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Nvidia Nsight crashes when creating BLAS. What could be the cause?

EDIT: I found the mistake in the code. I mistakenly set up the "max_primive_count" to 3, but it should be 1, since I only wanted to display one single triangle. Also the maxVertex should be ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Nsight CUDA linkage problem between multiple .cu, .h and .c files

This is the first time I am trying to build my CUDA app in NSight Ubuntu to benefit from optimization and profiling. This app works fine from terminal using nvcc (makefile) in Ubuntu 20 (or 18 ,16). I ...
user2415927's user avatar
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Unresolved inclusion in nsight-Eclipse for C standard library headers

This is the exact same question as “Unresolved inclusion” error with Eclipse CDT for C standard library headers Except that I'm using NVidia NSight Eclipse - the Eclipse bundled with CUDA. When I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Nsight Eclipse 5.5 identifier is undefined

In a project with many .cu files and a .h file, I have some constants defined in my like this (shown just one as example): __device__ __constant__ unsigned int x[1]; #include "" ......
mrei's user avatar
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can't enter into __global__ function using cuda

I have written a code on Nsight that compiles and can be executed but the first launch can't be completed. The strange thing is that when I run it in debug mode, it works perfectly but it is too slow....
user2682877's user avatar
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CUDA C: Kernel outputs bad results

first of all I want to say that this is not a homework assignment and I'm just beginning with CUDA. I'm trying to run the following code to add 2 vectors... The thing is that after every run the ...
Odinn's user avatar
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How to see CUDA thread value using Nvidia NSight in VS 2010?

I would like to know is there a way to look at all the variable values in a given kernel, for example, for threadIdx.x = 1 on what data is it currently working and what's the value of that data? All ...
Antun Tun's user avatar
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using nsight to debug

I am using NSight to debug my CUDA code and I have question: how can I place a breakpoint for a specific thread and block? When I place a breakpoint on the kernel the debugger always stops at ...
lina's user avatar
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