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compound index and sort query involving a regex

please read comment and first answer. question is solved. I need help interpreting the explain output. I can see that the index is used. However, I am still ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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will each condition inside an $or of the $match stage be checked concurrently?

compound index { A: 1, timestamp: 1, } and { B: 1, timestamp: 1, } db.user.aggregate([ { $match: { $or: [ { A: "some_value" }, { B: "some_value" } ] } }, { ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
-1 votes
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will mongodb use index to sort when $or used in $match?

compound index { A: 1, timestamp: 1, } and { B: 1, timestamp: 1, } db.user.aggregate([ { $match: { $or: [ { A: "some_value" }, { B: "some_value" } ] } }, { ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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mongodb not using index unless field is specified in $match

compound index { A: 1, B: 1 } In this query, the compound index is not used: db.user.aggregate([ { $match: { B: { $gt: 100 } } }, { $sort: { A: 1 } }, { $limit: ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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How to dynamically reference mongoDB field names?

Schema of collection: { field_1: "number", field_2: "number", ... } I have a query that may reference field_n dynamically depending on certain conditions that are not ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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What if some documents don't have a field that is part of an index?

A collection has an indexed involved field_A. But field_A is not required. So what happens if some documents do not have this field? Will the index still work for documents that do have this field?
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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MongoDB indexing not working (1 million records)

Configuration of remote server: Ubuntu 20.04 on Digital ocean (1vcpu, 1GM Ram, 25GB memory) MongoDb running on Digital ocean machine Local machine: MacOS, Dockerized Nodejs express server (from here I ...
spatak's user avatar
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At what point does mongoose create indexes in mongoDB?

I am trying to understand when indexes are made in mongodb. I have just learnt that The unique Option is Not a Validator. But I have been using it as a validator in my mongoose schemas for a while now ...
YulePale's user avatar
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Indexing with Mongoose

I was reading the mongoose docs about indexing and want to find out whether there is a difference between field level indexing and schema level indexing. They mention that "defining indexes at ...
Sterlin V's user avatar
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$geoNear requires a 2d or 2dsphere index, but none were found

Add schema.index({startlocation: '2dsphere'}) in schema but not able to clear the error. schema tourSchema.index({ startLocation: '2dsphere' }); --> this line is add in model controller exports....
singu's user avatar
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MongoError: user not allowed to create 2d index

I am creating a program to list nearby objects based on the user's current location. For this I am using the old [longitude, latitude] system. I will store these coordinates in the location field. ...
Jay John's user avatar
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PM2/NodeJS API with mongoDB index problems [duplicate]

I'm trying to deploy multiple NodeJS rest APIs in the same Ubuntu VPS using PM2, those APIs are used to serve data from different MongoDB database in the same local hosted db server. I do encounter ...
Malek Boubakri's user avatar
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Expires setting in mongoose schema is ignored if index already exists at MongoDB

I'm using the expires field in a mongoose schema in order to set expiration on a given field. For instance: var Crumbs = new Schema({ ... timestamp: { type: Date, expires: 3600, ...
fgalan's user avatar
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Mongoose: Query Nested Properties of a Document With $in

So I am trying to query the following document using $in from Mongoose. var Reports = [ { "employee" : { "gender" : { "id": 0, "name" : "Male"...
AllJs's user avatar
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Mongo text index doesn't finish when nothing is returned

I am not sure I have the proper vocabulary to describe the error that I am having so bear with me. Here is the general schema for the documents in my collection { _id: ObjectId(), name: String,...
Danwakeem's user avatar
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Partial indexes in mongodb / mongoose

In the sparse index documentation I found note about mongodb 3.2 partial indexes Changed in version 3.2: Starting in MongoDB 3.2, MongoDB provides the option to create partial indexes. Partial ...
styopdev's user avatar
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Monitoring MongoDB "background operations"?

EDIT: Basically I'm looking for some hints on how to understand what background operations are running on my MongoDB instance and possibly reduce/disable them when necessary so they don't interfere ...
joniba's user avatar
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Unique and Sparse Schema-level Index MongoDB and Mongoose

I am trying to create an index on two fields of a schema that are to be unique and sparse in MongoDB using Mongoose as follows: var ArraySchema = new Schema ({ user_id: {type: mongoose.Schema....
c1moore's user avatar
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What is difference between GeoJSON & Legacy coordinate pairs in terms of mongoDb?

I am trying to use $geoNear aggregation operator of mongoDb to calculate distances of users from current location in following way : '$geoNear': { near: currentLocation, distanceField: '...
Varun Oberoi's user avatar