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How to avoid find_package_handle_standard_args package name warning

In LibTorch 2.0.1 I was able to use the library without installing it (download library and set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to allow CMake to find the library). Using LibTorch 2.5.1 and CUDA 12.6 I have to ...
Uriel Herrera's user avatar
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Are there any libraries for capturing NVTX events without using nsys (NSight Systems)?

NSight Systems is a really really great tool for profiling code, but it's not something we can run in production due to constraints on how it attaches to processes, functional safety certification, ...
Andrew Wagner's user avatar
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nvtx markers with Python Multiprocessing

I'm trying to use nvtx markers along with multiprocessing pool in Python, but when only a child process calls an annotated function the operation doesn't appear in the profiling report. Is there any ...
RocketSocks22's user avatar
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How to see NVTX markers in Nvidia Nsight Systems? With host and guest being the same Windows machine

I am trying profiling CPU/GPU applications, using Nsight suite. Currently trying to understand a stuttering problem, I added a range around the simulation step (taking place on the CPU): #include &...
Ad N's user avatar
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CMake doesn't recognize NVTX after CUDA network install on Win10

Have a look at this GitHub actions run result on a machine running Windows 10: nvcc_11.7 visual_studio_integration_11.7 curand_dev_11.7 nvrtc_dev_11.7 nvtx_11.7 cudart_11.7 ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Missing static nVIDIA Toolkit Extension library for CUDA 10.0

For a Linux project, I am trying to profile a static library that makes use of CUDA NPP library calls. I would like to use the NVTX API to profile our routines to see which are the more efficient. ...
swestrup's user avatar
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Finding the nVIDIA Toolkit Extensions library with CMake

I'm using CMake 3.13, with inherent support for CUDA as a language, to build a project. This project requires the nVIDIA Toolkit Extensions library. On a previous system, I had it under /usr/local/...
einpoklum's user avatar
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NV toolkit extensions include file location - Linux vs Windows

On Linux, if you have /path/to/cuda-10.0/include in your include path, you can #include <nvToolsExt.h>, and life is good. However, a collaborator using Windows has just told me that (with CUDA ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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