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nsys profile multiple processes

I'd like to experiment with MPS on Nvidia GPUs, therefore I'd like to be able to profile two process running in parallel. With the, now deprecated, nvprof, there used to be an option "--profile-...
Blaizz's user avatar
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How to fix 'Low Kernel Concurrency' warning in Nsight profiler?

I am trying to profile a cuda program with kernel calls in Nsight eclipse profiler, But I get this warning : 'Low Kernel Concurrency, the percentage of time when two kernels are being executed in ...
Mina Faridi's user avatar
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What is the correct CUDA project configuration when profiling in Nsight Eclipse 7.5 in order to use NVTX?

I am trying to profile a CUDA program because I want to verify the sequential performance by using NVTX tools and compare it against it corresponding heterogeneous performance. I recently found this ...
Vitrion's user avatar
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Why doesn't Stack Trace show up in Nsight Correlation Pane?

I'm using NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition to profile CUDA kernels - and for some reason "Stack Trace" doesn't appear under "cudaLaunch" in the Correlation Pane when I select a kernel from the "...
t_carn's user avatar
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cuda profiler nvprof not showing surface/texture read or write

I'm trying to profile a kernel that uses 3D surfaces to read and write to 3D cudaArrays. Unfortunately nvprof shows absolutely nothing for any texture reads or writes or cache activity etc. It is ...
gpuMonster's user avatar
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CUDA Perfomance Profiling with Nvidia NSight in VS2010 - .nvreport report file

I did a trace of application In this report file: 1. When I select "CUDA -> CUDA Summary" in the drop down Under the Runtime API calls item in the table % Time - 80.66 Launches % Device Time -...
Stochastika's user avatar
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How do I profile cuda project using Compute Visual Profiler without executable?

So I got Visual Studio 2010 installed with NSight for VS. Projects are compiling and working just fine (but still I don't have intellisense recognized altough I spend many many hours and went through ...
rank1's user avatar
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NVIDIA Parallel Nsight Vs Visual Profiler

I am working with CUDA on the windows platform. On the windows platform we have access to both Parallel Nsight and Visual Profiler. Both are pretty good but then they have almost similar features for ...
Siddhartha Mondal 'Sid''s user avatar