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Add kubernetes pod labels to splunk logs using k8sattributes processor

How to add pod labels to splunk logs? Can't get the syntax right and the documentation doesn't seem to cover it. I'm using the otel-collector in daemonset mode, running in a kubernetes cluster and ...
user1681190's user avatar
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How to prevent opentelemtry collector running as daemonset scrapping duplicate metrics

I have open telemetry collector running as daemonset in k8s cluster. The cluster has following Prometheus Receiver configuration. config: scrape_configs: - job_name: 'otel-node-...
Ashutosh Pandey's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can't add Prometheus as DataSource in Grafana, via Minikube

I am using MiniKube 1.31, I decided to follow the initials steps on OpenTelemetry Collector Operator applying the suggested CMD (kubectl apply -f
FourZeroFive's user avatar
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Opentelemetry Collector (mode: daemonset) is failing when enabling the `k8sattributes` processor

So getting this error failed to list *v1.Pod: pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:opentelemetry:oteld-collector" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at ...
sudo's user avatar
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Error in OpenTelemetry With Istio: sending queue is full

I'm using OpenTelemetry as a tracing collector in istio, but after running OpenTelemetry Collector for a while, the logs for istio-ingressgateway and the logs for Sidecar (istio-proxy) in the Pod keep ...
Mike Wang's user avatar
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How to add labels to prometheus metrics from dotnet application sending opentelemetry to a collector

I have a dotnet container which I can't change the source code of running inside a kubernetes cluster as a deployment. The application is sending its metrics to an otel collector configured in ...
mattb's user avatar
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Opentelemetry cant connect to Prometheus on Kubernetes

I have a kubernetes cluster with apps in .net 7 installed . The cluster also has OpenTelemetry as a deployment and Prometheus server installed. The opentelemetry has a values file as show below mode: ...
Arshad Badar Khan's user avatar
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org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'processorMetrics' defined in class path resource

When I run my application in kubernetes cluster, I get the below exception and it does not come up. 2024-02-21 10:52:17,206 ERROR o.s.b.SpringApplication [main] Application run failed org....
manjosh's user avatar
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Opentelemetry Kubeletstats receiver - Unable to get network stats in Openshift 4

I need help on kubeletstats receiver. I'm using the below configuration in opentelemetry collector which is running in openshift. ... image: '
Mugi Coder's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry: Traces Split Between Zipkin Replicas in Kubernetes Deployment

I'm using OpenTelemetry in my scala project for tracing and seeing traces in zipkin. I'm creating tracer object as: object OpenTelemetry { val urlForZipkin ="http://zipkin:9411/api/v2/spans&...
Asif khAn's user avatar
-1 votes
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quarkus opentelemetry kuberbetes pod name

We are on Quarkus 2.13.x and are using the opentelemetry libraries to implement telemetry with some automatic and manual context propagation. It's working fine so far but i recently noticed one of the ...
sg2000's user avatar
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k8attributes is not coming in opentelemetry generated metrics

Hi i have opentelemetry configurations in my EKS cluster here i am exporting matrics/traces and logs. In my traces k8attributes is coming and i can see on grafana with tempo. enter image description ...
Arpit Tyagi's user avatar
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Grafana Tempo doesn't show traces after sometime

hi i have setup grafana tempo with opentelemetry in my EKS cluster. at initial time tempo show traces but after 1 hr none trace show on grafana it show me 404 Not Found here is my tempo configuration ...
Arpit Tyagi's user avatar
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Having metrics from opentelemetry nodejs library scraped (or pushed)

I am using GrowthBook which has recently introduced OTEL. Everything is running on my platform on Kubernetes I see that the only thing that is done in that context is to import the corresponding @...
pkaramol's user avatar
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Java Auto Instrumentation creating problems in the namespace

I am trying to install OpenTelemetry in our Staging Environment, the collector being in DaemonSet Mode. My goal is to create a Java Instrumentation customer resource, which defines the configuration ...
Anubhav Kumar's user avatar
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How to exclude K8s resource attributes from traces created with opentelemetry?

I am using the Opentelemetry Operator on a K8s cluster to auto instrument my java application through the Instrumentation CR and send traces first to the Grafana Agent and then to the Tempo backend ...
jacopo barcellesi's user avatar
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Most OpenTelemetry instrumentations are disabled in my Spring application

I have injected an OpenTelemetry JAVA agent in a Spring application in OpenShift via kubernetes operator, but most instrumentations are disabled and not generating traces. OpenTelemetry Agent image: ...
FelipeKT's user avatar
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OTEL Collector deployment on a Kubernetes cluster

We are planning to implement OTEL with Kubernetes and I can't seem to find the correct answer when it comes to k8s. The question is, do I need/should have the collector agent on each node or just have ...
Devon's user avatar
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Connection Refused error on Fluent-bit Opentelemetry INPUT

I am trying to send logs from Opentelemetry Collector Contrib (export) to Fluent-bit using the Opentelemetry INPUT plugin. But I get error in the OTel Contrib pod: 2023-06-30T14:17:07.770Z warn ...
toto''s user avatar
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How can I configure a springboot java application to send traces to jaeger

I have a springboot application deployed in my kubernetes cluster. I would like to start collecting traces and send them to my jaeger (deployed with jaeger operator). I tried to follow a couple of ...
Tair Itzhak's user avatar
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K8s Port forward into network namespace - Connection Refused

I'm running into an issue while hosting Open Telemetry Collector on K8s. We are using open telemetry helm-charts to deploy in an OKE cluster. The deployment succeeds however, the port-forward to the ...
Siddhant's user avatar
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I have some template related error during helm unit testing

I have a helm chart with the following repository structure. It is basically a nested helm chart. The other helm chart is 'otel-collector' and the inner helm chart is 'opentelemetry-collector' ├── ...
Rohan Prasad's user avatar
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Issue when using kafka in opentelemetry collector exporters running in openshift

I'm having kafka cluster deployed in openshift in different namespace also opentelemetry is delpoyed in another namespace. This is my yaml file for opentelemetry apiVersion: ...
Mugi Coder's user avatar
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How to resolve conflicts between Boto3 in opentelemetry auto-instrument and Kubernetes applications?

I installed OpenTelemetry Operator and OpenTelemetry Collector by helm to implement auto-instrument application which deployed on Kubernetes. Implementation steps: Install OpenTelemetry Operator helm ...
Đăng Lương's user avatar
5 votes
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OpenTelemetry Operator - Not Able to Inject auto Instrumentation libraries

We are planning to use open telemetry as a standard for all our applications and we have installed opentelemetry-operator one of our Kubernetes cluster. otl collector and instrumentation is running ...
Sajid's user avatar
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Kubernetes error: unknown field "otel" error when trying to setup Open Telemetry with Dapr

I'm following the Dapr documentation to have Dapr sending data to an Open Telemetry collector pod in kubernetes. The first step is to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data. Tracing Docs So I'...
Daniel Patrício's user avatar
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Does an open-telemetry Metrics instrument need to persist in order to properly record histogram metrics?

Consider the following case: One has a kubernetes cronjob that runs on a schedule, say once every 30 seconds. This cronjob spins up a new pod, runs a python script that captures some measurements, and ...
Gary Lang's user avatar
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Pass an entire yaml from values to templates without filling empty fields with nulls

I am trying to pass given part of values.yaml into helm template: receivers: test1: test2: test3: test4: using function: {{ .Values.receivers | toYaml | nindent 2}} Code is ...
nlesniak's user avatar
3 votes
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Open-telemetry auto instrumentation does not work without sidecar

I work at a startup, and we recently migrated our workloads to use Kubernetes, specifically we are running inside a cluster in EKS (AWS). I'm currently trying to implement a observability stack on our ...
Victor Chacon's user avatar
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Opentelemetry collector gives "partialSuccess": {} response

I have an opentelemetry collector contrib (0.69.0) installed inside OpenShift container and I want to export my traces to Datadog. I have an http endpoint URL exposed for my Collector service and I ...
AnyamBorogass's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry Collector, Prometheus, and K8s namespaces

Given the below scenario (which I believe is quite standard) - how can the metrics know what namespaces they came from? They always seem to just refer to the monitoring namespace - which sortof makes ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to deal with clock skew in a multi-node Kubernetes cluster?

The issue is that the logs for a specific request (identified by a traceId printed in each log line) are being collected by loki-stack in a Kubernetes cluster, but the logs are not being displayed in ...
Dojo's user avatar
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Use OpenTelemetry to track Kubernetes pods/containers cpu, memory and health

Does opentelemetry provide auto instrumentation for Kubernetes pods/containers cpu, memory and health if I am using opentelemetry-collector-contrib?
bunny's user avatar
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How to debug/list all OpenTelemetry targets scraped into a k8s cluster

I'm configuring OpenTelemetry on a k8s cluster with the following configuration - job_name: MYAPP kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod metrics_path: /metrics scrape_interval: 10s ...
dash1e's user avatar
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no matches for kind "OpenTelemetryCollector" in version ""

I tried instrumenting the open telemetry by deploying the following script. apiVersion: kind: Instrumentation metadata: name: my-instrumentation spec: exporter: ...
codeX's user avatar
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Is there a step by step instruction to enable tracing of kubernetes components?

I'm running Kubernetes version v1.24.0, trying to enable tracing in Kubernetes components and so I can instrument my custom controller to work with tracing. However, the instruction https://kubernetes....
Nagendra Maynattamai's user avatar
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Gateway vs Agent OpenTelemetry collector deployment on Kubernetes

there is 2 ways to deploy OpenTelemetry collector on Kubernetes Agent and Gateway my question is when deploying OpenTelemetry collector as a ...
Idan Reuven's user avatar
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How to inject custom tags into OpenTelemetry when using a side-car pattern

I am new to OpenTelemetry. I am trying to understand how to set up custom tags when using a side-car Observability pattern as DAPR. My point is to find a way to add OpenTelemetry tags to a Trace in an ...
toto''s user avatar
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Could open-telemetry collector be used without instrumentation?

We are building application with argo workflows. We are wondering if we could just set up opentelemetry collector inside of our kubernetes cluster, and start using it as stdout exporter into elastic ...
Vsevolod Mitskevich's user avatar
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failed to list *v1.Pod: pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:monitoring" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope

Not sure what I am missing. Please, find below all the config scripts I have used 2022-07-21T07:26:56.903Z info service/collector.go:220 Starting otelcol... {"service": "my-...
Ritesh Sinha's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry doesn't show metrics in Prometheus

I've setup OpenTelemetry in Kubernetes. Below is my config. exporters: logging: {} extensions: health_check: {} memory_ballast: {} processors: batch: {} memory_limiter: check_interval: ...
Container-Man's user avatar
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Open Telemetry python-FastAPI auto instrumentation in k8s not collecting data

So I am trying to instrument a FastAPI python server with Open Telemetry. I installed the dependencies needed through poetry: opentelemetry-api = "^1.11.1" opentelemetry-distro = {extras = [&...
ebarti's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry Service Point not showing in Prometheus

I installed OpenTelemetry operator in Kubernets. Installed it using helm. helm install my-opentelemetry-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector Below is the ConfigMap of collector ...
Container-Man's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to export traces to OpenTelemetry Collector on Kubernetes

I am using the opentelemetry-ruby otlp exporter for auto instrumentation: The otel collector was installed as a daemonset: ...
alig227's user avatar
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How can I connect my Kubernetes pod to a remote Jaeger?

I am trying to connect my pod from Kubernetes (k8s) cluster to a remote Jaeger server. I've tested and it can work well if both of them are on the same machine. However, when I run my app on k8s, my ...
iamatsundere181's user avatar
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Using OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS in Open Telemetry Collector to avoid secrets in ConfigMap

I have a Kubernetes cluster with a pod running an instance of Open Telemetry Collector. My .Net app inside Kubernetes exports traces to the Collector instance which in turn exports them to Elastic ...
Absolom's user avatar
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