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Filter expression for C# Dataverse call for associated entity

I have a working Postman GET call with below filter expression URL calls qacode D365 entity. "$filter": "qacode_incident/any(o:o/incidentid eq '8e43ab01-1922-4989-8e5d-8d56f9f7f9c1')&...
User-243d's user avatar
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D365 API PATCH call returns 204 No Content

I am making a call to Dynamics 365 incidents entity and I am updating few fields like 'notes' by passing the key value in Body of the HTTP call. URL is something like below: PATCH https://<>.crm....
User-243d's user avatar
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Odata Dynamics CRM 365 from contact to account

How can i use Odata with Expand property to fetch a custom property on account while I am on the contact entity? I was trying this: api/data/v9.0/contacts?$select=id,name,address1_city,address1_line1&...
Roelant M's user avatar
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Precondition check failed error while updating Microsoft Dynamics CRM record

I am updating a MS Dynamics CRM record using HTTP Client from C# code. The code looks below. string query = client.BaseAddress + <<url path>>; JObject payload = new JObject { {"...
VJOY's user avatar
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Influence Simple.OData.Client @odata.bind collection route

Introduction I am writing a .NET app where I'm connecting to Dynamics and trying to update a record. I'm making use of the Simple.OData.Client package v6.0.1 (repo here). I've got a model where I've ...
WerkmanW's user avatar
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OData Dynamics - Last request within batch request is given error

Problem: last request within batch request is given error "code":"0x80048d19","message":"Error identified in Payload provided by the user for Entity :'' ... I'm ...
marz's user avatar
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Power BI how to pass a null as a text in a function in FetchXml

I have a FetchXml query for returning dynamics crm data that I have generated using XrmToolbox with Power Query (M) Builder. The data is more than 5000 records and creates an invoked function to set ...
BI DATA's user avatar
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How to update D365 multi-select picklist to an empty value (no selections) using OData?

We have a custom field in an entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (dataverse). It's a multi-select picklist, so the OData API exposes it as a string (comma-separated value). Setting values to the field is ...
kor_'s user avatar
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Improving throughput to Dynamics CRM via asynchronous C# OData (Simple.Odata.Client)

I've recently been assigned to a project, where all the batchjobs are being handled through horribly optimized SSIS packages, and I'm currently trying to create POC Console.Application which will ...
RBP's user avatar
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problem with the payload when saving a record

when I try to add\change the value of a custom lookup and then save it, I get this error: Exception Message: Error identified in Payload provided by the user for Entity :'', For more information on ...
Programingnoobie's user avatar
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Error stringifying an object when calling Custom Action in OData D365 Online

I have created a custom action that takes in an input parameter called paramsInput (string). I want to send to said action a stringified JSON object so that it may be deserialized inside the action. ...
Jadenkun's user avatar
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How to use Dynamics OData to query for either account or contact

We are using Dynamics 365 cloud CE and for integration we use the Odata webapi. We have accounts for companies and contacts for individuals, together either can be a customer. We are creating ...
Per's user avatar
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Fastest way to delete (or mass-delete) with odata?

Poking around online it seems that odata deletes must occur one at a time, specifying the entity record's PK each time. But this SO post somewhat ambiguously hints at batch-style delete. If this is ...
HerrimanCoder's user avatar
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Trying to add a "SharepointDocumentLocation" to MS Dynamics365 via the Web API

I'm trying to create new Sharepoint document locations in my Dynamics365 (in the cloud) system, and I'm trying to link those to an existing Sharepoint Site (collection), as well as to a custom entity ...
marc_s's user avatar
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Power Automate D365 Virtual column OData Filter Error

I've been looking for some articles regarding this but havn't seen anyone have this issue. We are trying to reference a Virtual Field named "_ownerid_type". Expression: _ownerid_type eq '...
Raining_Crumbs's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 OData WebAPI request orderby child property not working?

I want to order the returned list based on a property from the child but I'm getting this error {"error":{"code":"0x0","message":"Object reference not set ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Quick find can't search a record with odata lookup field

There is an OData lookup field called first_name. I can use the advanced find to search a record. However, I can't search a record through quick find. enter image description here enter image ...
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How to fetch the data from Odata query by column name in Power BI

Using the OData.Feed() I am trying to fetch the data from the dynamics. database_url?$select=* giving the all columns data where as when I am trying to fetch the data by column name then it's missing ...
Bhagyashree More's user avatar
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Dataverse - Check if element exists in array returned from OData query using the RetrieveAvailableLanguages function

I am using the RetrieveAvailableLanguages function to run this query on my target environment. In the response from this ...
greg's user avatar
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OData query to filter a collection based on a navigation property's expanded value

I have a quotes collection I'd like to filter through a navigation property value. This navigation property is not a collection, but rather the id to another discrete linked entity. My use case is {{ ...
Adam Skinner's user avatar
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How do I get Microsoft.OData.Client to Associate tables on update?

I have tested this request (to Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM) in postman and it works correctly: POST request to$select=foo_moduleid Headers include: ...
Myster's user avatar
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Difference between odata and fetchxml

I would like understand the difference between odata and fetchxml, this has to do with pagination in MS Dynamics, I am very new to the stack and would like to understand why there are two object ...
sgan11's user avatar
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Microsoft Daynamics WebApi - The navigation property 'bpf_quoteid' has no expanded value and no 'odata.bind' property annotation

I am trying to link a quote to a bpf instance through Dynamics 365 WebApi : const data = { "[email protected]": "/" + SelectedEntityTypeName + "s(" + ...
Florent's user avatar
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Virtual Entity with localhost OData service

I tried to create virtual entity with OData v4 data source. This guide worked for me with no problems: Now I'm trying to ...
Arsen's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 API link between ActivityPointer and activitytypecode global option set

I am reading data from the ActivityPointer entity in Dynamics 365 via the API and I want to link the activitytypecode field value to the activitypointer_activitytypecode global option set, which I ...
Sean's user avatar
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Microsoft's OData Client Generated Classes do not Compile

We are trying to use Microsoft's OData Client to generate C# classes for our custom entities in Microsoft Dynamics. We add the "OData Connected Service" extension to Visual Studio and ...
Tom Baxter's user avatar
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Lookup Dynamics 365 entity with alternate key that is a lookup property with the API

I am trying to lookup an entity in Dynamics 365 using the alternate key syntax in the URI, but the alternate key contains a property which is a lookup type value. So I was hoping I could lookup that ...
Sean's user avatar
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OData: Only many-to-one relationships are supported for nested expansion

Following is the query that I'm trying to execute: /api/data/v9.1/entity1?$select=name&$expand=parentaccountid($select=address1_city,address1_country,address1_county,address1_line1,address1_line2,...
Drunken Daddy's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 CRM specify base path for nextLink

When you request data from Dynamics CRM for a particular entity the results are capped at 5000 records (which is configurable via header Prefer=odata.maxpagesize=3) the result includes a link to the ...
Sean's user avatar
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Odata query expand grandchild in Dynamics [closed]

I have the following simple data structure: Advance Advancing groups - Advancing Recipients Job Location I need to retrieve all advances and their Job, Location and Advancing Recipients details. I ...
Deturnip's user avatar
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Why is the EntitySet "owners" not present in Dynamics CRM metadata?

Using odata-client-microsoft-dynamics I'm generating java code as a client for the Dynamics CRM OData api. The basis of the code generation is the metadata defined at
Dave Moten's user avatar
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MS CRM Online: Get all accounts with more than X contacts

Is it possible to get all accounts in MS CRM Online with more than X contacts via odata (this is probably not possible via FetchXML)? Something like (dummy code, does not work): accounts?$apply=...
Eichi's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 OData getting 1:N linked entities

I have entities of type account which when I look at it in Dyn365 it has a section containing a list view of related entities. How do i get these related entities from the OData API? I can query api/...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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SSIS Odata connection successful but collection does not load, SSDT 2017

I am trying to connect via an SSIS package within Visual Studio 2017 SQL Server Data Tools 2017 to an OData feed from Microsoft Dynamics 365 (hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud). The connection ...
Lee Whieldon's user avatar
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I am trying to create a action card using CDS but facing below issue on request

Body Content: { "@odata.context": "$metadata#actioncards/$entity", "[email protected]": "...
yuvraj's user avatar
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D365 Web API / OData - Error while filtering relationship by "CascadeConfiguration" enum value

I want to retrieve all one-to-many relationships of an entity where the Delete value of the CascadeConfiguration property is equal to Cascade. According to the documentation, I'm using the following ...
colinD's user avatar
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OData Multi-level query to CDS returns strange results at the 3rd level

I am querying our MS Dynamics HR Talent installation using the OData WebApi. I am running this query:$select=cdm_fullname,...
cmgharris's user avatar
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How to set the Sender and Recipient of Email using Odata Client in Dynamics?

I'm trying to add Sender and Recipient to Email using the activity party concept in Dynamics. I'm using Simple Odata Client. But I get the following error: message: "The 'Create' method does not ...
Priya Bhandari's user avatar
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Cannot set multi-select option field when creating record in Dynamics 365 XRM Web API

I am attempting to create a record using the Dynamics 365 Web API. The field trying to be set is a multi-select option and is supposed to take an array of integers. The value being passed in is an ...
cjanow's user avatar
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Dynamics CRM 365 Odata query with expand has poor performance

We are querying an entity with a odata string like:$expand=my_field1_ref($select=field1,field2),my_field2_ref,my_field3_ref($select=...
Dirk Reuschling's user avatar
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Microsoft.OData.Client $expand does not populate the model

I am using Microsoft.OData.Client based on the microsoft sample application. Here's my simple WebAPI Controller: [Route("test")] [HttpGet] public IHttpActionResult Test() { ...
Myster's user avatar
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How to define an entity with "local Option set " attribute using Dynamics 365 rest API

I'm trying to define an entity with all of it attributes , one them is an option set , and i want to define it as a "local option set", any idea of how to do this ? here is my http request : (i'm ...
Reza94's user avatar
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Getting Audit Record Details from Dynamics 365 to Power BI

I have been able to pull down an audit table from Dynamics 365 and load it into Power BI by selecting Get Data, choosing the odata option and using url/api/data/v9.1/audits. I see the column ...
SQLHound's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 opportunity EntityType processid and stagename error

For a newly created Dynamics 365 Opportunity entity why is the processid GUID all zeros, should it not by the GUID for the qualify stage? Furthermore, why is the only other processid I see when ...
greg's user avatar
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Creating record using JS and JSON not correctly using owner value

I'm attempt to create a record in Dynamics 365 using JavaScript however the Owner field is not being set properly. The record creates just fine if I remove the setting of the 'ownerid' field. I have ...
cjanow's user avatar
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How to expose OData feeds using Power BI?

I currently have internal users using the inbuilt OData feed exposed by Dynamics 365 Online. I would like expose a portion of the feed to anonymous users, based on the results of a predefined query, e....
Kye's user avatar
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 OData service does not use display names

I'm using Dynamics 365 version 8.2 on-premise and I've found that the the default OData service (https://CRM/api/data/v8.2/) displays entity and field names using the Name field and not the Display ...
Kye's user avatar
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How to create the annotation from the form?

var note = Object(); note["notetext"] = "test"; note["subject"] = "Закрытие обращения"; note["[email protected]"] = `/incidents(FC8F144E-06E7-E711-80C7-0050569B0E28)`; $.ajax( { type: "...
Виктор Улюшев's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to call the BulkDelete action from Microsoft Dynamics CRM WebAPI

I’m trying to call the BulkDelete() Action of the WebAPI (OData REST service) of an on premise Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 (2016 / v8.2) instance. For now I am still at the stage of trying to make the ...
Francis Gagnon's user avatar
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OData Function Encountered invalid type cast. Type is not assignable from '<null>'

Context What's the proper syntax for RetrieveAttributeChangeHistory parameters? Trying RetrieveAttributeChangeHistory from the Dynamics 365 audit entity. I need some help forming the proper syntax ...
greg's user avatar
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