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D365 Create multiple new ECO products

I need to create multiple products in an ECO header using OData. These products should appear with ChangeType "New" and Impact "New product". Using the UI that is possible without ...
mufsalup's user avatar
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ABAP Virtual element field displays but is duplicated for every work item

I am new to abap and currently experimenting with an abap class that determines the current approver for work items. I am using virtual elements to determine this field which is displayed in my cds ...
user14255281's user avatar
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How to Get Individual Responses for Each Insert in ODataBatch Execution Using Simple.OData.V4.Client?

I am using the Simple.OData.V4.Client library (version 6.0.1) to insert multiple accounts in a batch operation. Here’s the code I currently use: var batch = new ODataBatch(client); var ...
Cuban coffee's user avatar
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Pyodata multiple condition filtering

CAPACITY_PLAN = service.entity_sets.CAPACITY_PLAN.get_entities().select('NAME,DATE,CAPACITY') CAPACITY_PLAN = CAPACITY_PLAN.filter((CAPACITY_PLAN.DATE >= (datetime.datetime(((datetime.datetime....
Frollolpr3h311's user avatar
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How to call OData service using a destination?

New to JavaScript and SAPUI5; struggling to find syntax explanation. Need to call an OData service in on-premise systems. The SAP project template already put seemingly correct dataSources section in ...
MichaelF's user avatar
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PowerBI Azure-Devops: query not showing links (as shown in Msft sample query)

When I try to use the Microsoft learning example to retrieve Devops workitmes and related items, only the parent shows up. No attributes concerning Linked workitems are shown. Used code is the exact ...
user23314406's user avatar
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OData The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches when Delete request

I'm implementing an OData controller in an ASP.NET Core project, and I've added a new HttpDelete endpoint to delete a person by their ID. However, when I send a DELETE request to the endpoint, I get ...
nabeel yahya's user avatar
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Update NavigationProperty in SAPUI5 with OData V4 Model (with ASP.NET backend)

I'm using SAPUI5 with an OData V4 Model with ASP.NET as a backend. I have Reservations which have a stauses. I need a functionality that the user can change the Status of a Reservation. All statuses ...
zigjotalo's user avatar
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Using OAuth2 in ODataV4 / getting Token asynchronously

I've got an OData connected service for V4 generated through a metadata file. Since the service requires OAuth2, I have to obtain the token asynchronously from a web server before sent any message. In ...
Not just for fun's user avatar
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Isssue with Accessing Nested OData Feed Outside Power BI – Nested Data Null in Browser/API Call

I am having trouble accessing nested data in a oData feed via anything other than PowerBi. I have an OData feed, which I am opening via OData.Feed in PowerBi, opening https://xxxx/reports/api/v2.0/...
FME_Status's user avatar
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How to Mock a Batch Response from an OData DataServiceContext

I am in the process of writing unit tests for a .NET FW 4.8 project that connects to an API using the library. The project uses a DataServiceContext to send batch requests and receive ...
noahsrc's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 Delta Link expiration and Delta Token structure

I have successfully setup Dynamics 365 to allow change tracking for a specific table. On each request, the API returns the delta link to retrieve the subsequent changes. The delta link contains the ...
Flamur Dervishi's user avatar
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Group and Count records by owner with OData in Dataverse

I want to count records grouped by owner, e.g. to answer the question: How many tasks are owned by which user? I tried this and failed:
Kurt Riede's user avatar
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cdata connect (OData) stored proc error "code": "consumSpRS"

Using CData Connect to expose Oracle STORED proc, I just get a java exception for which I cannot find any fixes for. *[ODATA][2024-11-07T04:38:30.065Z][ERROR] rssbus.RSBException: [rsb:load_operation] ...
Melissa's user avatar
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How to expand all entities in an OData GET request in SAP SuccessFactors

I'm using the Postman app to make a GET request to an OData service. I have more than 100 entities in my OData model, and instead of specifying each one individually, I want to expand all of them in a ...
Elnatan Iskhakov's user avatar
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When OData apply ODataQueryOptions<T> in .NET 8?

Help me understand when Odata applies query parameters to IQueryable? The task is as follows: it is necessary to get the result of the query execution to the database before sending it to the client. ...
Uladzimir's user avatar
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How to filter a ComplexTypeCollection field in Azure Search to find records containing specific text?

I'm using Azure Search and have an index with a field of type ComplexTypeCollection called ComplexField. Each item in ComplexField has a text property called TextProperty. I would like to know how to ...
Francesco Borraccino's user avatar
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In odata V4 filter empty array

Url:odata/Machines?$expand=item Output is like: [ { "id": 2, "item": [ { "id": 9, "prod_order_id": 9, }, ] }, { "id": 1, "item": [] }, ] In ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Connecting to OData API iteratively each time with a different URL in Fabric

I am trying to connect to OData API from Fabric, I wanted to call different URLs iteratively passed dynamically to the OData and as a result we receive tables. Among them we wanted to select few ...
Mamidi Lakshmi Prasanna's user avatar
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SAP Odata ABAP standard stack calls

I tried to debug the ABAP stack of an OData service, and I see there is this call which is taking more time which is called as "Load MPC class" same with all the DPC and DPC_EXT classes, ...
Mehaboob Subuhani's user avatar
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Can't serialize properly using a Custom ODataResourceSerializer when using $select or $expand

I created a custom OData Resource Serializer as part of the migration into dotnet core 8 and OData 9 This was mainly to maintain out previous syntax and support Geometry type from SQL spatial and NTS. ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Cannot convert between Data entity and Domain entity IQueryable with Automapper for OData endpoint

I am trying to convert my data entity IQueryable to domain entity IQueryable in my repository class. The Find() method is used by OData to apply filters. The problem is, when I send an OData query ...
KenAdams's user avatar
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How to get error message for submitBatch with OData V4 in SAPUI5

When creating new entities in SAPUI5 using submitBatch for a OData V4 service, messages can be read using getMessages() for the bound context. This will however not return any technical messages. For ...
Patrick's user avatar
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.Net 8 Nullable String Parameter set to "Microsoft.OData.ODataNullValue" instead of null

Recently migrated our project from .NET6 to .NET 8. During the process we also migrated our ODATA 7 from 8 Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData from "7.5.12" to "8.1.0" I'm trying to keep ...
Manjunatha Rao's user avatar
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Getting Error when trying to access Dell redfish api via .net OData Client

I am trying to use the ODataClient lib ( But when I am connecting to the iDrac (Redfish) I am getting following error. ...
Marko's user avatar
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Filter using child fields to return parent with non-empty nodes

I am trying to fetch nested json structure using filters inside $expand on entities at more than one level. The Odata(OData v4.0) query looks as follows: https://{{context-path}}/Workers?$select=...
VoiceOfReason's user avatar
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Microsoft D365 OData Invalid URL with entity that has composite key

I'm attempting to use OData to retrieve and/or delete specific records in the BillOfMaterialsVersionsV4 entity. The following defines the composite key: <Key> <PropertyRef Name="...
Jake Smith's user avatar
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SAP Odata Metadata Cache

As we know, we clear the metadata of OData services after every deployment or release. Clearing the metadata cache using a few standard UI5 programs has been very helpful. However, we are experiencing ...
Mehaboob Subuhani's user avatar
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Batch call in chunks to post data in bulk in Fiori

I am trying to upload an excel with having ~3000 line items. To upload that, I am trying to have a batch call and posting data in chunks of 100 line items. The batch calls are getting successful. The ...
Swapnil Garg's user avatar
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EnsureStableOrdering = false is not stopping default sorting in navigation entities on ASP.NET Core OData

Even after setting EnsureStableOrdering = falsein the ODataQuerySettings ODataQueryOptions is still applying default sorting in the collection of navigation entities when expand is specified in the ...
Nivash RK's user avatar
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Logging the Microsoft OData Connected service api call to an odata endpoint?

For debugging purposes, I would like to log the actual http call to an OData endpoint. I am using the Microsoft OData Client V8.0.1 and the OData Connected Service 2022+ (v1.1.0) extension to auto ...
John S's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8 Web API with OData

I need help with the task. I must develop an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API with OData because it will be connected to Excel. After searching, I found the Attach project which was develop in .NET Core 2.1. ...
MoranJE's user avatar
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Trying get Odata but unable to create entityContainer; getDefaultEntityContainer giving null pointer error

I am using Apache Olingo lib to get the Odata. I am able to get EDM and metadata, but I'm unable to get entityContainer. I tried with default method also but getting null as result. Here is sample ...
Mahesh Kapure's user avatar
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OData orderby Enum Type throws exception

I have an entity defined as follows, which encounters issues when trying to sort by the TheType property: [Serializable] [Authorize] [JsonObject(ItemNullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] ...
Pramod J C's user avatar
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How can I create a list in SAPUI5 where each line contains data from multiple entities?

I'm trying to create a page with a questionnaire, where users are presented a list of questions and have to answer them. There are multiple types of answers (multiple choice, textfields, numeric ...
S4nvers's user avatar
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Issue with $compute and $select on Array Properties in OData Query

I'm working with OData and I've encountered an issue when using the $compute and $select query options with properties of type array. Here's what I'm trying to achieve: Query URL for Non-Array ...
charbel abou khalil's user avatar
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How to extract multiple tables with one query using Power Query M in Microsoft Fabric Dataflow Gen2

We are using an OData connector to try and extract multiple tables from a SAP HANA environment in Microsoft Fabric Dataflow Gen2. Currently we are extracting these tables one by one with separate ...
Abe Brandsma's user avatar
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With Power Automate's Get Calendar events action - Using toupper in Filter Query to convert subject causes error

I'm building a Power Automate flow that needs to loop over 6 months of calendar events, and find events that contain a string in part of the subject line. Using the ODATA filter makes the flow perform ...
user1505210's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core OData 8: allow deep navigation

We're using odata2ts as our client side library. As stated on it's docs: OData exposes and advertises entry points, most often entity sets (e.g. /People). We can traverse to a specific entity of that ...
Juncal's user avatar
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Azure Devops odata query returns UserEmail:Unknown

I'm trying to get a list of WorkItems together with the assignees. However no matter what I try, I get this output: { "@odata.context":"
Cagin Uludamar's user avatar
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Sharepoint API - OData Query negative substringof not working

I'm starting to get acquainted to the Sharepoint API and wanted to fetch all of the file names that do not contain the substring "done". Until now I was not able to achieve it using a couple ...
mburns's user avatar
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Troubles filtering my source from EveryAngle (Angles for SAP) using Odata in PowerQuery

I'm having troubles filtering my data uploaded from everyangle through Odata in Powerquery, The "$select" option does work, but the "$filter" doesn't. I've tried many things I've ...
loïc LAPRADE's user avatar
2 votes
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OData client obsolete credentials property in version 8.x

I read the change log for Microsoft.OData.Client 8.x. There is a statement "Obsolete Credentials property dropped from DataServiceContext class. The recommended way to configure credentials is ...
Tomas Paul's user avatar
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AutoMapper.Extensions.OData wrong SQL query for compare nullable DateTime and DateOnly

For all OData endpoints in my ASP.NET Core Web API, I return value in this way: { "@odata.context": "...", "@odata.count": 0, "value": [...] } When ...
Silny ToJa's user avatar
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OData query for analyzedEmails endpoint Graph API invalid filter?

I've been messing around with the new analyzedEmails endpoint, but it being in the Beta version of the Graph API, it obviously lacks in some functionality. Nonetheless, this is the one endpoint that I ...
user26957474's user avatar
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Using odata crossjoin and filter results by array property elements

I use the SAP B1 odata interface and would like to get all ProductionOrders and filter them by checking if I have any item in the ProductionOrders/ProductionOrderLines array that meets a condition. As ...
Perrier's user avatar
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OData Restier POST request body

I have a .NET 8 Blazor App. I want to use OData for CRUD. My database is code first, created with migrations. For the following model: public class Category { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } ...
Florin's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory: Get the max-value from a table with the help of CreatedAt-column within an variable expression

This time I am using the following manual: We are ...
notAnExpert's user avatar
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Omit columns in ODATA V4 table retrieval

I am retrieving data from Dynamics NAV database via a webservice URL (ODATA V4) and including the $select option to get specific columns from the whole dataset. I do it in Power Query, either for ...
Haythem's user avatar
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MS Graph API - filter on nested variables while including manager

I am trying to pull in all employees from MS Graph. This request works great once I add the header value ConsistencyLevel to Eventual. GET /v1.0/users/?$count=true&$filter=accountEnabled+eq+true+...
Bah Bah the Lamb's user avatar

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