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How to extract completion rate for final step in NRQL funnel query

I have an NRQL query that I’m using to analyze user journeys through a series of specific actions within the last 60 minutes on a specified page. Here’s how it looks: SELECT funnel( user_id, ...
lil_olbee's user avatar
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NewRelic NRQL: Having clause in alert condition

I have the following query SELECT count(*) AS ErrorCount, (filter(count(*), WHERE error = true AND http.statusCode = '500') / count(*)) * 100 AS 'ErrorRate' FROM Transaction WHERE appName = ...
Sathish's user avatar
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Querying custom metrics in NewRelic

I am using the Node.js agent for NewRelic. I have been looking at sending custom metrics to NewRelic where the values are objects with keys, e.g. import newrelic from 'newrelic'; ... const ...
user1022788's user avatar
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Analyze YOY data using NRQL

I wanted to analyze the year on year or bi-yearly growth of the metrices stored in New relic using NRQL queries. I am trying something like below, but not getting desired result. select (max(`...
Abhijeet Srivastava's user avatar
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NRQL: Continuous graph for LATEST query

Background I have a job that reports the status of a dependency when the status changes. So it reports 0 if it goes down, and 1 when it goes back up. But it reports very rarely because the dependency ...
Alec's user avatar
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To view percentage change for time periods in NRQL

can we use two since and until clause in NRQL using subquery? i need to obtain the change percentage of present week data with the previous week data in NRQL i am not able to get the right query. [i ...
Siddhanth S's user avatar
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How to create alert for low storage on K8sVolumeSample metric in NewRelic

I have issues with creating alert for checking if any of volume attached to pods on kubernetes has low storage. I have found that metric K8sVolumeSample have property called fsUsedPercent but don't ...
psalkowski's user avatar
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Is it possible to get 95% percentile response time data from new relic rest api?

I have worked it out for average response time and throughput data from this resource: But it doesn't show anything about %95, %99, Average and Median response times, ...
Burak Karakuş's user avatar
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How can I create baseline alert or anomality detection with Newrelic and prometheus metrics?

I am using Newrelic with Prometheus counter metric. I am trying to create alert that will fire when average of the current week is less than the average of last week. The documentation has some ...
Gal Morad's user avatar
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Is `like` more expensive than `=` in New Relic?

Given the following NRQL query: SELECT * FROM AppPerformance WHERE app LIKE '%stackoverflow%' Would this other query be cheaper in terms of performance and cost? SELECT * FROM AppPerformance WHERE app ...
m26a's user avatar
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How can I compare one field with another in NRQL?

How can I make this kind of query in NRQL? SELECT origin, destination FROM locations WHERE origin = destination
m26a's user avatar
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Convert timestamp with month name to readable time stamp with jq

I have the following output when I query data through API to New Relic: "timestamp": "1696358217197" This is a timestamp prefixed with a month (This number is supposed to be ...
Rafael Umbelino's user avatar
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NRQL query to fetch highest error rate & slowest average response time

Attached two images with highest error rate and slowest average response time. I need an NRQL query to find each transaction in the "slowest average response time" and if any one of the ...
iamarunk's user avatar
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group by same key UUID across different event and subtract timestamp

I have two or more event with same Id like a session but with different attribute values I should query the all event grouped by id and calc the difference between two time stamps. example of events ...
BruceOverflow's user avatar
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How to get unique AppVersion on unique Uuid in New Relic using NRQL?

I can get the usage on each version using NRQL SELECT count(*) FROM MobileSession since 1 day ago WHERE (appName = 'app-name') FACET (appVersion) limit MAX but these are not unique Uuid, i.e. the ...
Elye's user avatar
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Is there a NewRelic API to consume service levels (SLIs, SLOs)?

We have setup some SLIs and SLOs for some backend services using NewRelic Service levels. We want to consume those SLOs through an API to interrupt our Jenkins CI in case of SLO violations. I have ...
anand's user avatar
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NRQL using the FACET count value as a filter

I am hoping to FACET values together and then get a count of those values that have > 2 results. I have this part. SELECT count(*) as 'requestCount' FROM Transaction WHERE FACET SomeId This ...
Matt's user avatar
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Query data for unique combinations of facets without COUNT or SUM?

I am currently trying to formulate a better query than what I currently have at the moment. For analysis reasons, I want to see the different combinations of facets a certain record has. Currently I ...
ADC2000's user avatar
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Getting "Parsing failed" Error for all NRQL queries while posting via HttpURLConnection in Java program

I have written a Java Program to connect to NewRelic Graphql API end point and successfully able to connect. However getting parsing error for the NRQL query. Query ...
Pavani Sandhya's user avatar
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NRQL New Relic Query How to get a count for occurrences in the same log

Given I have a log like the following, is it possible to retrieve the count of occurences in the same log? my.failures:"[{\"id\": \"one\", \"file\": \"myfile1\&...
Harts's user avatar
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New Relic nri flex integration to alert password expiry of users like tomcat fuse wpms oracle

I have 1 automation to do through new relic monitoring tool i hato make a custom warning alert integration in new relic to check the password expiry of users like tomcat, fuse, oracle, wpms Till now I ...
Somesh Sharma's user avatar
3 votes
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New Relic - NRQL query to group error.class with a count not working

I am trying to run the following NRQL query: FROM TransactionError SELECT count(*) AS 'ErrorCount', error.class, error.message SINCE 24 hours ago FACET error.class But I am getting the following ...
AxleWack's user avatar
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Response time graph in New Relic with percentiles

I have a requirement to reproduce an existing performance report as a New Relic graph. The existing report produced by our custom APM solution shows a graph with the average response time of all web ...
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How to represent a comma-separated list in a NewRelic pie chart?

From a Java app, I would like to send some custom parameters to our NewRelic agent (7.9.0), like this (seems that only booleans, integers and strings are accepted): NewRelic.addCustomParameter("...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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Trying to retrieve list of browser widths in New Relic but can't ORDER BY in NRQL

I'm trying to get a list of all browser widths used and the number of times, in order of size. So: 1920 - 12,356 1440 - 19,453 1280 - 10,847 1024 - 4,124 or something like that. It's important to ...
wagster's user avatar
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NRQL IF statement to select wanted value

I'm trying to get one result from query in NRQL, when external is bigger than 0 then it should return average(external), if not average(thirdparty). If that was SQL, it would be easy. SELECT average(...
Konrad Marciniak's user avatar
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How to find number of days between 2 dates in different format in NRQL?

I have to find difference between 2 different date formats in new relic using NRQL. The below query returns SELECT latest(expiresAt),latest(dateOf(timestamp)) FROM abc 2023-01-27,April 13, 2022 as ...
rajkumar11's user avatar
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Find Average response time of all urls present in Synthetic monitor of New Relic

I am having a Synthetic monitor for monitoring. I would like to write a query to find the average response time of all URLs present in my Synthetic monitor and create a dashboard. I can find the ...
Azure Cloud Enthusiast's user avatar
5 votes
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Show full number on New Relic count column

When I search for SELECT count(*) FROM requests WHERE foo = 'bar' FACET dateOf(eventtime) SINCE 3 days ago in New Relic, it gives me the following table: DATE OF EVENTTIME COUNT December 9, 2021 1....
m26a's user avatar
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Write a alert condition for Application monitoring using NewRelic Agent?

I recently installed the New Relic agent on Windows server 2012. The goal I am trying to achieve is to create the alert condition for IIS application pools running in windows server 2012 using New ...
Azure Cloud Enthusiast's user avatar
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Using IN Operator in Nested Select in NRQL (New Relic)

I have two different custom events. prod:order:OrderStatusUpdated prod:tenant:StoreStatusChanged I would like to know the storeNumber that exists in prod:tenant:StoreStatusChanged event, but does ...
Jorge Freitas's user avatar
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What's the most frequent error? NRQL Query

I'm trying to figure out how to use New Relic Query Builder and I having trouble with this query: What's the most frequent error? I tried : SELECT level FROM Log WHERE level='error' AND rate(level)
Michaela Lewis's user avatar
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Minus NRQL average(diskFreeBytes) in New Relic

I would like to show a graph in New Relic with diskspace where below 1 TB is considered 0 in the graph. And values above are shown without the Terabyte, so 1200 GB shows in graph as only 200. NRQL ...
Thomas Koelle's user avatar
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NRQL percentage of one subset over another

I have a great big eventing table with lots of different types of events, and I'm working on a New Relic graph to show the percentage of one kind of event to another kind of event. (NOT percentage ...
Diane Kaplan's user avatar
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New Relic not dispatching NRQL alert condition for process when errors are triggered

I'm creating a monitoring for a process using New Relic. The process itself is an AWS Lambda that finishes running in around 15 seconds. Any time this process fails, I want to an alert to be triggered ...
Adam Freymiller's user avatar
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Alerts based on Java Heap Usage

We currently utilize New Relic as the APM. However, the problem that I came across with New Relic (may be not necessarily New Relic specific) is that, I cannot create an Alert, let's say when there is ...
Siddhant's user avatar
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How to alert on slack about a HTTP request if it takes more time to complete than specific time

I have a http request. https://server:port//get_somthing?x=10. Assume that it is expected to respond within 1 second. I notice this in newrelic that, sometimes it takes 1.5, 2 seconds. I would like ...
user9920500's user avatar
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New Relic - average page load time for ajax response body count?

I'm pretty new to New Relic & Insights and am having trouble coming up with the right query to benchmark my page. Here's an example situation: lets say I have a page that manages my library of ...
ianking's user avatar
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Is it possible to get output of a NRQL query in new relic using a jenkins job?

I'm looking to automate the process of collecting data from New Relic Insights and sharing it over a mail accepting start and end time for a particular nrql query. There is a New Relic Insights ...
HawkEyE's user avatar
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Response time in new relic query language

What is the NRQL query to generate the segmented response time time series like the one which is shown below? I tried various queries but was not able to get the desired results?
CodeCore's user avatar
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New Relic NRQL: comparing CPU usage between deployed EC2 instance types

I would like to know if anyone has any ideas on how to craft an NRQL query to compare CPU usage between various deployed AWS EC2 instance types. Any ideas?
Paul's user avatar
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New relic to show the errors for all apps togather

Since we have configured our entire stack as different apps on new relic including for multiple brands. I have to switch apps to check for errors on each one. Is there a way to check for errors on all ...
pal4life's user avatar
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New Relic Insight - Combined Chart

I've recently started implementing New Relic to get a better overview of my application, and have found Insight, which seems to be really cool. What I'm trying to achieve now is to create one chart ...
Helge Talvik Söderström's user avatar
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Custom Events in NewRelic ASP.NET

I am monitoring ASP.NET web Application with NewRelic. I am trying to insert a custom event with the following code. var eventProperties = new Dictionary<string, object>(); eventProperties.Add("...
AnandhaSundari M's user avatar