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Retrieve AccessToken using session token Okta/OAuth2.0 from Backend Node JS Axios

I am working on creating API in Node JS, My requirement is write an APIs which authenticate Okta users from backend using /api/v1/authn endpoint which returns session token and using that token I ...
Bhavesh Kashikar's user avatar
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Invoke EntraID or Okta 2FA on demand after Authenticated Session on certain button clicks

I am looking for suggestion or Approach on the UseCase. When my app launches, I have customer login to our application through SSO. This could be either Okta or EntraID or Any IDP provider. As they ...
Pawan's user avatar
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NodeJS: Unable to verify JWT with Okta JWT Verifier

I am trying to verify a JWT token sent from a frontend app using the @okta/jwt-verifier package.I keep getting the below error JwtParseError: Error while resolving signing key for kid "...
Teknoville's user avatar
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Unable to get response of OKTA's ListUsers with Search API via okta-sdk-nodejs Client's listUsers method

Code snippet: async getUsersByEmail(value) { try { return await Promise.all([ oktaClient.listUsers({ search: value, }), ]).then((values) => { ...
Nandishwar Garg's user avatar
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Unable to authenticate (okta) a post request to a route from within a route getting a 401 Unauthorized response. GET Request works

I have a nodejs app utilising express using @okta/okta-sdk-nodejs and @okta/oidc-middleware to handle authentication. I have a number of routes that work fine and are authorised as expected. The ...
CassOwary's user avatar
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Even though both are same, Im getting the error: The 'redirect_uri' parameter must be a Login redirect URI in the client app settings

in my okta application settings , LOGIN Login redirect URIs :http://localhost:3000/users/callback & http://localhost:3000/ Logout redirect URIs http://localhost:3000/ and in app.js, onst oidc = ...
Shashank Patwa's user avatar
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Okta authorization server using custom domain issues

My company is using Okta Developer Edition and we have an existing integration that uses the default Authorization Server. It’s configured like so (orgid redacted): Name: default Audience: api://...
Ergin's user avatar
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Okta OpenID Connect how to Verify ID_TOKEN & extract data?

If you visit the link. At the end you will find Okta Libraries to Help You Verify ID Tokens I'm currently using Node.js, when you ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Getting error "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE" from Okta JWT Verifier

Trying to verify Okta token using @okta/jwt-verifier module but getting below error parsedBody: JwtBody { ver: 1, jti: 'xxxxxxx', iss: 'xxxxxxx', aud: 'api://default', iat: ...
Renjith Kathirolil's user avatar
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requested feature is not enabled in this environment

I'm trying to access the authorization server that i have in okta, so i can see the users profile (in this case the user first name and favorite color )from the alexa skill but keep getting an error. ...
Moriuks's user avatar
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Wait for promises to complete before pushing error array of objects to CSV

I am trying to import and delete large numbers of users from Okta while staying within rate limits, and logging any errors to excel. The code below seems to be working, but there is just the issue ...
Jake Durell's user avatar
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Getting "Error: state mismatch, could not find a state in the session" when using Okta OIDC middleware

We're setting up the Okta oidc-middleware for our web app. What works is when we're not logged in, we get redirected to Okta, and then we're redirected back to our callback handler after providing ...
Thinh Ngo's user avatar
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How to fix 'UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning'

I'm setting up a login and register page using Okta and Express. I have tried to set up the ExpressOIDC but then I get this error: `App listening on port 3000 (node:15664) ...
Bob's user avatar
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Is there a way to check if a new account has just been created using the Okta Authentication API?

I want to use Okta to safely store my users names and passwords; however, they also have information such as (to be general) age, birthday, graduation date, interests, etc. to be stored as well. The ...
Kurnal saini's user avatar
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Invalid Token Provide error in OKTA while creating user

I am getting Invalid token provided error . I created new token and with postman, I am able to create user but using ajax call I am not able to create user.Here is the sample code. var express = ...
Bharat Bhaskar's user avatar
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How to obtain state token for password reset in Okta

I want to implement forgot password feature using the following api in Okta Password Reset api For this api I need State Token. So my question is How I can obtain state token in Okta?
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