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Fastest algorithm for computing 3-D curl

I'm trying to write a section of code that computes the curl of a vector field numerically to second order with periodic boundary conditions. However, the algorithm I made is very slow and I'm ...
P. Reinecke's user avatar
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Numerical methods to solve function with restricted domain

Methods to solve(root finding) the function with the restricted domain. Suppose to solve the function $sin^{-1}(\sqrt{E_n/V}) +a*\sqrt{2mE_n/h^2}=n*\pi$ where $E_n,V,a,m,h n$ were all positive. ...
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5 votes
2 answers

N body simulation in C#

I'm trying to implement an N body simulation in C# using either Runge Kutta 4 or Velocity Verlet integration algorithms. Before I move to a bigger number of particles, I wanted to test the ...
fbartolic's user avatar
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Trying to simulate a 1-dimensional wave

I'm trying to make a simplified simulation of a 1-dimensional wave with a chain of harmonic oscillators. The differential equation for the position x[i] of the i-th oscillator (assuming equilibrium ...
Marco Disce's user avatar