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Debugging 'Objects are not valid as a React child'

I work in a very large monorepo, lots of changes, lots of developers. A couple days ago it totally broke, only in prod, with the error: Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object ...
stakolee's user avatar
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How to deploy a react app using mono repo on IIs

I have created a react app using Monorepo. When I create build it created two folder one app and send libs. Inside app folder there is main project folder and its name is my-project. I want to deploy ...
MSharma's user avatar
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How to Deploy a MonoRepo with a NextJS and a Node Js Sever to any free cloud hosting platform?

The Structure of my Monorepo is attached in the image. This is a Turbo mono repo , where the web has a NextJS frontend and the server directory has a Node Js Server.enter image description hereenter ...
Pratyush Birole's user avatar
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Monorepo with Deno and node.js (vite) with shared packages, what is the setup?

I am trying to set up a Deno / Nodejs monorepo with some shared packages meant to be used in both environments: repo/ ├── packages/ (shared with frontend and backend) ├── backend/ (Deno) └── frontend/ ...
andy-bc's user avatar
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How to do sparse-checkout in a buildConfig using OpenShift?

I have a mono-repo containing multiple projects. I would like to prevent my build from having to download multiple MB just to throw them away, since Im only interested of building a single project. ...
Inx51's user avatar
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Rspress import monorepo package in docs page

I am just getting started with Rspress and would like to create a documentation site for my monorepo packages. What I have so far is this structure /project-root /docs index.mdx /packages ...
kalisjoshua's user avatar
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I'm doing mono repo setup for my existing react apps using yarn workspaces and CRA, but build code not converted to ES5 to support chrome 38

It seems after build my react app works well in chrome 38 version. But, after moving to mono repo structure, same code not working in chrome 38 after build and looks like some part for code I see not ...
Radhakrishnan Y's user avatar
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Managing Prisma schema relationships within a polyrepo project

I am building a NextJS backend application and have opted for a polyrepo approach with each repository being it's own service. Each service has it's own Prisma schema but they all create tables in the ...
Josh Robinson's user avatar
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Converting a Rush Monorepo from create-react-app to vite

I am working on converting over this rush monorepo to vite but am having issues with aliasing linked packages. In my case, my folder structure is as follows Project apps frontend backend packages ...
sagar's user avatar
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node_modules started to be created in each project folder instead of in one directory after CRA

Initially, the project structure corresponded to the concept of a monorepository, where all dependencies (modules, packages) are located in the root folder, in node_modules, and all project sources ...
Тимур's user avatar
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Error: NX Request failed with status code 403

With this command, I installed Nx correctly on my system npm install -g nx Then I started my first project with this command npx create-nx-workspace my-monorepo I answered almost all the questions ...
davood beheshti's user avatar
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Why does my private GitLab package return "404 Not Found" when trying to install it in a monorepo using pnpm?

I am working on a monorepo project using nx and pnpm. The project contains multiple packages, including @my-org/package1 and @my-org/package2. I have set up a private GitLab package registry to ...
Aqeel Raiee's user avatar
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Creating a git monorepo from two diverging branches of the same repository

I'm working with a git repository which contains two diverging branches which are both deployed to our production environment in separate, adjacent folders. I'd like to create a new git repository ...
Michael's user avatar
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Zustand store doesn't work in monorepo (external package)

We have a set of different webViews they are all independent react apps that can have a shared codebase, but run in an isolated manner (not a microfrontend). We started to build a lerna monorepo ...
Roma Borodov's user avatar
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Vercel Monorepo Deployment Issue: Frontend 404s When Deployed from Root, API 404s when deployed from client

How can I maintain a monorepo structure while correctly serving both the frontend and API from Vercel? I'd prefer not to split into separate deployments if possible, as the monorepo structure helps ...
Laurie Crean's user avatar
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What is the correct structure of a multi-language monorepo on Nx?

I'm building an airline booking site, i need to handle user registration, authentication, booking, seatmap, etc. I'm using 2 API's in 2 languages (.NET in a API that handles the flight search, booking ...
nirojmar's user avatar
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prisma generate problem ( The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined )

hello guys i recently workings on a nextjs project ( turborepo - monorepo ) and after few minutes i realized that i have to add new column in my table so i just updated my schema.prisma by adding a ...
Ansh Pethe's user avatar
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pnpm locally referenced modules contain more than just dist folder contents

I have a very simple monorepo using a pnpm workspace with an api folder and a packages folder. My packages folder contains a "common" package, which has been added to the api project. The ...
Tim Hardy's user avatar
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Nuxt App in Monorepo Fails to Compile and Shows a Vanilla Template When Outside Repository

I have a monorepo containing two Nuxt 4 apps and a NestJS application. The NestJS app works fine as expected without any issues. However, when I try to run either of the two Nuxt applications, I ...
Guilder's user avatar
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How to forbid direct imports from other packages in a Typescript monorepo?

Im using vite in my monorepo and I want to prohibit direct imports (without passing throgh the package name). I have this structure root |---packages | |-------front | |-------utils | |---...
Gabriel Machado's user avatar
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Tailwind style not applying in Yarn Monorepo re-usable common components

So we trying to integrate tailwind in our existing Yarn Monorepo structure. It's fine with the apps (works as expected), but got stuck with figuring out how re-usable components from @common can get ...
Karolis's user avatar
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control next version when turbo repo installs it

When I try to create a turbo monorepo I get Next 15 and React 19 (and their dependencies) pnpm dlx create-turbo@latest Ant Design is not compatible with the latest React. So, I want to force turbo to ...
Stack crawler's user avatar
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How to build and deploy Angular 17 Microfrontend Apps in a Monorepo

I have an npm workspace that includes three Angular standalone applications (ver. 17), all built as standalone apps without using the Nx framework (Since we are using an internal framework, I can't ...
vsam's user avatar
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Github workflow breaks when lerna publish with auto

Im using the following workflow name: Release on: [push, workflow_dispatch] jobs: release: name: Release runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read issues: read ...
Snivio's user avatar
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does not provide an export named 'isEqual' | Angular

import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; onSave() { const isFormsEqual = isEqual( this.loyaltyRewardsFormFacade.currentRewardsState(), this.loyaltyRewardsFormFacade.transformFormData() );...
Galaktioni Danelia's user avatar
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release-please github action with release-please manifest driven release

I was looking for a way to create a github release, tag, generate changelog & a npm publish, I came across semantic release, release-please, release-please-action, manifest driven release-please. ...
Zaker's user avatar
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How to monorepo with Next.js 15 and React Native (Expo 51)?

So, I followed this example, but with Next.js 15.0.2 and Expo 51.0.38 (CLI generated with Expo router). Also this guide from Expo. Attempt 1: With PNPM Next.js runs fine. Had to add node-linker=...
Swix's user avatar
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TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'jest' and 'node', turborepo errors with jest

establishing monorepo environment using turborepo, vite, typescript and react. I was migrated original app's code to monorepo apps folder blow but there are lot of error about jest code. migrated code ...
hama's user avatar
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Lifting pnpm project dependencies to the workspace root

Consider a monorepo with some "top level" projects and some supporting packages. Suppose a few of the supporting packages depend on a massive 3rd party dependency. - package.json - pnpm-...
Navigatron's user avatar
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Storybook Not working for Nx Angular Library

I'm trying to migrate an angular project with Storybook into Nx. The stage I'm stuck at is migrating the UI components into a shared Nx Library. As a first step, I have successfully moved a single ...
monkey's user avatar
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rushjs monorepo ; Root directory quick installation dependencies

I want to execute rush add to install dependencies for subprojects in the root directory, just like pnpm --filter, or enhance the rush add --to function. Is there a reliable implementation? And I use ...
NovaAstra's user avatar
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Turborepo Internal Package - The requested module does not provide an export named 'default'

I have a monorepo project using turborepo. All apps are under the name "@repo" (I'm committing the company name). I'm constantly getting errors like: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested ...
Alef Duarte's user avatar
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Vercel deployment / Turborepo - Build always fails until manually rebuilt while disabling cache. Internal packages not found

I've tried to summarise as best I can. Effectively, every time I deploy and Vercel builds, the build fails citing that the internal packages can't be found. If I manually redeploy and select the ...
cording12's user avatar
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With use transpilePackages, unable to Import Components from Another Package in Next.js 14 Monorepo

I am currently using Next.js 14 with a monorepo structure. The repository is organized as follows: test-mono-repo ├── package.json └── packages ├── test-console -> Next.js 14 └── test-ui ...
Jinho KIM's user avatar
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angular v18 monorepo with capacitor

I have an angular v18 monorepo wtih some projects like bamm, boom, plong. If i ng build them, they are going to the folder dist and every project have its subfolder called dist/bamm, dist/boom and ...
basilius's user avatar
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Combine Multiple Repos into Monorepo

I have 4 NextJS projects (site, admin, auth & ui) I'd like to combine into a monorepo with the project structure below. monorepo ├─ apps ├─ site ├─ admin ├─ auth ├─ packages/shared/ui ...
Bryan's user avatar
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'import.meta' meta-property '--module' option error with vite and react in monorepo

error TS1343: The 'import.meta' meta-property is only allowed when the '--module' option is 'es2020', 'es2022', 'esnext', 'system', 'node16', or 'nodenext'. const chatApiUrl = import.meta.env....
so-user's user avatar
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Nest JS mono repo project structure - nest library to store models

I am setting up a new NestJS mono repo project with npm workspaces. I am planning to create various modules as micro-services. I am using MongoDB, and I need a central place to store the database ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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How to share SCSS variables across libs and apps in Nx project?

I have a React monorepo with 3 apps and many libraries. I want to create a dedicated library to hold my SASS variables and import this variables file into the SASS files of other libraries and apps ...
Awantha Irushan's user avatar
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Share sass variables from app to lib in nx

I'm in the process of migrating my project to an Nx monorepo setup. My workspace consists of multiple applications, each with its own distinct theme, and several shared UI libraries that rely on SASS ...
Awantha Irushan's user avatar
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NextJS css only applied on page first refresh

I am using a yarn monorepo with expo + nextJS to export same UI / logic for both applications, and using react-native-ui-datepicker for a shared date pickers which works fine for both web and mobile, ...
Taha Elkhaoua's user avatar
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Monorepo issue with shared folder and Docker

I set up a monorepo project with 3 packages ./project1 ./project2 ./project3 ./shared Each project has it's own dockerfile and docker compose file I used npm link to use the shared folder and add this ...
Serol Tech's user avatar
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Vite HMR not working with monorepo package

I'm working on a monorepo project using npm workspaces with the following structure: monorepo/ apps/web - (Vite React app) packages/ui - (React components built with tsc, no bundler) web vite....
Alym Sagymbaev's user avatar
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Vite build for a custom React library: module [...] was resolved to [...] but --jsx is not set

I'm working on a monorepo and I'm trying to create a package that would be a React ui-kit library. For now, I've been trying to export a custom button component and building the ESM et CJS modules ...
Mathieu Rousseau's user avatar
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How to manage package version in pnpm workspace?

I'm using pnpm workspace, and I've added an typescript workspace and installed typescript 5.4.2 for example. I've also added this typescript workspace as a dependency in another workspace. How can I ...
jhE's user avatar
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Running a bin command using npx in a monorepo using workspaces

I have a monorepo using npm workspaces that publishes several packages. One of those packages publishes an executable codemods command I want to be run by the end user using npx @my-project/codemods. ...
wheresrhys's user avatar
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How to resolve an Unknown request from webview: {"type":"arFlameGraphRequested","command":""}

I am encountering an issue with my VS Code extension where a command sent from a webview is not being recognized by the extension. The command is registered in the extension, but ...
Luis Fernando Gil Gareca's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a Nestjs standalone app in an Electron app using yarn workspaces?

I have a yarn monorepo consist of Nestjs and Electron projects. I needed to use Nestjs app as a dependecy in electron project. Is it possible? If it is how to configure both projects to achive it? I ...
Azqaf's user avatar
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How to deploy nextjs standalone app into aws amplify

I have tried several ways available online and also tried aws docs with no luck I am using nextjs 14 with monorepo and here is my amplify yaml file version: 1 applications: - appRoot: apps/blog-mfe ...
kittu's user avatar
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NX affect works for build but not for release

I'm having a nx monorepo for a design system and would like to publish packages to NPM only when they have changed. Unfortunately this doesn't work for me as you can see here: npx nx affected:build --...
Maurice's user avatar
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