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Ruby Net::SSH Freeze when using "rails console" command over SSH

I'm building a web based Terminal that runs against other server by SSH. I'm using Xterm.js for the UI and Net::SSH for the backend. The communication between the website and the backend is inside an ...
James St-Pierre's user avatar
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Ruby Net::SSH.start() is failing with authentication issues but the key being used is fine when sshing outside of Ruby

I'm trying to ssh into a machine as part of a Ruby test and run a command on the machine. To do this, I'm using Ruby's Net:SSH library. A simple version of the script I'm using looks like: require '...
Bram's user avatar
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Ruby's Net::SSH is limited to 3 authentication tries while OpenSSH client is not

I'm having a really weird problem where when I connect to an SSH server (that has a pretty standard default configuration, including a default MaxAuthTries of 6) using Net::SSH, the connection fails ...
Guss's user avatar
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Running SSH commands in Ruby with interactive login prompt

I want to execute commands on a remote target (via Ruby SSH). The login should be done with an interactive login prompt. This is what I got so far. print('login: ') user = $stdin.gets.chomp Net::SSH....
rtrrtr's user avatar
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could not settle on kex algorithm - SFTP connection failed

Tried to connect SFTP server using RSA private key with a ruby script. It's not connecting. But it's working using Filezilla. Code example: require 'net/sftp' sftp = Net::SFTP.start('hostname', 'user'...
Chiranjib Roy's user avatar
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Ruby Net/SSH 7.0.1 - Ubuntu 22 / OpenSSL 3 issue

I'm using Ubuntu 22 and OpenSSL 3 Ruby's Net/SSH is not working any longer as soon as I'm trying to connect using private keys. Net::SSH.start X.X.X.X, "root" /.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/gems/net-...
user9114945's user avatar
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How to check SSH connection with Rails 5.2 and Net::SSH.start

I need to check whether the SSH connection to a remote server I use is correct or not. I issue the following test: begin session = Net::SSH.start(uri, login, password: password) session....
user1185081's user avatar
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Remote execution of SSH command hangs in ruby using Net::SSH for a particular command

I found a similar question here, but the answer in such a question didn't work for me. I am trying to connect the remote ssh server via ruby using Net::SSH. It is working fine for me for all the ...
LeandroS's user avatar
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After restarting the server instance, Capistrano throws the error that Authentication failed for user Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed

It is our maintenance project. We have got the private key(id_rsa.txt) of production server to sign-in from the client. If we want to deploy the application, we just add the private key file to my ...
Manivannan Jeganathan's user avatar
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Ruby net/ssh is not running bash commands in background

I am having a hard time running bash commands in background from a Ruby script. For this question, I am using a simplified example. This is how commands are working as expected when I run them from ...
LeandroS's user avatar
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Capistrano deploy used to work but now getting authentication failure

I know this probably looks like a repeat of this question, but believe me, this is slightly different. I have been using Capistrano to deploy a Rails app for several years now, but as of last week I ...
Colin Wu's user avatar
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Errno::ENOTTY Inappropriate ioctl for device when connecting to a remote server through Net::SSH on SuSe (with Ruby on Rails 5.2.4)

My Ruby on Rails application remotely starts some scripts on a distant SuSe server (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2). It relies on the net-ssh gem which is declared in the Gemfile: gem 'net-ssh'. ...
user1185081's user avatar
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tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified while using Ruby Net:SSH

I'm using the Ruby Net:SSH lib to do a ssh connection to a remote PC and then execute a remote cmd. When I start my SSH connection I have no issue but sometimes, not everywhere, when I use the exec! I ...
Frage's user avatar
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Ruby ocra LoadError Exception - net/ssh

So i am trying to build a standalone .exe from my ruby script with ocra: #test.rb require "rubygems" require "net/ssh" $hostname = "" $username = "root" ...
glasissnake's user avatar
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Are there any security risks to using "remember_host!" when getting a HostKeyMismatch exception using net-ssh ruby gem?

I have seen people who suggest using a code chunk like this: begin Net::SSH::start rescue Net::SSH::HostKeyError => e e.remember_host! retry end As the exception type suggests, it's for ...
klausiboy kristensen's user avatar
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How to properly close a Net::SSH connection?

Many articles demonstrate Net::SSH by using a block, such as the following: Net::SSH.start("host", "user") do |ssh| ssh.exec! "cp /some/file /another/location" ...
LewlSauce's user avatar
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After uploading a file using Net::Sftp, the file disappears sometimes

I use net-sftp gem for uploading file to remote server. Net::SFTP.start(host, user, port: port, key_data: [decoded_key], keys: [], keys_only: true, logger: logger, verbose: :debug) do |sftp| sftp....
Alexandr Kovalenko's user avatar
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Remote server doesn't accept password, ruby script 'net/ssh'

I connect using ruby to the remote, pass the command, but channel.send_data ("passwd\n") dont work , I cant catch in than the reason. The password doesn't pass. require 'rubygems' require 'net/...
Алег Конин's user avatar
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Rails RSpec net-ssh mock return of second ssh request

I'm working on a web application that frequently access simulation data on a remote server. I want to create test for errors handling that might happen during these request. The problem I currently ...
Samuel's user avatar
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How to proxy net-sftp?

I'm using net-sftp which relies on the net-ssh gem. I'm trying to connect to a remote log service via SFTP, and it requires IP whitelisting. All my current servers have dynamic IPs. I'm trying to ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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Running the workflows thru Ruby and Test gets passed but the workflows does not trigger

I am trying to run the informatica workflows thru ruby. Using the Net-ssh gem. When i run my test it gets passed but my jobs are not triggered when i check the logs they are not creating. Below is my ...
Phantom's user avatar
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Connection problem with phpseclib Net SSH2

I am having problems with phpseclib Net SSH2 libraries, the connection to the server is impossible, I tried to find a solution but I can not find it. Notice: Error reading from socket in C:\wamp64\...
MachiavelSST's user avatar
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Losing environment variable set via ssh execute. Ruby & net-ssh

I would like to set Linux environment variables in net-ssh start and use them further down in my code. But I am losing the scope of the variables. Can you please advise how that can be achieved. I ...
Naga's user avatar
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How do I configure net-ssh so I can fetch data using rest-client through an ssh tunnel?

We have an elasticsearch setup that is only available from a jump box. I want to set up an ssh tunnel so I can query from my laptop or a Docker container. When I run ssh, either directly or via '...
Gary Golub's user avatar
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Create a Telnet connection via SSH using Ruby

I am having a slight issue. First and foremost, I had never written a single line of Ruby until being given this task so it is somewhat outwith my remit and comfort zone. This may well be a stupid ...
CJL's user avatar
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Net-SSH/Capistrano problem: "Could not parse PKey: no start line"

For years I've been deploying my Rails 3.2.13 app successfully using Capistrano. But just today I ran into the dreaded ArgumentError: Could not parse PKey: no start line when connecting to the server. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Ruby Net::SSH reuse session

I have a few methods doing this: def method_a Net::SSH.start(...) do |ssh| end end def method_b Net::SSH.start(...) do |ssh| end end def method_c Net::SSH.start(...) do |ssh| ...
Gavin Yap's user avatar
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How to copy files using Net::SSH in Ruby?

So far as I can tell I need to use both Net::SCP and Net::SSH if I want to copy a file to a remote host and then manipulate it from the command line. It would be nice to set up one SSH session, do ...
Russell Fulton's user avatar
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Interactive SSH session using Net::SSH or creating a STDIN Socket

This is not a duplicate of How to SSH interactive Session or Net::SSH interactive terminal scripting. How? or Ruby net-ssh interactive response/reply I'm trying to write an interactive SSH client ...
Kimmo Lehto's user avatar
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How can I SSH after establishing a connection with ruby net/ssh gem

I have 2 systems I work with that are daisy chained. System A is what I have to connect to initially, then I ssh into system B to run commands to view status of services and other things. I work doing ...
Nick D's user avatar
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Ruby Net::SCP multiple uploads in parallel

I would like to upload multiple files to a remote machine in parallel. This is what I have tried so far based on the documentation Net::SCP.start(ip, user) do |scp| channels = [] dst = '...
Rojj's user avatar
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.exe crated using Par::Packer with script containing Net::SSH2 is not working

Am using Net::SSH2 module in my Perl script and trying to make an executable (.exe for windows) using Par::Packer. The script need to ssh to a linux box from a windows box using public keys and don't ...
Senthil A Kumar's user avatar
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Ruby script Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch but ssh works

I can ssh into a remote host on my aws network but using net/ssh fails in a ruby script. my gem is net-ssh(4.2.0) on Ubuntu 16.04. It doesn't prompt for a passphrase even with non_interactive => false....
markhorrocks's user avatar
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Why key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 is unsupported?

I'am trying to use ruby gem net-ssh and receive the error described bellow jruby- :001 > require "net/ssh" => true jruby- :002 > Net::SSH.start('', 'username' ...
qpi's user avatar
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How to read text from file into an array in ruby

Is there a way to treat the HOST, USER, PASS varibales in the net - ssh gem as an array and have multiple values for them? I currently have an outside text file with the HOST, USER AND PASS values, ...
CreeFC's user avatar
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cap aborted! SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: and Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed for user

I have been trying to deploy a Rails app using Capistrano but when I run cap production deploy I get: (Backtrace restricted to imported tasks) cap aborted! SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception ...
Kehinde's user avatar
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ConnectionTimeout Error When Using net-ssh With Options that Work with ssh Command?

I'm trying to use the net-ssh documentation to connect to a remote server. I'm using the following options: :username :port :keys :host with values set equal to the values of the Host that I have ...
gr1zzly be4r's user avatar
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How can I have Rye return invalid commands in ruby

Here is the code I am using: require 'rye' r ="ip_of_server", :user => "username_of_server", :password => "password_of_server", :safe => false) r.execute("which testing") I ...
Keith's user avatar
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Net::SSH performance, why is it so slow?

I have an automated test case in Ruby (using a framework I'm building see github), that is doing like around 15-20 SSH connections to servers under test collecting various data and logs. Problem is ...
KullDox's user avatar
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Parsing file names using ruby Net::SSH

Working on automating a task for my job. Issue: We have a rather large stack of git repos hosted on a private git server at our main office. I work at a remote location. Goal: I need to clone many (...
Jacob Hebert's user avatar
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Net::SSH.start Timeout connecting to Vagrant host in Ruby

I have a vagrant VM running. vagrant init centos/7 Generates the minimal Vagrantfile: Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "centos/7" end vagrant ssh-config reports the following: ...
James Taylor's user avatar
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Ruby Net/SSH exec - get pid of remote process

I am launching a nohup remote script with Ruby Net/SSH. Net::SSH.start(ip_address, user, options) do |ssh| script = File.join(remote_path, '') cmd = "nohup python #{script} #{args} &...
Rojj's user avatar
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Threaded output not displayed when run from command (works from irb)

I decided to rewrite a ruby script I did as a gem/module with an executable component. The original works fine, but as a gem it is easier to maintain/install with all dependencies. The command takes ...
user1848642's user avatar
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How to do open_channel in python paramiko?

How to convert this ruby piece to python? Net::SSH.start(machine, "ubuntu", {:keys => [ssh_key]}) do |ssh| ssh.open_channel do |ch| sent_cmd = false ch.request_pty do |ch,success| ...
Vansh Shah's user avatar
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How to not add host key to known host file when logging in using Net::SSH.start()

I have three bastion instances, and Capistrano connects using SSH to the bastions and executes code. These are my SSH options for Capistrano: set :ssh_options, forward_agent: true, auth_methods: %w(...
Jay's user avatar
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Reading stdout of Linux instance with Ruby gem net-ssh 4.1.0

I am trying to write a script in Ruby with net-ssh. I've got it talking to my Linux ec2 instance with a basic login and execution of "ls": Net::SSH.start('host', 'user', :password => "password") ...
Jud1183's user avatar
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PHP Net_SSH2 cannot conect

I am trying to use Net_SSH2 class for login in ssh server and i get error: Notice: No compatible server to client encryption algorithms found in /var/www/html/includes/classes/Net/SSH2.php on line ...
Robert Glavaš's user avatar
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Using Net::SSH to login to shell and get stateful output

I was reading the documentation (which is pretty outdated). Net-ssh does not have .shell method anymore? how can i achieve signing into the shell, run command and get stdout until its done? Can ...
suyesh's user avatar
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Authentication failed Error when deploying to AWS EC2 AMI with Capistrano

I am following this tutorial: The app is fully created and running in development (including the database). Keys have been added to GIT and ...
L.D's user avatar
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Make Net::SSH and Net::SSH::Telnet ask for username

Currently in Ruby's Net::SSH and Net::SSH::Telnet library if I run shell ="Dump_log" => "/dev/stdout", "Host" => "") or shell = Net::SSH.start("") It ...
redcodefinal's user avatar

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