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does the user provide the hash of passwd in NTLM authentication or the O.S or the system

can you guys help and explain why ? i think GPT provide wrong answer Which is true for NTLM/LM authentication? a) Client sends login request and encrypted password to DC b) Client sends login request ...
Detective Conan's user avatar
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IIS Reverse Proxy with Windows Authentication and user name forwarding

I need to connect legacy client systems doing Windows Authentication to a new backend that cannot participate in Windows Authentication. For this purpose, I'm planning to use IIS, configure Windows ...
Lemon Sky's user avatar
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ImmutableID of the user missing when trying to acquire a token for MS Graph API (Windows auth)

I'm developing an API that uses the Microsoft Graph Client SDK to make multiples calls to a Sharepoint site. To authenticate the users making the calls to the API, I'm using the Integrated Windows ...
IKIKN's user avatar
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IIS hosted WCF service, using HTTPS-only and Windows Authentication for WPF client

I'm trying to setup a Client/Server scenario as follows: Client: WPF .NET Framework 4.7.2 Server: ASP.NET .NET Framework 4.7.2 WCF IIS Hosted Windows Authentication HTTPS only (port 80 not mapped) ...
Martin Kirk's user avatar
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Configure Kerberos for Windows Authentication in ASP.NET Core on IIS

How can I configure default Authentication method for Kerberos and prevent using NTLM? Just for Windows Authentication. No middleware needed. No multifactor authentication needed. Startup class: ...
Jaroslav Mesik's user avatar
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AEM Dispatcher on IIS 10 with Windows Authentication NTLM - authentication problem when Dispatcher cache enabled

I have strange problem with AEM Dispatcher running on Windows Server 2019 on IIS 10 with Windows Authentication turned on. When AEM Dispatcher is configured to cache static files, the website can be ...
leksykoon's user avatar
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593 views core 3 HTTP.SYS with SSL, Active Directory + Kerberos - struggling with SPN?

I'm trying to run a net core 3 API as a windows service (i.e. not using IIS) with Http.Sys authenticating accounts on an active directory. I would like to have Basic auth enabled (have to support non ....
Paul's user avatar
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Sending large POST requests with integrated Windows authentication in OWIN self-host

I'm trying to set up an endpoint for authenticated HTTP POST requests that will handle requests whose bodies sit at around 15 kB. I followed the description on MSDN and defined var httpListener = (...
fuglede's user avatar
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Call SOAP API with NTLM authentication from webapp / javascript

I am creating a vuejs webapp and need to request data from an existing soap webservice with NTLM authentication. I have found some examples e.g. with ntlm.js how to do that, but it seems that the user ...
Simon's user avatar
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NTLM no longer working with Java WebStart following a Java upgrade

My company recently updated our Java client from JRE 1.8.0_111 to 1.8.0_211. After the Java update, our Swing client application is no longer able to successfully perform Windows integrated ...
pczeus's user avatar
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LDAP Auth with NTLMv2 invalidCredential

I want to set the NTLMv2 authentication on windows policy (secpol.msc) In fact I set it this way: Local Policies -> Security Options Network Security: Lan manager authentication Level: Send ...
SavioZ's user avatar
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Web Service Credentials work from remote but not on the server

I'm calling a web service (named SecurityService) as below: SecurityService.Service securityService = new SecurityService.Service(); securityService.Credentials = networkCredential; return ...
Baris Seker's user avatar
9 votes
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How to provide ntlm authentication while calling any url?

I have a hosted url which authenticates using ntlm (windows Integrated authentication). I am on windows and using java 1.8 URL url = new URL("someUrl"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) ...
Abhijeet Patil's user avatar
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Can Windows Integrated Authentication be used to verify a $MachineName when initiated from a Windows Service?

I have a service account that communicates with a Web Service over HTTPS. I need to verify the calling machine name at the server, and deliver a response that includes this. In my scenario, it's a ...
Ran Dom's user avatar
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WebDav Windows Authentication on non domain join web server

Is it possible to setup IIS Webdav with windows authentication and SSL on a non domain joined web server? The web server is hosted in azure and accessible via https 443. The clients are domain users ...
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Windows Integrated Authentication in Edge InPrivate doesn`t work

In Edge InPrivate mode my resources with Windows Integrated Authentication doesnt work, that means Security Window with prompt for credentials in dispalyed. In normal mode WIA works correctly (...
oxy's user avatar
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NTLM authentication on Squid proxy

I am new to Squid proxy and need help in setting up NTLM authentication. I checked so many resources on the web but did not find exact steps to get my work done Since I have no background on proxy/...
amit joshi's user avatar
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Newman(Postman) - Import collection from a URL under windows authentication

I'm trying to run newman with postman collection from a url as mentioned in this link . newman run http://localhost:62254/api/postman Only catch is that the url is under windows authentication, so ...
Baga's user avatar
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How does NTLM SSO in a Windows Domain works?

I made a proof of concept for single-sign-on in TypeScript using NodeSSPI. This works, I get the username where I'm logged in on our corporate AD domain - without entering any account information or ...
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HttpClient 401 Unauthorized exception 'The system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request.'

I get 401 Unauthorized error with exception when attempting to connect to a remote ASP.NET web api using HttpClient: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ...
CaseOfInsanity's user avatar
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Integrated Windows Authentication using NTLMv2

I'm trying to achieve NTLMv2 type authentication but I'm having problems making it work. I have configured the client to send the Type-1 GET request using the server's hostname and the domain I'm in. ...
PentaKon's user avatar
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Windows NTLM authentication using Golang

Need to make http call using golang client (net/http) which requires integrated windows authentication (NTLM) (similar issue ) its not working.. - i am not what am missing below is the code that i ...
Vikram's user avatar
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SignalR not working with Windows-integrated authentication

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app (.NET 4.5) and SIgnalR works fine with forms-based authentication (hosted via IIS/IIS Express) As soon as I change the app to windows-integrated authentication (<...
Alex from Jitbit's user avatar
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ApiController.User.Identity and System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity gives different user details

I have a OWIN hosted web api which runs as Network Service with WindowsAuthentication enabled by the following line in Configuration method of OWIN Startup class. HttpListener listener = (...
Ajay B L's user avatar
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Http post requests unsing NTLM Authentication (java)

I tried to send a HttpRest Call using NTLM Autentication in Java. I tried using the org.apache.http library. it was not a big problem to use the HttpClient to send a Post Request with anonymos ...
user7594169's user avatar
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Enabling NTLM on firefox not working

I've been trying to get NTLM working on firefox but none of the options are working for me. They all point to setting: network.*-uris setting: network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies, network....
Muhammed Haque's user avatar
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Integrated windows authentication on linux with Asp.NET Core

Is there any chance to get the integrated windows authentication working on linux in ASP.NET Core? Is there a middleware which could enable this feature? Since its working on windows using kestrel, I ...
ˈvɔlə's user avatar
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Nancy: Use NTLM if available, if not, carry on anonymously

I have a Nancy server which is successfully issuing an NTLM challenge and resolving the user. internal class Program { private static void Main(string[] args) { using (WebApp.Start<...
BanksySan's user avatar
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Python urllib2 request exploiting Active Directory authentication

I've got a Windows server (Navision) offering web access to its APIs through Active Directory authentication. I'm trying to make a request to the web server through Active Directory authentication, by ...
auino's user avatar
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Windows Authentication is not working in Chrome

In my MVC5 application Windows Authentication is not working. When the application is opened in IE it is prompting for credentials each and every time (after clearing temp data, cache, cookies) when ...
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authentication mechanism NTLM in wildfly

as the valve in wildfly is no longer available, i don't found any examples NTLM autehntication with new AuthenticationMecanism in wildfly, waffle NegociationFilter is not working because we are using ...
cyril's user avatar
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Windows Executable File Authentication

Searching around the windows authentication methods and protocols, i decided to understand the exact difference between Negotiate, Kerberos, and NTLM used in a simple executable file before liking it ...
Khaled Obaid's user avatar
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NTLM Windows authentication in WAS Liberty

I have a web application on Liberty that uses form-based authentication. Is there native support in Liberty to integrate NTLM-based Windows Authentication (Liberty version ?
Anton's user avatar
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Authentification with Windows Auth NTLM

There is a WebAPI hosted in IIS. It is using Windows authentification with NTLM protocol only. If I am trying to reach it with chrome extension which gives me the ability to send REST requests, chrome ...
DasBoot's user avatar
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AcceptSecurityContext fails when application is running as a service

I have a simple HTTP server that authenticates clients with Negotiate protocol. It uses SSPI calls to acquire server credentials and establish security context. The server is in domain and is running ...
psurikov's user avatar
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Use Windows Authentication to get User ID with .Net Identity for Role Management

We have an Intranet site we are developing in ASP.NET 5 aka vNext and MVC 6. We'd like to be able to get the Windows Network ID the user is logged in as, but then there is an existing database ...
Brian Edwards's user avatar
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Implement Kerberos authentication using C# on IIS

I have configured the kerberos settings in IIS, still it fallback to NTLM authentication. Can you tell me the proper troubleshooting method for kerberos. Can you explain detail (Configuration and ...
sam anderson's user avatar
6 votes
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cntlm proxy with phantomjs

I'm trying to use the cntlm proxy on my windows machine to talk to a local web application on IIS that uses Windows Authentication from PhantomJS. To create the proxy, I'm doing: cntlm -v -u username@...
itslittlejohn's user avatar
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Avoid NTLM authentication method

I have a web application which is developed using My web application uses Windows authentication mode. Security team scanned the application and reported one issue. Steps followed to produce ...
Sarath's user avatar
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Importing WSDL to soapUI from HTTP server using Integrated Windows Authentication

I am trying to import a WSDL (referencing a number of XSDs) to soapUI 5.0.0 (Build Date: 20140409-1012) from an intranet HTTP server requiring Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA, also referred to ...
nize's user avatar
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SSO setup using Kerberos on windows server

I am new to SSO, We had a application using java implementation of kerberos SSO. Now we need to migrate the application to some other machine. I need to know what changes will be required in: 1. ...
Alok Agnihotri's user avatar
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How to set up authentication layer in node.js app using ntlm

How to setup authentication in node.js application using ntlm ? node.js is serving the webpages that need to be authenticated for windows user only, using ntlm. How to set up this authentication layer ...
data modeller's user avatar
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python http NTLM authentication using only standard library

I'm interested in a python implementation of http ntlm authentication without using the 3rd-party python ntlm library.
Collin Anderson's user avatar
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Windows authentication - Kerberos or NTLM (Negotiate oYICO...)

I have problems with a single user in an intranet application. The client side is a WPF application which communicates with a ASP.Net Web API Web Service. The client sends HTTPS GET and POST requests ...
hansmaad's user avatar
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7 votes
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Forwarding NTLM credentials from IIS with ARR and URL Rewrite

Thanks in advance for your help. In my environment, I configured IIS to act as a reverse proxy and forward requests to certain paths to an application server on another host. In order to do this, I ...
rkl3ss's user avatar
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Windows authentication not working - invalid credentials passed to the SQL Server

I am stuck at the moment on trying to configure the Windows authentication on a web site. The site is configured (in IIS 7.5) as follows: Windows authentication and ASP.NET Impersonation - Enabled. ...
aly's user avatar
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401 error - IIS7.5 site does not fall back from Kerberos to NTLM

I have a site hosted in IIS7.5 on Win2008 R2. Assume the server is called 'prod1' and the site is bound to a hostname of MySite, and also to prod1:8080. The site's application pool runs in a domain ...
DGreen's user avatar
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How to Consume Non-public NTLM WCF Service From Windows Azure Cloud Service?

I have a Windows Azure Cloud Service with a single worker role. The worker role's App.config file specifies NTLM credentials should be used for the WCF authentication (Gist for all of this : http://...
TheFastCat's user avatar
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We have an apache server with sspi authorization. We are using mod_auth_sspi. And now we need to proxy our api on another server via nginx. The main problem is how to make NTLM(as i right understand ...
Sukhanov Niсkolay's user avatar
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NTLM Auth in WinHTTP

I am having a couple of issues with NTLM authentication using WinHTTP. Whilst monitoring the traffic in wireshark I can see the request being made, yet the client never sends the authentication ...
Jamie Hunt's user avatar