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teams toolkit deploy failed with node-fetch

I have created a new app using VSCode teams tools kit v5.8.1 The app is the bot application connected to Function app when I start debugging by clinking both debug in teams and debug in test tools I ...
Aon's user avatar
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Node.js Fetch Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I'm encountering a DNS resolution error when trying to fetch data from Unsplash using Node.js. Here are the details of my setup and the error message I'm seeing: const fetch = require('node-fetch'); ...
favour's user avatar
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Jest, typeOfEnv is node, polyfill with node-fetch, complains about require() when clearly using import

Node v16.20.2 package.json: { "private": true, "name": "baffled-i-tell-you", "version": "0.1.0", "main": "index.js", &...
Chayemor's user avatar
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Can I tunnel HTTPS requests through a Node.js proxy server, using node-fetch without extra modules?

I have a HTTP proxy server like so ProxyServer = http.createServer((request, response) => { console.log("connection established"); console.log("request", request); res....
user2066480's user avatar
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globalThis.fetch resolves to node-fetch (an indirect dependency) in a next.js project using pnpm

import ky from 'ky' import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' export default async function handler( req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse ) { await ky.get("https://google....
Jemilu Mohammed's user avatar
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Fetch failed on Docker, but works fine locally

I have the following simple Node app: import dotenv from "dotenv"; import { Client, GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js"; dotenv.config(); const client = new Client({ ...
Ethan's user avatar
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node-fetch hangs with uploading files using FormData

I'm stuck with the seemingly simple task of posting a file via FormData using node-fetch. The code below does work with tiny files (~1.5 KB). With slightly bigger files (i.e. >= ~69 KB), it prints ...
dariober's user avatar
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400 bad request error posting thru node-fetch

const fetch = require("node-fetch").default; let iApi = express.Router();"/update/:name/:value", async (req, res) => { ...
shoes_on's user avatar
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504 gateway error after node-fetch migration from request library

This is Javascript const fetch = require("node-fetch").default; let iApi = express.Router();"/update/:name/:value", async (req, res) => ...
shoes_on's user avatar
0 votes
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node-fetch and axios GET call hangs forever

I have this small node-typescript project that gets a bunch of links from shops like ikea, homedepot and amazon from google sheets, makes fetch calls to get some information from a product, and then ...
Augusto Peres's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why is my GET Request getting hung up in Node using Fetch [closed]

getDocuments request never completes/stays pending. What am I missing? App.js import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import Grid from './Grid'; import apis from '../api/index'; export ...
dikuw's user avatar
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How do I use a specific TLS version with `node-fetch` like TLS v1.2?

I'm getting a 403 FORBIDDEN error and need to set the TLS version to TLS v1.2 with fetch calls using the node-fetch library. How do I do that?
Dev01's user avatar
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"Can't resolve 'encoding'" warning in NextJS caused by try/require from `node_modules`

In a NextJS 13.4.19 app in typescript, using @apollo/[email protected] causes a warning at the build step, coming from ApolloServer/node-fetch. This seems caused by a try / require in node-fetch: ./...
AlexAngc's user avatar
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Node.js http/node-fetch ETIMEDOUT no longer works

I'm writing an API in Node.JS to protect my API keys for a basic weather app SPA. Initially my http requests got through fine. The next day (today), with no changes to the request, it fails and I am ...
Googe's user avatar
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When I introduced node-fetch in my codebase I get 'import_node_fs.promises' as it is undefined

I am working on a Vite project with React and I am trying to make a request with node-fetch. I have installed the dependency as described in the docs but I am getting this logs on browser console.(...
Legionas's user avatar
2 votes
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Node.JS 18.16.1 -> Fetcherror: Unsafe Legacy Renegotiation

I am getting following error when trying to make an API call to the vendor server. The issue I am facing is my code works when using node version 16 and following error is encountered when using node ...
Prithvi Sharma's user avatar
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uploading using form-data a remote file

in my node application I want to use FormData to upload a remote image. To do this I'm trying the following const form = new FormData(); ... const result = await fetch(image); form.append(&...
fabpicca's user avatar
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How to fix the ECONNREFUSED NodeJS( + NEST ) error when making fetch request in a dockerized node server?

I am trying to make a fetch request using a dockerized NodeJS( + nest framework ) (version 16.20.0) server. The docker image contains a strapi container running on http://localhost:1337/ and ...
George Marwanqana's user avatar
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Inspecting outgoing HTTP requests in a nodejs application [closed]

I am using NestJS to build a web app from which I call an external API to retrieve data. Now, I want to inspect all the requests that are sent from my app. For example, in a web browser, I can inspect ...
boumour ilyass's user avatar
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How to get redirected query parameters into nodejs?

I am working on an app to track our outbound UPS packages using the UPS API. For those that do not know, they are implementing a OAuth token system to authenticate requests. This article shows the ...
matthh's user avatar
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Accessing zabbix API with node-fetch

I am trying to access Zabbix API from a Node.js app with the following code: fetch( "http://localhost:8080/api_jsonrpc.php", { method: "POST", headers: { "...
Grimalkin's user avatar
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Transform FS createReadStream to native ReadableStream (for native NodeJS fetch)

This script is how I always uploaded files to server, but I would like to remove dependecy on node-fetch library and it has confilicting types of streams. import {createReadStream} from 'fs'; declare ...
Akxe's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') discord.js

Attached below is my code. It works the first time it is run but not the second time. const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js') const client = new Client({ intents: [...
FrostZer0's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does this API request return different things with node-fetch than with node's inbuilt fetch?

I have a node app which sends an api request to trigger a bet on Manifold (a fake betting site). When I use node-fetch it makes a bet. When I use the inbuilt fetch it returns an old version of the bet ...
NYoung's user avatar
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Webpack configuration with node-fetch is giving "node:buffer" is not handled by plugins

I am trying to implement node-fetch with a react app and Webpack setup. But on using the node-fetch. I am getting tons of errors. ERROR in node:buffer Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: ...
Nagesh Katna's user avatar
6 votes
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Differences between Node standard https and node-fetch when providing a certificate

ADP's REST API requires that a SSL certificate and private key be sent with every request. When I use the 'standard, Node.js HTTP(S) module: require('dotenv').config() const fs = require('fs') const ...
craig's user avatar
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curl returns expected result, but node-fetch doesn't

I want to scrapping shopee with node-js ex)
Giuk Kim's user avatar
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send very big data to an api in parallel and catching errors within promise.allSettled

I have quite big data, to be sent to an api with node-fetch. But, since there are many data in the array, and I want to send the data in parallel, I wanted to use promise.allSettled... Yet, it still ...
m-alptekin's user avatar
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import {Router} from 'express' import fetch from 'node-fetch' const tasks=Router() tasks.get('/', async (req,res) => { const response= fetch('https://dummy-api') res.json(response) }) I am ...
Sravya Chebolu's user avatar
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Fetching characters with node-fetch

I am writing a browser application in ReactJS that should manipulate and display data from robot Wifibot Lab. It sends me 21 chars from which every one of them stands for the status of different ...
MacGregor's user avatar
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How to login to a Spring login form using node-fetch

I have access to a Spring application via a username and password from my browser and I want to login from a NodeJS application. I followed the post (How to login to a spring security login form using ...
Alexandre Annic's user avatar
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node-fetch i trying get data but the execution still running and not returns

If i run the same request in postman it gives me a return in 9 minutes, with a 39mb of json data. "node-fetch": "^2.6.7" Same results with node v16.6.2 node v17.9.1 const fetch = ...
Artigo 132's user avatar
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Preserving data in a fetch request in node js

Oilà, I'm a beginner with nodejs and I am using it to create a telegram bot. This is my code: const Geolocation = (req) => { var address = "15 Freedom Way, Jersey City, NJ 07305, ...
kekko4000's user avatar
1 vote
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Repetitive prompting with validation in Inquirer.js when using a validation function featuring fetch

In the context of Inquirer.js, one of my question-prompts involves a validation function to check if the user-supplied Github username exists. This validation function uses an fetch function in order ...
shau's user avatar
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How to inspect response of Node-fetch in vscode

I'm working with node-fetch in vscode. I'm wondering if there is a way to inspect the request after the response has been obtained. I can set a breakpoint at the last line (arrow), const r = await ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Data is not defined error when fetching and parsing json using nodejs [duplicate]

const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const url = ''; fetch(url) ...
aste123's user avatar
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How to send a message to a Discord webhook in node.js?

I have tried the code posted in this answer (with some modification), but it tells me that fetch is not a function. const fetch = import("node-fetch"); fetch(process.env.WEBHOOK, { 'method'...
vlone's user avatar
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PayPal-Mock-Response not working (nodejs, paypal negative testing)

I'm working on the code to cover negative scenarios like card declined and similar. According to the documentation the only way to do it for Orders is to use the header PayPal-Mock-Response https://...
Igor.K's user avatar
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Using web scraping to recive all Twitter followers

I want to create giveaways which require the participants to follow the twitter account of the giveaway creator. My first idea was to use the Twitter API (endpoint: "/2/users/:id/followers")....
David Peters's user avatar
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cannot get the json body of the request

Trying to get the body of the body using fetch and with the authentication of adobe. I always get this 200 response (means okay) but I cannot the actual response of body like in postman. [Symbol(...
Jian Ruiz Mangampo's user avatar
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Data fecthing in MySQL vith Node js

I was used to python and migrated to nodejs in backend development The extensions node-fetch and mysql are pretty similar in Docs I've been reading I am so trying to store in a variable the rows I ...
Caio Oliveira's user avatar
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Is there a way to delve into objects using Node-Fetch API [duplicate]

I've been tasked with a project that requires the use of API. I would love to learn if possible, how to delve into an object using node-fetch API. I am looking to fetch a list of objects on a page, I ...
Dan's user avatar
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When does a fetch promise resolve?

Let's say you fetch an image like so: let promise = fetch("") promise .then(async res => { // When does code here run? // Has the entire image been ...
Llama D'Attore's user avatar
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Is there is any solution to show output of node JS in vs code terminal

I am a new learner of nodejs. I am using VScode for node Js file. The output of the file is shown in the node JS terminal, But for my convenience, I want to do it in the VScode terminal. when I wrote ...
zunaira shafiq's user avatar
-1 votes
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Node-fetch not working like REST client, why?

Trying to use node-fetch and it comes back with an empty response: {"size": 0, "timeout": 0}. This is supposed to be an OAUTH2 Access Token (basically a JWT). What did I do wrong? ...
Woodsman's user avatar
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node-fetch connect ECONNREFUSED for fetching my api on vps server

I have been working on a NodeJS express app that uses EJS and node-fetch to fetch my Api from my vps server, but it won't get fetched, every page of the app will load but the page that uses the Api ...
ZeyoYT's user avatar
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Copied browser request as Node fetch via dev tools is not working

Chrome devtools has a feature that allows to copy a request in the browser as node-fetch But for some reason if I try to run this request in node it returns: status: 403, statusText: 'Forbidden' I ...
supersize's user avatar
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Got ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE upon simulating to self-hosted nodejs POST route

I am stuck in a demo app where i have added override fetch function of node-fetch npm package. Like this: import Hook from "require-in-the-middle"; Hook(["node-fetch"], function (...
Ritik Jain's user avatar
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node-fetch invalid header token

this is the code i tried to run but I am constantly getting same error. If I remove cookie from headers it works but I need cookies just like this format."cookie": "username=admin" ...
absolutzer0's user avatar
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Random characters in and at the end of a Response body (node.js)

I'm having issues with my node-fetch (specifically, node-fetch-cookies library). I'm supposed to get a string returning from a POST request like: post_enc=...
tzuleger's user avatar

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