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Find XML node in d:-namespace in Java using XPath

I have an XML file of which I want to address a certain element in Java using an XPath. The problem is that the element is in the d:-namespace, and everything I have tried to add the namespace to the ...
Kira Resari's user avatar
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xpath expression for 2 or more namespases java

I need all namespaces of xml document. <out1:case<br /> xmlns:out="http://ns1"<br /> xmlns:out1="http://ns2" schemaVersion="1.0"><br /> </...
Igor  Antonov's user avatar
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Xpath cannot check passing attribute using namespace

Using this xpath exercise code: <datasource formatted-name='Activity' inline='true' source-platform='win' version='18.1' xmlns:user=''> <column ...
RaffaMusicman's user avatar
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Using XPath when XML has multiple namespaces, no default namespace [duplicate]

I have been working with XML files with default namespaces. Thanks to the contributors to StackOverflow, I have been able to parse them with # Python xmlns = docroot.namespaceURI xmldoc.SetProperty(&...
TheBick's user avatar
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Namespace resolver supporting default namespace in xml to evaluate xpath

My XML document starts like : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <article xmlns:d="" xmlns="" ...
Florimond's user avatar
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How can i select the namespace definition tag with an xpath

I have the below example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <my:root xmlns:my=""> <my:child name="Sid"> ...
Maya's user avatar
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Using PHP and XPATH to render XML nodes embedded within an XML node

I'm trying to parse an XML document with namespaces with PHP to output HTML, retaining its original structure. I have used XPATH and foreach loops in my code below to render headings, paragraphs and ...
thisisready's user avatar
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How can I generate a namespace for a KML file in Javascript XPath

I want to preface this by saying that I understand there are a lot of similar questions out there (on stack and other sites) related to this problem, but I have spent the past few hours scouring every ...
Matt Kelly's user avatar
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How to combine None and "g" namespace?

I'm parsing Google products XML file that has "g" and also empty namespace. <feed ... <entry> <g:id>2</g:id> <title>Some product Trying to use ...
Milano's user avatar
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Lxml and python : iterate only over existing elements

I have a KML file which contains 2 placemarks : Test1 and Test2. <kml xmlns=""> <Document> <Placemark> <name>Test1</name> ...
Ben On Track's user avatar
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how to declare wildcard in namespaces in soapui?

I have two environments. Local and cloud. in cloud i get result with namespace as <ServiceAvailability **xmlns=""**> <BackendSystem>*</...
MiGo's user avatar
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XPATH: How can I reference the child node when the default namespace has been overridden (without using wildcards) [duplicate]

I'm trying to come up with an XPath expression for the COL node in the following XML document: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <RESP xmlns="urn:brown....
Bobby Kenny's user avatar
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How to read tag values from XML that has a namespace set? (How to work around the namespace) (Java) [duplicate]

I have an input XML provided through a String (it is an ISO20022 payment message) and I'd like to extract values for certain tags from that XML. Here is my source code: package; import ...
Raits's user avatar
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Accessing the attributes from a response XML with namespaces in node.js

I have an XML response from an API call and would like to know the best and hopefully simplest way to get the attribute values like serv:result and use:sessionTicket or any other leaf element in node....
TSK's user avatar
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How to patch an xml file with namespaces using xml-patch and xpath?

I am trying to patch several XML files using XML-patch, more specifically using this library I can properly patch any xml file that does not contain any namespace ...
s1m3n's user avatar
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Xpath is not giving result scrapy python

I am using xpath to retrieve a PDF link response.xpath('//a[@id="jr-pdf-sw"]/@href') link where I am using this xpath -> My response looks ...
Vighnesh.P Vicky's user avatar
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Using Scrapy Python not able to extract data from response html with xpath due to namespace

I am using scrapy with xpath to extract data from a webpage. My html response looks like this, I want to extract the href link present in the highlighted "a" tag. Usually I use response.xpath('//a[@...
Vighnesh.P Vicky's user avatar
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PostgresSQL xpath with namespaces

I would like to know how to use the xpath funtion in the following example: The xml is inside a table called SR_DATA, field XMLDATA of type TEXT The following is the structure of the xml document: &...
Ting's user avatar
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Outgoing XML document has two xmlns attributes with different values after map

A the title says, my XML document ends up with two xmlns attributes on the root node after executing my map, and is thus invalid according to XML syntax. I am unsure what causes this behavior. The ...
Leth's user avatar
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Creating XmlNode with specified spread sheet type

I'm little bit new in xml manipulation. I want to create a XmlNode. I've already tried to OwnerDocument.CreateElement method and also tried OwnerDocument.CreateNode method, but I can't create the ...
totesz09's user avatar
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C# Load DataTable from LinQ XDocument

I have a complex XML which is loaded into XDocument and I want to turn it into a DataTable please. Here is the actual XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <XMLCONTAINER version="1.0" incCount="3"> &...
ChrisR's user avatar
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PowerShell XML select node with namespace

I am trying to select nodes from an XML file but am encountering issue that appear to be caused by the namespace. The code below does not return anything. But if I remove the namespace from the XML ...
Akaizoku's user avatar
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Xpath for scrapy with atom namespace

I am trying to scrape data from an xml file using scrapy. The file is structures as follows: <feed xml:base=""> <entry><id>
J.Doe's user avatar
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Remove nokogiri attribute based on namespace prefix

I'm using nokogiri to parse an XML file. Some of the nodes in the file have attributes specific to namespaces: <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="
lumos's user avatar
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How to extract element value from an xml containing namespaces with xPath in Java?

Environment: Windows 10, Eclipse, Java 1.5 Objective: I'm trying to obtain the element text value of an xml using xPath. The xml contains various namespaces. Problem: I always get an empty value. I ...
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"The prefix 'vat' in XPath cannot be resolved" when validating XML schema instance

I am getting the above error when trying to validate an XML document on a schema. Below is a sample from my schema. The prefix 'vat' is used on the FileReference element, but from what I can see, it ...
Leth's user avatar
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Not Referencing Default Namespace in XSLT [duplicate]

I'm having trouble with the default namespace in the xml file I'm trying to reference. Does anyone know whey this default ns is causing me so much grief. I'm at my wits end! InputXML <?xml ...
Derek's user avatar
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XSL mapping ignoring empty namespace

With reference to the post for mapping elements ignoring namespaces: How to ignore namespace when selecting XML nodes with XPath Solutions: //*[local-name()='name'] //*:name Have the following ...
Darway's user avatar
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How to make namespaces work with XPaths out of the box?

The online XPath tester works similar to my code below for the given XML and XPath (doesn't match anything): import*; import javax.xml.parsers....
Rushil Paul's user avatar
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Reading child nodes with multiple namespaces

There are many many posts about namespaces and reading XML nodes but I have been unable to find an answer to my specific query. I believe my approach is correct but I am obviously missing something ...
Rob Millray's user avatar
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How to iterate through all element in XML in Select Nodes

I am really new at c#. I am creating a project where I need to extract data from a XML file. I can select one single node and loop through the innertext of that element. But I have several elemt in ...
tamrezh21's user avatar
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Xpath compilation for Child element with namespace + Getting error - Prefix must resolve to a namespace: ns2

Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Root> <ns2:bookStore xmlns:ns2=""> <ns2:book id="1"> <ns2:name>Data Structure</...
Dhan Raj's user avatar
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XPATH Using Namespace Property and SelectSingleNode Attribute

I've got this XML - it's an Excel Ribbon's _rels file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns="
Doug Glancy's user avatar
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Does XPath have a defined way to retrieve the URI of a namespace from its abbreviation when the URI is not known?

I am trying to write an XPath query to extract the URI of a specific namespace that will always use the same abbrevation. Example: <RequestPacket xmlns:xsi="
Jim Burnell's user avatar
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Why won't my xpath work?

I have the following xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prefix:someName xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:prefix="someUri" xsi:schemaLocation="...
OO-Mango's user avatar
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Manipulate XMLNamespaces

I have the following output from SQL using FOR XML clause: <q17:DestinationSection xmlns:q17="http://ITrack.Transmission/2011/02/25/Objects"> <q17:DestinationCode>1</q17:...
cdrrr's user avatar
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How to not display XMLNAMESPACES alias

I understand the main purpose of XMLNAMESPACES clause is to declare the namespace and use it further. I have the following code DECLARE @XMLFINAL VARCHAR(MAX) SET @XMLFINAL='' DECLARE @NUMBER ...
cdrrr's user avatar
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Products and Product namespace breaks my xpath

I'm trying to find some data in a xml sheet. I could get the data from the xml if the namespaces where removed like this: $nodes = $data->xpath('//Products/Product/productId[.='.$sku.']/...
Dieter's user avatar
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XPath and Namespace

I have the following soap response and want to extract the list of products: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd=""...
Christian68's user avatar
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Which namespace for Math functions in SPARQL?

I'm currently developing a project in which I use AllegroGraph as graph database. AllegroGraph provides full support for SPARQL 1.1 Query and Update. I'm trying to write a SPARQL query in which I need ...
Saint Santo's user avatar
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T-SQL: Adding namespaces to XML

I am creating T-SQL code to retrieve information in XML form. The below shows the current output from the T-SQL code: <ReportingGroup> <AccountReport> <AccountNumber>...
Raidenlee's user avatar
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XQuery: omit namespaces for source documents containing no namespaces

I want to use XQuery in order to map between two XML documents. Whereas the source document does not contain any namespace declaration, the target document requires a target namespace (must be the ...
Michael Wein's user avatar
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XPath Java evaluate expression with double slash against document with namespace specified

Here is some Java-Code: import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers....
moosey's user avatar
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Error in adding multiple namespace to the output XML

I am trying to generate an XML output from the given input XML using XSLT. The output xml will have different namespaces added to it at various level of the xml tree. I am using XPath axes (descendant)...
jack's user avatar
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Find the occurrence of specific Node in xml in XMLType column with xpath and having different namespace prefix for root and chaild node tag

I have to find existence of specific node in XML which is present in an Oracle database column (CLOB datatype) in select query. I thought of using the Oracle function EXISTSNODE to get expected ...
Aniket's user avatar
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Get deal with node that have NO namespace

Recently, we have trouble with some unusual XML. Suppose, XML looks like <rootNode> <childNode xmlns = ""> <targetNode> ...
burduk's user avatar
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using no namespace in xpath expression

In an XSLT stylesheet, I have set xpath-default-namespace to match the input document that the stylesheet processes. The output document is in the no namespace. For example, the xsl:stylesheet ...
yas's user avatar
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Delete namespace from xmlstarlet output

Background Looking to extract elements from the following XML content: <ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:h="" ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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Oracle UpdateXML not accepting a valid xPath

I have an XML in XMLTYPE column, that looks like the following: <n:ROOT xmlns:app="http://company/acms/content/DocType" xmlns:n="http://company/acms/content/DocType"> <Content> &...
Carmageddon's user avatar
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C# Read XML with multiple variable namespaces

I have to read some tags and attributes from an XML that has a defined structure but since those files can be generated from different sources, they can have different namespaces and prefixes. This ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
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