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Java Unmarshalling error, namespace issue. Package-info changes

I have created a SOAP client request to consume a web service. The web service hosting team is expecting a request something like this with the below namespace. <revisionRequest xmlns = "urn:...
Barakath Beham's user avatar
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How do I use a Kubernetes Watcher to monitor namespace events in a cluster?

This is almost certainly a misuse/misread of the API on my end but was wondering if I could get some guidance on this: This is my code snippet/attempt at creating a watcher to list all namespace ...
Brian Lau's user avatar
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How to Customize XML Namespace Prefixes Using JAXB, Keeping Only Specific Prefix?

I'm generating XML using JAXB and need specific namespace prefixes for my XML elements. Here's an example of the XML structure I am currently generating, where each namespace has a unique prefix: <...
farkadi oussama's user avatar
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2 answers

Find XML node in d:-namespace in Java using XPath

I have an XML file of which I want to address a certain element in Java using an XPath. The problem is that the element is in the d:-namespace, and everything I have tried to add the namespace to the ...
Kira Resari's user avatar
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190 views, how to set base namespace when writing document

I am using the rdf4j library to export xml files. I use to save it in a file and I need to define the base namespace. So I expect to have something like : <?xml ...
Abdelghani's user avatar
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How can I move the namespace definition from the root element to a specific child in JAXB?

I am developing a Java application that marshals Java objects into XMLs using JAXB. Currently, the generated XML looks like the following one: <A xmlns="A" xmlns:ns2="B" xmlns:...
molfo's user avatar
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Samsung IAP build.gradle in Android Studio Flamingo

I am building an application, that is going to use Samsung IAP. I started with empty activity in Java and as the first thing I wanted to integrate Samsung IAP. I follow the instructions from Samsung ...
basileus's user avatar
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How to handle avro schema without namespace

I would like to use auto-generated java classes from an avro schema to consume kafka messages. Unfortunately the avro schema has no namespace defined (and the owner of the schema is a little hesistant ...
mgerbracht's user avatar
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xpath expression for 2 or more namespases java

I need all namespaces of xml document. <out1:case<br /> xmlns:out="http://ns1"<br /> xmlns:out1="http://ns2" schemaVersion="1.0"><br /> </...
Igor  Antonov's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Error with xlsx file in android studio using Apache poi

With what that error can be connected: org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLException: error: The 'namespace-prefix' feature is not supported while the 'namespaces' feature is enabled. ? I'm just trying to ...
aDragon's user avatar
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How to use Resources from app and Android library module in the same Java class

I want to extract resources into an Android library. I have a Java class which needs to access Resources from both, the main app and from the library. Example import com.myapp.R; public class ...
Niklas Dada's user avatar
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xmlns in intellij project are not recognized?

Currently I am working on a presentation layer for a software project in java. In the skeleton project we were provided with, there already were a bunch of namespaces included. <ui:composition ...
bee's user avatar
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Java SoapMessage add empty namespace

I am calling third party soap where each element must have a namespace. I am calling from Java to a .NET service. In some elements, I must include "http:/". Other times, I must ...
Edward Gilmore's user avatar
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Reading XML with namespace using Apache Beam XmlIO

I am trying to read an XML file into an Apache Beam pipeline. Some elements have namespaces and the namespace declaration is declared at the root node. I am able to parse the xml outside of Apache ...
Jayabalan Kandasamy's user avatar
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Can't read configMap with name: [my-configmap] in namespace:[my-namespace]. Ignoring

Deploying the spring application only works in the default namespace. Deploying the same application to other namespaces fails with the following error: I have noticed this has something to do with ...
Buba Conteh's user avatar
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Java and Soap Web Service | Why do namespaces prefix changes automatically from ns2 to ns4 on migration?

Soap Service Migration changes namespace prefix on web service response: Earlier it was: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <ns2:...
fatherazrael's user avatar
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Get Namespaces from an XML file

I have this XML file and I need to know the URI of the namespaces. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fe:Facturae xmlns:ds="
jherranzm's user avatar
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Namespacing in JSON [duplicate]

I have a json structure like this. { "person": [{ "fname": "afname", "lname": "alname" }, { &...
station's user avatar
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Duplicate NS in SOAP Message

Ive got a problem with my xml SOAP message - using java 1.8, Websphere, for generating class from wsdl Ive used jaxws-maven-plugin. When I received SOAP message via WAS to my Java application,...
MKA's user avatar
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Specifying prefix to namespace JAXB

Facing issues with unmarshalling using JAXB. I need to use multiple namespaces. The Java classes are generated for the XSDs provided by a third party. So I do not want to specify the namespace at ...
Juhi Vhadadi's user avatar
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Generate classes from XSD removing namespaces references

I have a fairly large set of XSD files. From this I correctly generate Java classes (I'm using the org.apache.cxf.cxf-xjc-plugin). My problem is that the responses I get from the web service do not ...
aleber's user avatar
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Extracting ontology namespaces/prefixes with OWL API

Within a .owl file, I'm declaring some prefixes like this: Prefix(:=<http://default.ont/my_ont/>) Prefix(ex:=<>) Prefix(ex2:=<>) ... And ...
user402843's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are xmlns="" added to element in Java automatically?

I am creating an XML file using Java. I created root node using createElemenNS() to createh root node with namespace. Element root = doc.createElementNS("", "...
Chandu's user avatar
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How to read tag values from XML that has a namespace set? (How to work around the namespace) (Java) [duplicate]

I have an input XML provided through a String (it is an ISO20022 payment message) and I'd like to extract values for certain tags from that XML. Here is my source code: package; import ...
Raits's user avatar
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eXistDB no httpclient in version 5.2.0?

I have a question concerning the eXistDB: After an upgrade to eXistDB 5.2.0 I get the following error: HTTP ERROR 500 javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.ServletException: An error ...
grobian 666's user avatar
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Does C#.NET Have Anything Equivalent to Java's Sealed Package Feature for JAR Files?

By default, packages in Java can span multiple JAR files - but this can be prevented through the use of Package Sealing. Is there an equivalent feature for namespaces in C# to prevent them from ...
slickboy's user avatar
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SOAP WS (JAX-WS) with Java implementation : I receive null parameters because of the namespace qualified

I got a SOAP project with JAX-WS and in my WSDL file the attribute elementFormDefault is set to qualified. Because of this, the xml request generated has the namespace (proj:) in front of all the ...
Abstern's user avatar
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xpath: prefix must resolve to a namespace:xsd

I am a rookie in using jaxb2. I get this error:"xpath: prefix must resolve to a namespace:xsd" and I have no clue how to fix it. This appen because I have two xsd files that trying to design the same ...
Alessandro Buscema's user avatar
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What are all the namespaces used in xwpf to declare items in a document?

I want to delete empty pages in a word docx document, there is no solution for it yet. so I thought of using namespaces, so whenever the code doesn't find any declared item or a text in the paragraph ...
SH A's user avatar
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how to import java classes with the same names and same namespace (package names) into one maven projec

Can anyone tell me how to import java classes with the same names and same namespace (package names) into one maven project. I already include those clases in maven project using dependecy tags in pom ...
Mihael Medved's user avatar
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Unable to unmarshal xml-string to java object

Unmarshal xml-string to java-object gives the following error: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"AppServerResponse"). Expected elements are <{http://www....
Ronal Hannina's user avatar
8 votes
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Java parse xml with undeclared namespace

Each time our new android app released, I need to update app info on our website. So I try to update the app info automatically, by read the AndroidManifest.xml in the apk when uploaded to server. I ...
LF-DevJourney's user avatar
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Convert xml with namespaces to json in java

I'm trying to convert xml to json using java and then convert the json back to xml after modifying which should give the same xml. The xml attributes have namespaces. My sample xml : <?xml version=&...
Ajith's user avatar
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JAXB unmarshaling with namespaces, but without prefix

I want to use JAXB to unmarshal an xml into a java object, marshal it back to an xml and produce the exact same output with namespaces Here is the original XML: <customer xmlns:xsi="http://www....
taygetos's user avatar
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Closing tag missing in java soap xml

I'm trying to build a xml soap response in Java. Every part of the message is ok except for a missing closing tag </ns1:receptorExpressResponse> I searched at google and some books and all of ...
Juan Chipoco's user avatar
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Where can i find the javaFx namespace?

Scene Builder inserts several namespaces in an FXML file by default? xmlns:fx="" xmlns="" When I try to access either of these through ...
L. Blanc's user avatar
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Send namespaced data from Service to Client in Java

Consider I have a bunch of data processors extending the same interface : public interface IProcessor() { void processName(String name); } public class ...
iammrmehul's user avatar
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JAXB Unmarshalling - A descriptor with default root element ... was not found

I'm having an issue unmarshalling an api xml response into a POJO that I created. I'm sure the JAXB context is aware of my class, because I'm able to marshall it correctly. POJO package com.bnh....
BHDev's user avatar
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How to fix "The import javax.xml.namespace.QName cannot be resolved" while upgrading from JDK1.8 to JDK1.11

I am upgrading my java application from JDK1.8 to JDK1.11. One of the classes using import javax.xml.namespace.QName; from JDK11 is unresolvable. Adding external jar javax.xml.1.3.4.jar and updating ...
malini's user avatar
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Xml Jaxb namespaces and attributes order

I'm trying to parse Java object to Xml representation using JaxB (Jaxb2Marshaller). In one of element I have two namespaces and several attributes. Everything is alright, but first I got attributes ...
Eugene's user avatar
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SOAP web service how to change namespace of request

I have the following xml request <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:...
Carlota's user avatar
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Java Equivalent of c# this.GetType().Namespace [duplicate]

Which is the java equivalent of c# this.GetType().Namespace to get the package name in which the class is contained?
UnDiUdin's user avatar
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How to extract element value from an xml containing namespaces with xPath in Java?

Environment: Windows 10, Eclipse, Java 1.5 Objective: I'm trying to obtain the element text value of an xml using xPath. The xml contains various namespaces. Problem: I always get an empty value. I ...
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Pipeline fails with Invalid namespace string: '//'

Context: A streaming pipeline using dataflow 2.6.0, making use of windows and GroupByKey stages What happens: after a short time, the pipeline keeps launching the following error: java.lang....
The hBar Tender's user avatar
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Can it affect the performace of application If we create the NameSpaces and Tables at runtime in HBase?

We are creating Namespace and several tables (5 to 6) at runtime and it takes 10-15 sec to create whole structure. Is it recommended to create tables at the runtime in HBase?
Rhishi's user avatar
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SWIG+%nspace: is it possible to rename/strip a base namespace?

I am working on a binding from C++ targeting java (and later Python). My classes are like this (ex: mymodule.h) namespace BaseNS { class A {}; class B {}; namespace NestedNS { ...
goutnet's user avatar
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Package-relative identifier path in Java

Introduction Moving from C++, one of the big differences was the difference in scoping: In C++ every identifier is relative to the current scope (class or namespace) and you could write an absolute ...
Shmuel H.'s user avatar
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Trying to understand what are namespaces in Java

I am working on a java - rest api project. I am confused what a name space is ? is it same as a class or is it related to memory used?
sophie96's user avatar
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Writing XSLT transformed XML fragments to a XMLStreamWriter

I've got the following problem: Large output file (zip), which contains one xml document ("FeatureCollection") Relatively small xml fragments Each fragment requires to be written as "...
Sjaak's user avatar
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Change ROOT element name during XML to Java Object (JAXB) conversion

I have a vendor who provides .xsd files and library which can process the data in XML format. I cannot modify the root element name in the XSD file as these XSD files are subjected to change and it ...
Bhushan's user avatar
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