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How to get SAML Assertion from Okta API in any other format except HTML

I am developing an application and would like to use Okta as the Identity Provider (IdP) to log in to AWS. I am searching for Okta APIs that I can use to obtain the Security Assertion Markup Language (...
Prateek's user avatar
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2 answers

SAML 2.0 response verification

Integrating one of my application with with SAML 2.0 single sign on. Using Okta provider for this. I came to the point where I receive base64 encoded "SAML response token" after successful ...
Smolda's user avatar
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How do I add a custom field for a new Okta app integration?

I am creating a new Okta integration for our app and need to require users to enter a subdomain, where can I do this? We will be using SAML. As you can see in this example for the slack integration ( ...
zstrad44's user avatar
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Angular 2/5 and SAML authentication via Okta

We are building an Angular 5 app front end application with Node as the back end layer. The API requests to node from angular are authenticated via basic authentication but we are planning to ...
Alice's user avatar
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SAML enabled site

We want to implement single sign on in our applications and want to use OKTA api. But our application need to be SAML enabled for us to proceed forward. Currently we use forms authentication in our ...
aman's user avatar
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Issue using SAML for authentication with spring boot app

I'm currently reading this article on how to set up SAML with Spring Boot applications. I followed all the steps and I just changed the Single Sign On URL from "https://localhost:8443/saml/SSO" to "...
yimson's user avatar
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Okta-api -Issue using Spring-security SAML with CSRF

I have gone thru the steps listed in the document - Everything works fine and I see SAML response getting ...
Palak Shah's user avatar
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Okta stuck in endless loop if no user account in app

I'm building a rails application and have successfully implemented Okta single sign on using the 'devise' gem and 'devise_saml_authenticable' gem. Everything is working great and I am able to ...
Jason's user avatar
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5 votes
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SAML Single logout through OKTA

I have got the following SP's Request and IDP's reponse: <samlp:LogoutRequest xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Destination="
Jami's user avatar
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Singlelogout not working in okta spring app

I am trying to test springboot-saml singlelogout with Okta . I am facing a error when I hit /saml/logout/ . The Spring log says "Received LogoutResponse has invalid status code " . The Okta app log ...
Raghavan's user avatar
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Are there any differences in implementation between Okta's SAML Java Toolkit and OpenSAML?

I am currently integrating SAML with a custom Java web-app in order to put it behind Okta. I want to use the SAML Java Toolkit that is provided by Okta. There are many examples on the internet of ...
DannySievers's user avatar
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Implement Okta authentication from Web Api

I am working for AngularJS web application and we need to implement the OKTA authentication from Web Api. Is there any possible to way to implement the OKTA authentication from Web Api ?
Mus's user avatar
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authenticate to SharePoint through OKTA from back-end service

I have a need to programmatically connect to a customer's SharePoint server that uses OKTA for authentication. I saw this post which looked promising, but cannot seem to get a valid session cookie ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to create Signature Certificate and what i need to mentioned in SP Issuer for okta single logout

How to configure okta developers application for single log out Single Logout URL SP Issuer Signature Certificate Any one please help me how to configure it . how to generate Signature ...
Swagata Mondal's user avatar