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How can I stop Pycharm from indexing ALL directories?

Lately I was searching on the internet for a solution for an issue we are having in our company. We use AutoFS to mount NFS paths to our working machines (For example, home dirs), so it only mounts ...
leoneli61's user avatar
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How to mount NAS as network storage for Paperless-ngx under Windows with WSL and Docker?

I have a Windows 11 System which runs Paperless-ngx on Docker and WSL and a Docker Volume as storage. Additionally I use Portainer for Docker UI. So far this setup works without problems. Now I have a ...
Jens's user avatar
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1 answer

Docker bind mount

I am a beginner in Docker. I have a basic node app project "node-bind-mount-demo" on the below path on my local machine. C:/Acer/Desktop/Docker_Demo/node-bind-mount-demo This project ...
jazz's user avatar
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Problem using cifs-mount in buildroot when application is auto-started from inittab

I'm building a system based on buildroot (2024-02), init (busybox) and Raspberry-pi CM4. The "home-made" application shall not give any prompt to login, so I auto-start my application from ...
perre's user avatar
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Filesystem mounted in a mount namespace is visible in root namespace

I have a program that creates a mount namespace with and unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) syscall, then mounts a filesystem at /path/to/my/mount using a mount syscall with mountflags=0. The mount succeeds and I ...
Alex Flint's user avatar
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Unable to Download Large Hugging Face Dataset to Google Drive in Colab

I'm trying to download a large dataset from Hugging Face in Google Colab, but I keep running into storage issues. Since the dataset is too large for Colab’s local disk, I want to directly store it in ...
asaf levi's user avatar
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Ceph S3 and Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Support with Mountpoint for S3

I am currently working with a Ceph S3 Storage and using the S3-compatible API to interact with an object storage bucket. I attempted to mount the bucket using Mountpoint for S3 and I followed the same ...
amavi's user avatar
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Caching npm packages in docker

Hey I'm a newbie to both docker and node . I was trying to dockerize a simple node api . Here's my docker file: WORKDIR app EXPOSE 3000 ENV NODE_ENV=production COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ ...
GG33's user avatar
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mounting sysfs inside newly unshared mount namespace (with / recursive private remount) returns EBUSY

First, let's create a new mount namespace and enter it with a new shell: sudo unshare -m Behind its scenes, unshare(1) automatically remounts "/" with MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, thus ensuring that ...
TheDiveO's user avatar
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Not able to mount AWS EFS file system on a task running a container

I am having trouble mounting an AWS EFS file system on a task running a container. Specifically, I would like to mount the EFS file system at the task level without mounting it directly inside the EC2 ...
Ahsen Ali Mohammed's user avatar
-1 votes
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Linux how to mount filesystem image file read/write using the loop option

I did a build of an Android GSI and it builds a system.img file: $ file out/target/product/generic_arm64/system.img out/target/product/generic_arm64/system.img: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, ...
chriskot's user avatar
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Unable to mount NFS share using mount(2) on macOS

I've been trying to write an application for older versions of Mac OS X that mounts an NFS network share and ran into an interesting quirk when trying to use the mount(2) function. According to the ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar
2 votes
10 answers

How to get the mounted point full path while it has space in bash

I have an UBUNTU installation USB disk. The disk name is "UBUNTU 22_0" and will be mounted on "/run/media/UBUNTU 22_0-sda1". There is a space on it so the command "df | grep /...
Chris Liu's user avatar
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Mount CIFS volume on podman container with molecule/ansible. Error : Operation not permitted

I'm trying to mount a CIFS volume on a podman container with molecule and ansible without success. Content of create.yml: tasks: - name: Create a container containers.podman.podman_container:...
Antoine's user avatar
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ACL Migration from loopback 3 to loopback 4

I have encountered issue in ACL on role based authorisation ,as its showing unauthorised while attempting to mount our existing LoopBack 3 application within a new LoopBack 4 project, Any one faced ...
Anubhav's user avatar
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Unable to Read Mounted GCSFuse Directory After Adding --implicit-dirs Option

I've mounted a GCS bucket using gcsfuse, After updating my startup script to include --implicit-dirs, I can no longer read from the mounted directory /gcs/my-bucket. I receive an "Input/output ...
user25600604's user avatar
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docker --mount type=tmpfs memory usage

I am writing because I am wondering if I am wrongly interpretating the docker online documentation. Thus I’d like to understand. Here is a docker run call docker run -it --rm --memory=5000m --memory-...
user25513649's user avatar
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Vue.js - Scroll isnt detected

I am completely new to Vue and trying to make the navbar and topbar disappear when the user is scrolling down. For some reason, it does not detect the scroll. Any help would be really appreciated. ...
Mann's user avatar
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Nas storage temporary file errors

We have a NAS storage used for file sharing linux+windows. This is old server, but it supports Samba dialect of 3.0 and we use it. This is the relevant line in /etc/fstsb: //nas1/Work /nas1/...
Alon Lanyado's user avatar
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docker compose -f docker-compose,yaml up fail: service volume services.database.volumes.[0] is missing a mount target

Here is my docker-compose file: version: '2.27.0' services: backend: container_name: nodejs build: context: /backend dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: -3000:3000 ...
Thanh Vu's user avatar
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CIFS in docker-compose file

I'm trying to mount my internal samba directory in docker-compose volume, it partially works. For example when i execute docker exec -it <airflow-webserver-1> /bin/bash opt/airflow/sftp ls It ...
Hamza Tayyab's user avatar
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mount android All of the sdcard

The background is like this: I want to implement a sandbox, which is a system-level sandbox to isolate the data of a certain App. I need to isolate his one [/data/data/package_name]and [/sdcard/] ...
Zhenxi's user avatar
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Volume and volume mount not showing up in datadog agent

I have a multicluster windows and linux. I have deployed cluster agent on linux and then have the datadog agent deployed on windows because i want to get the logs of my app running on windows. I have ...
Marccelus Enoh's user avatar
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"Operation not permitted" when accessing a NFS mounted directory inside a docker container

I am working on a Web-App which needs access to a QNAP-NAS file system to edit and create directories and files inside it. In order to mount the NFS to the docker container, I used the following ...
JoanAcero's user avatar
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Cannot access files local path after mounting local path to Jupyter running inside of a docker container

I have a folder called "Data" in my working directory and I supposedly mounted this folder to the Jupyter running inside of a docker container. I can store files but I cannot read files ...
koyama yoko's user avatar
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Command to mount a VHDX file from Local G: GoogleDrive folder?

I am trying to mount a VHDX file that I do have stored into my local hard-drive into a local G: Google-Drive folder and unfortunately I can't get the syntax right. My attempt it is as follows: @echo ...
CNC Cumberland's user avatar
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2 answers

How to mount a file into a helm subchart pod file system in kubernetes?

The problem is to add a file with config data into Kubernetes pod described by helm subchart developed by third party. I've read number of comments saying this can be solved easily by introducing a ...
Alex 's user avatar
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Unable to access mount directory macfuse

I have a filesystem with the code below which runs well in my ubuntu virtual machine, but for some reason, is giving issues when i try testing it on my mac. I am mounting using the command ./...
redhunter's user avatar
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Unable to mount FUSE file system on tcp/ip server

I am building a simple distributed file system using FUSE and TCP/IP in C. I have some working server.c and client.c code that send requests and responses to each other. I also have a working FUSE ...
redhunter's user avatar
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Unable to find "Shared Drives" in Docker?

I had installed Docker Desktop v4.28.0 and Switch it to Windows Container. I want to share local drives but in the Docker Settings does not allow me: As soon as i switch to Linux Container i can see ...
MRaza's user avatar
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Docker: always bind mount a volume to each container

I want to mount /etc/localtime and /etc/ssl/certs into each container I start up with docker run, without passing -v each time. Is this possible? I know that daemon.json doesn't have an option to ...
thetredev's user avatar
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editing pass option in /etc/fstab with ansible

I have an ansible playbook that runs for about 20 hosts. I'm trying to edit the pass option only for entries that are mounted as root ('/'). Here's what I had that changes every pass option that isn't ...
Olivia Brown's user avatar
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Goofys mount AWS S3 bucket inside container not reloading

I am using goofys to mount the AWS S3 bucket. I set up the mount inside the container image. Everything was working fine but recently I have noticed that the content is not properly reloading. For ...
Jane's user avatar
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How can we close websockets connection when component unmount?

I am having a small bug in my application which causing a big problem. In my react-vite application, I have integrated WebSocket to get the live status of a particular thing. Problem: When a user ...
Shaker Ahamed's user avatar
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rouble with mounting Python code to FUSE: No response and prolonged processing ---

I attempted to mount my Python code to FUSE using the command python3 ~/root ~/mount_point. However, the command doesn't seem to be functioning as expected. Instead of mounting the ...
nabila's user avatar
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Unable To Mount Folder In DataBrick

I am trying to run the code to mount the folder in Azure Blob Storage. I tried with another blob storage account with enabled soft delete, and it still works. But when I create another blob storage ...
Hien.LV2093's user avatar
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dislocker: fuse: mountpoint is not empty

I'm setting up a bitlocker drive in Linux fstab: /dev/sdb2 /mnt/lacie fuse.dislocker user-password=abc123 0 0 /mnt/lacie/dislocker-file ...
xpusostomos's user avatar
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How to mount /home/<my_user>/.ssh folder in devcontainer

I would like git to access to my .ssh folder with the keys while working inside devcontainer, I thought to use runArgs to mount /home/<my_user>/.ssh folder like this: "runArgs": [ ...
Guy Bertental's user avatar
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Disconnected Network Drive while connecting to windows using samba

We are facing an issue when we are trying to auto-mount a Samba share drive on a Windows EC2 instance. However, when we manually mount it or run the PowerShell script manually, it connects ...
Arnabi Pramanik's user avatar
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To do I call Vue app.mount('#myAppID') a second time if the div with that ID is removed from the DOM and added back later?

I have one Vue component (a compiled single .js file) that is a header, and another Vue app that contains a lot of pages. If I load in the second (compiled) vue app.js file, AND the DOM element with ...
Guy Parker IV's user avatar
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How to access files in a mounted persistent disk through a new VM on GCP?

I have created a new VM on GCP with mounting to a persistent disk that contains some files that I want to access. To check where is the path of the mounted disk, I created another VM that no ...
Johnny Tam's user avatar
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Podman rootless cannot mount NFS inside container

I'm trying to mount NFS inside Podman rootless container. I tried several method with/without CAPS and security profile parameters. Unfortunately, mount works only, if Podman is run as root. I'm spent ...
Farfax's user avatar
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docker '--mount' flag not identified while running from a child process

I am trying to run a docker command as a child process from a Python script using subprocess module, but I get the below error. b"unknown flag: --mount\r\nSee 'docker buildx build --help'.\r\n&...
Roviostar's user avatar
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git commands hanging forever in mounted repositories

I have a git repository in a remote machine. I mounted it on my local machine. But whenever I run any git command in that repo, it hangs forever. Even git status does not work. Why this happens? Is ...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
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Passing Vuex store in manually mounted Vue 3 component

This Vue 2 solution was what I have been using to mount a Vue 2 component manually, but as I am trying to uplift the project to Vue 3 (using a compatibility build for migration) I am finding that this ...
zwsaile's user avatar
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Trouble Mounting Azure Storage Account File Share into Azure Container App Postgres Image Due to Permission Issues

I'm encountering issues mounting the File share of my Azure Storage Account into my Azure Container App running a Postgres image, with the goal of making the data in the container persistent. I can ...
Bahamas's user avatar
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issue run nerdctl inside docker container: failed to create shim task: failed to mount rootfs component: invalid argument: unknown

solution to this exact problem is commented below. original problem: when try to buildup a docker container and using nerdctl inside it, an error occurs: failed to create shim task: failed to mount ...
melon's user avatar
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Mount folder linux (ubuntu) freezing when Windows 2012 Active Directory share change node (failover fileserver)

Windows 2012 file server (failover) ---> Ubuntu linux (not a member of Active Directory). The mount works well, but when the file server changes node, the linux freezes (180 sec). How to mount it ...
RolandG's user avatar
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inode number problem for files mounted by "minikube mount"

I am trying to mount the files from a directory in my local Windows PC to minikube v1.32.0, so that it can be used by minikube as the host path of a persistent volume. I first mounted the directory to ...
GreenPenguin's user avatar
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Add mounted volume from non-root user to docker container

I have a Linux VM provided to me on which network drives has already been mounted, to access it there is an extra non-root user "user1". The id of this user is: uid=4040 (user1) gid=110 (lxd)...
Solaire's user avatar
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