's user avatar
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Emitting logs to Open Telemetry Collector

I am new to Open Telemetry and I am trying its C++ API with a toy example that emit logs. I am using the OtlpHttpLogExporter to emit to the Open Telemetry Collector via http. And I configured the ...
Duncan's user avatar
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Is there any way to config otel-collector to send telemetry data to a desire ip address?

I want to configure an otel-collector to pass telemetry data to an IP address. I can't send data through HTTP because my backend does not support http(so i cant use otel and otelhttp). Is there any ...
MHM's user avatar
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Standardized opentelemetry log format

Is there something like standardized opentelemetry log format? If the answer is yes where can I find example of that? :)
Tom's user avatar
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Add logs to spans using OTEL instrumentation with Jaegar backend

At present, Open Telemetry (OTEL) spans have no mechanism to add logs as found in implementations such as Jaegar. So is there a workaround to add application logs to a span?
Somjit's user avatar
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Opentelemetry: How to add logs to a span

I am using OpenTelemetry java auto instrumentation in my spring boot app. Is there a way to make the application logs part of the spans that are created? My autoconfig settings are as below: -Dotel....
Somjit's user avatar
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How to Viewing trace logs from OpenTelemetry in Elastic APM

I receive logs from opentelemetry-collector in Elastic APM logs structure : "{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}{TraceId}{SpanId}{NewLine}{Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}&...
Valera Fedorenko's user avatar