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Shadcn Dialog X/close button not closing the Dialog

I have used the shadcn Dialog component in my react application as below: Component: . . . import { Dialog, DialogTrigger, DialogContent, DialogHeader, DialogTitle, DialogClose, } from '@/...
vijay s's user avatar
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React modal dialog re-renders parent component - how to approach this

I have a parent component with reactive vars that are populated with data from a Mongo collection. The child modal dialog modifies this information, causing a re-render of the parent component — and ...
poetsmeniet's user avatar
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2 answers

How do i effectively overlap modals in nexjts/react

Basically I want to create 3 modals stacked on top of one another, like the image below. Clicking on the Create Ecosytem will open another shadcn Dialog like 2nd image below The problem I am facing ...
krishnaacharyaa's user avatar
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How to close current Dialog before opening another one?

This is my Login modal: "use client"; import Link from "next/link"; import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogTrigger } from "@/components/ui/dialog"; import { Card, ...
Evan Ethans's user avatar
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Material UI Dialog close dialog from inner component

I have a sign in dialog I have created using material ui but I am using a separate component for the log in button. How would I close the dialog when I click the button? It is the submit button in the ...
Chris's user avatar
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How do I pass in a component in a dialogue box (material-ui), using React?

Hi I am trying to display a chart component inside of a dialogue box. I am confused why the chart is not rendering inside of the dialogue box. It's a lot of code, so I can't do sandbox, but am ...
anongal's user avatar
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React JS, calling function and closing a dialog on click

I am totally new to React. I had to edit someone's code to add new fuctionality. On click of link, Code shows a confirmation dialog using modal. When user clicks Yes it should clear text in an area(by ...
Sudiv's user avatar
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How to close a dialog box automatically when opening a different one in React

I am making a react app that has a navbar as pictured above. The navbar is a component called "TopButtonsBar". Rendered inside this TopButtonsBar component are a component for every button ...
Herb_Dean's user avatar
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Using Nodejs and React how do you display a Modal dialog from inside a TopNav dropdown

I have a TopNav file which displays the items across the top of my page. When the user clicks their icon a dropdown menu appears. When they select "About" from the menu I want a modal dialog to ...
Johnne's user avatar
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88 votes
14 answers

How to handle "outside" click on Dialog (Modal)?

My box closes when clicking outside of the box making me lose all the input. I want my box to close only when clicking on the cancel button. I am not sure what is making it close when clicking outside....
rszaman's user avatar
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react SetState not updaing state immediately

On delete click I'm calling a modal dialog, and updating the 'userid' state with corresponding userid of deleting member. setState function not updating the value. How can I achieve this in any other ...
ansh's user avatar
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Modal Window never activated

I am working with javascript React (I am new to it). From my main page, I want to click on a button to open a dialog window to allow the user to input some values. I found out about modal windows, ...
Fred Coud's user avatar
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ReactJs Modal Using Javascript and CSS

How to append reactjs modal window with body end tag to set the modal positioning absolute with body tag. Here is example added inside the another component. <div className="modal"> <p>...
Shah's user avatar
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