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Updating Multiple Tables using Node Postgres

I have two tables, one stores customer orders and the other stores items in a specific order. I am trying to update both these tables at once as follows: const updateCustOrder = 'UPDATE orders SET ...
NicLovin's user avatar
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How to fix infinite Promise loop at end of client.release() in node-postgres?

Here is my code that I'm trying to implement using node-postgres: return pool.connect().then((client) => { // if (err) { // throw err; // } let ...
NobleUplift's user avatar
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Trying to pass a Promise to another function that then returns it, getting "Unhandled promise rejection"

I want to create a generic database update function that I can use to implement more customized update functions. In a module database.js I have the following: const {Pool,Client}=require('pg'); ...
sigil's user avatar
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node-postgres transaction using in promise chain and all I tried to implement some transaction APIs for my project using pg, following the above documentation. But one thing pops out of my mind, can one ...
Ming Zhu's user avatar
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Why does my Promise return a database row in some cases but not in others?

I have a function in a module db that uses node-postgres to insert a new row into a database: module.exports={addUser: function(phonenumber){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ ...
sigil's user avatar
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node-postgres does not show result set for stored procedure

I'm trying to use a stored procedure to create a character. The procedure does some validation to make sure that the params are valid before inserting them into the database(let's keep this validation ...
HSchmale's user avatar
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Promise based node-postgres request under Node.js

I'm trying to implement a promise-based approach to accessing a PostgreSQL database. This is the original code: // ./sql/config/pgQuery.js module.exports = (text, values, cb) => { pool.connect((...
Lanti's user avatar
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Manually promisifying pg.connect with Bluebird

I want to promisify node-postgres' pg.connect method along with the inner connection.query method provided in the callback. I can .promisify the latter, but I need to implement the first one manually ...
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