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How do i distinguish between a normal button and the submit button when using react-hook-form?

Okay so i am creating a sign up Modal for a website. It is a 3-page form so i separated it into 3 different form components. So the aim is that on the first form page, I conditionally render a next ...
gerard's user avatar
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How can I avoid re-render when props change in a modal in React?

I have a problem. I want to put a form inside a modal in react, and when the user click the button accept submit the data to a given url. But I want the modal be generic enough to wrap many forms but ...
joegsuero's user avatar
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2 answers

When submitting a form in react the defined function to submit to in the parent component is not called

I am at my wits end understanding why my submit is not working. I literally am using the same code base over and over and with all other parts of my code this was working fine. Now for the new code ...
Benny's user avatar
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Close modal from within modal sub component

I have a question on how to close a Modal from within an sub component of that Modal itself. Let me explain a bit more in detail what I' trying to accomplish here. I have a Modal that is called from ...
sgandolfo's user avatar
3 votes
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Submit antd form when modal is closed

I have a form inside a modal and would like to submit the form using the modal's ok button. Since the submit button is then inside the modal but outside the form, I'm not sure how I would trigger the ...
tugs's user avatar
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How to get values of modal form antd

I'm trying to create a form inside modal using react class component and antd, but i couldn't find a way to get the data submited in the form. i tried to console the event of the onOk in antd modal ...
Salah ED's user avatar
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React Hooks: How could I fill a modal component after a button click?

I coded a modal component: Modal that has this props: interface IProps { isShowing: boolean, hide(): void, category: ICategory } This modal is a form that contains only one input: const [...
Kevin Rivera's user avatar
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Utilizing the "Ok" button in ANTd Modal in React

I am creating a movie website that displays Modals of movies when you click on the movie card. I'm able to handle the "onCancel" which turns setActivateModal to false and closes the Modal, ...
Ay123's user avatar
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How set color in ColorPicker in react

I use CirclePicker from react-color. I have the modal window which contains form, where are ColorPicker. I send to my form info about current color at format hex (#123123). I want to set selected ...
Утка Обычная's user avatar
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How can refresh data in a table using react redux and a modal form?

I'm facing an issue with refreshing data in a table using react/redux and a form. What I need to do here is to fill a modal form, than submit to my backend and then refreshing the table using setState....
Giuseppe Albrizio's user avatar
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React with Antd Component Modal Form with state issue

I can't figure out what is the right way to handle this -> I am beginner in React , so if this looks absurd, maybe I got this wrong. I have a React component - which is a table/list with a list of ...
Asif's user avatar
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React - Form submit button in parent Modal

I have a Semantic UI Form: import {Form} from 'semantic-ui-react'; <MyForm> <Form onSubmit={_handleSubmit}> <Form.Input name="myInput" label="My Label" value="" /> ...
Tdy's user avatar
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Trying to get id value from dropdown selection of names using Form.Select with Semantic-UI-React?

I'm using Semantic-UI-React in my React/Rails project and trying to use a Form.Select drop down menu within a larger form within a modal. I need to get the .id ( value from the selection ...
Demian Sims's user avatar
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React linkState form

What I want: I want to create a modal form in order to edit a table. I click on edit at the end of the line of my table, a modal form opens, I can edit my input values, and save or close. But I would ...
papay0's user avatar
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React-bootstrap call method of external component

I'm using react-bootstrap to launch a modal form. To do that I created a modal component PopupForm, a form component ProductForm, a product component, in the product component I call <...
Alex's user avatar
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