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3 answers

How do I mock Node.js fetch HTTP requests/responses in Node 18?

I am using the new (as of version 18) Node.js "fetch" API to perform HTTP requests e.g. const response = await fetch(SOMEURL) const json = await response.json() This works, but I want to &...
Glynn Bird's user avatar
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Nock - Get number of calls performed to fetch

I've got a React custom hook that tries to avoid repeated calls to a URL. This is done by storing in state the isLoading prop, which is set to true whenever the fetch method is called, and is set to ...
Unapedra's user avatar
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nock handles fetch req but does not prevent http call

I am using nock to intercept a fetch call to . Like so: it(`properly responds to YouTube URL ${url}`, async () => { nock('https:/...
Lukas's user avatar
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Using nock to test POST request in async action creator

I am using nock to mock my asynchronous thunk action creators. Everything works as expected for GET requests, but I haven't been able to make a POST request work. I have read everything I can find ...
withintheruins14's user avatar
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Nock intercepts request but returns empty object

I'm using mocha as the testing framework and I'm trying to mock up a DELETE request that uses fetch against an end point that returns HTTP status code 204. Here is the test code: it('should logout ...
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