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Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Linq.DocumentQueryException: Expression with NodeType 'Conditional' is not supported

When using OData filter operator any on a nested property it fails returning: Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Linq.DocumentQueryException: Expression with NodeType 'Conditional' is not supported. The Json ...
crazy_p's user avatar
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is there a way to query OData with a linq query

I'm using [EnableQuery] and returning an IQueryable from my api controller like this: [HttpGet] [EnableQuery] public IQueryable<Category> Get() { return getCategories().AsQueryable(); } Is ...
buga's user avatar
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How to preserve SQL performance that I get with IQueryable<Entity> with a IQueryable<DTO> when using oData?

I am using EF Core and oData. I've noticed that oData "magically" updates my query when my controller returns an IQueryable that returns an EF Core entity, but as soon as I try to return a ...
Tom Crosman's user avatar
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OData $orderBy with nested $filter and $top

I have an OData endpoint and want to order the results based on a property Sort of the first entry in a nested collection. It boils down to translate the following LINQ query to OData syntax. ...
wertzui's user avatar
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Modify variable in expression tree to check recursion depth

To query our data from the frontend we use an OData .NET 5 API. To map our database objects to DTOs we use some custom mapper methods. An earlier problem we solved requires us to decompile the lambda ...
Niels's user avatar
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Odata filtering in expanded property does not work

We have created a .NET Core API which uses Odata to filter, select, and expand the data. The data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database and retrieved through EntityFramework Core (code first). ...
Niels's user avatar
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Projecting an IEnumerable inside an Projected IQueryable making N Requests to the Database

I'm making an Core Api and one of the Actions of the Controller i need to return an IQueryable of a DTO, but one of the properties is an IEnumerable of another DTO in a relationship one to ...
miguelkmarques's user avatar
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Response from OData API in .NetCore is well formed?

I have this function code made in a controller CustomEntityController of a CustomEntity Model from OData API public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] CustomEntity entity) { HttpResponseMessage ...
lsalvatore's user avatar