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Resolving maven dependencies at runtime during plugin execution

I have a maven plugin that checks some dependencies. Those dependencies at unknown at first, so I can't add them to the pom file. Thus, I need a way to resolve dependencies at runtime during the ...
Kevin Nammour's user avatar
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How to install remote dependencies using MavenSession?

How can I install remote dependencies using MavenSession in a Maven plugin that I am working on? I wasn't able to try because of the poor documentation of maven. I am new to maven so I don't know how ...
Kevin Nammour's user avatar
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3 answers

org.dbunit.database.AmbiguousTableNameException with MySQL 8

can anybody help me with this? using dbunit-maven-plugin-1.0-beta-3 with mysql 8 to load meta data to database tables with mysql-connector-java-8.0.22. Got the error as follows org.apache.maven....
DilliBabu S's user avatar
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Maven plugin-development - How to detect modified files?

I'm writing new maven plugins, I've successfully used StaleSourceScanner in a combination with SuffixMapping, but it is just not working with SingleTargetSourceMapping. Always all files are detected ...
Balazs Kelemen's user avatar
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Mojo complex dependency injection

I'm trying to use the @Parameter above a field in a mojo. @Parameter(required = false) public Map authentication; In plugin usage I'm passing: <configuration> <authentication> ...
André Vinícius Lima's user avatar
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Access a maven resource jar from java code

I am creating a maven plugin and need to retrieve a jar from within my code. I don't want to just search through the .m2 folder, but actualy use maven to retrieve the requested resource (both local ...
Rik Schaaf's user avatar
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Change property of Maven POM

I need to change a property of my pom.xml. I searched and I didnt found any plugin that changes properties in the pom.xml. So I decided to write my own pPlugin. Is there any way to persist the ...
Friedrich Merza's user avatar
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how to create maven mojo plugin to overwrite files directories in target project

I am writing a maven plugin which generates java source code based on input text file and some additional configuration. e.g. User creates maven project and adds my plugin in his project's pom.xml as ...
chappalprasad's user avatar
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Auto-create XSD for Maven plugin mojo

I am creating a new Maven plugin, following the instructions here. I can create a new parameter, as per the documentation, like this: @Parameter( property = "sayhi.greeting", defaultValue = "Hello ...
tom's user avatar
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Use sql-maven-plugin inside my own plugin implementation [duplicate]

I'm developing in Java a maven plugin which needs to run different SQL scripts, among other things. I don't know how to run existing SQL Scripts from Java so I started to wonder if I can use the sql-...
Nana89's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Maven docs after codehaus terminated? [closed]

Where can I get all the org.codehaus.mojo Maven plugins docs and sources once was terminated?
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
4 votes
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Cannot set parameter using annotations on a maven plugin

I'm trying to develop a maven plugin and it does not work when I use @Parameter annotation. My dependencies: ... <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> ...
Bruno Krebs's user avatar
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Getting contents and natures of all projects in a Maven build

Currently I'm working on a Maven plugin that should generate files in all projects (OSGi bundles) that have a certain Eclipse project nature. How can I access the contents of the projects included ...
user1056903's user avatar
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1 answer

Loading "modules" in Mojolicious

Need for help. Necessary to implement the installation and loading of "modules". "Module" plug-in is located in the file like lib//. I think I should somehow take the search subdirectories lib/ for "...
VeroLom's user avatar
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