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Wrong count execution times of Sinon Spy

I have a major function that call 3 other functions. I want to test if those 3 function were called. myController.ts import axios from 'axios'; export async function functionOne() { console.log('...
PlayHardGoPro's user avatar
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How to do integration test with chai for internal and nock for external api call

I have an app for Slack Interactivity Handling, what I'd like to do is just to receive webhook from the slack button and update the message via Slack API. I use express on my server, and core https ...
Fadel Trivandi Dipantara's user avatar
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Nock is not intercepting request if it runs multiples test in certain order

I'm creating some unit test for my endpoint. This endpoint will fetch data from an external API and send diff responses depending on finding a certain item on that data fetched or if there is an ...
ZhEd's user avatar
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Nock is not working with multiple test cases with same method

If I comment the first test case then second test works fine. If I run this test file. It gives 400 status which is the the status of first test case. How I can run the both test cases. I also added ...
MK12's user avatar
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Nock, Async/Await, Bitbucket: Intercept does not return before Chai begins assertion

I have an endpoint that makes an external API call. //outside.js const createTicket = async () => { try{ const someOptions = { /*stuff here*/} results = await'https://...
fishcakesAndCoffee's user avatar
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Intercepting an external API calls in nodejs

js), I want to test it normally using mocha and chai, but the API is having dependency with external service which I want to mock. Is it possible to mock that internal calls follow the below eg to ...
Ajay's user avatar
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Nock does not returns the setted headers

I'm using Nock to intercept a http request. test.js: const nock = require('nock'); const server = require('../server'); const request = require('request'); describe('My test', () =>{ it('...
Slim's user avatar
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Invalid Chai property: setEncoding on nock

I was using nock 9.1.6 to mock nylas API with chai 3.5.0. It was working perfectly with the code: it('fails when no state is given and provider fails', () => { const user = fixture.elements....
Jérémy Pouyet's user avatar
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All sinon stubs fail after nock intercept

Im running unit tests against a software application. Within the specific part of the application I have some async functions, followed by an http request, followed by more async functions. I am ...
DizzyBat's user avatar
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Testing async code in catch block using Nock or httpMock

I making a axios request which fails and throws error in catch block. In catch block I am making request to other end point to get results router.get('/info', (req, res) => { axios('www....
Mahesh's user avatar
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How to mock a line in unit test using Nock, Node js

I'm trying to inject one line in unit test i got failed, it seems that it hits a real request, the following code is part of football api and i need to mock the last line in this file module.exports....
Basil Battikhi's user avatar
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nock for axios mockup on 400 does not return the defined value

I am using nock to mock my ajax call with axios. Here is my code: describe("unSuccessful rest call",()=>{ it('should dispatch types: SET_DROP_DOWN_CHECK_STATUS in order ', () => { ...
Hamed Minaee's user avatar
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mocha + chai : nock returns "302 Found" for any http urls

I am trying to mock a remote service using chai-http and nock. If I provide the host url with "http://" I am getting "302 Found", full response is as follows: error: StatusCodeError: 302 - "\r\...
kn_pavan's user avatar
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nock: reply is not a function

I am using nock to intercept my http requests in a mocha / chai environment. Also i am using supertest and supertest-chai to query my own express server. Like this: import { it } from 'mocha'; import ...
Lukas's user avatar
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how to test react-saga axios post

I am learning how to test and using some examples as a guideline I am trying to mock a login post. The example used fetch for the http call but I using axios. This is the error I am getting Timeout ...
texas697's user avatar
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How to use nockback with promises?

I am trying to use nockBack to automate my fixtures recording/playback with code that uses promises and chai-as-promised. But I can't figure out how to make the async nockBack work with it. context('...
springloaded's user avatar
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Nock - Bodies don't match

Why does Nock give me an error saying that bodies don't match?? here is my code. it('Should Delete /user/removeuserskills', function(done){ mockRequest .delete('/user/removeuserskills',{...
user3450754's user avatar
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Mocking with Nock, DELETE

How would I mock a delete with nock this is what I have done so far: var nock = require('nock'); var request = require('supertest')("http://localhost:8080"); var expect = require('chai').expect; ...
user3450754's user avatar