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HTML Report is not being generated with multiple-cucumber-html-reporter for Cypress Automations [closed]

I was trying to setup reports with Mochawesome but I could not get it to work like I wanted, so then I tried these steps to use cucumber-html-reporter instead: Can I generate cucumbur html report in ...
Gabriel Gonzalez's user avatar
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How to add additional log statement in Mochaawseome reports in cypress [duplicate]

just logging statement which is inside the it block is executing, but not other, i mean if any logging statements displayed in other methods, if i call that method form it block, those methods are not ...
Budarpu Madhusudhan's user avatar
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Cypress mochawesome report is not generated

I'm trying to generate cypress-mochawesome-report when executing my cypress tests. versions: "cypress": "^13.7.2", "cypress-mochawesome-reporter": "^3.8.2", Im ...
Ali Taha's user avatar
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NightwatchJS - mochawesome reporter doesn't report the messages from individual calls like browser.verify

I am using NightwatchJS 3.6.1 with mochawesome 7.1.3. In the report it generates, the messages that go along with each test line are not coming along with the line result. Example: browser.verify.ok(...
Beau D'Amore's user avatar
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How can I integrate a custom Mocha reporter into my test suite to filter out or ignored specific test cases from the test report based on tags?

I need guidance on integrating a custom Mocha reporter into my test suite to effectively filter out specific test cases from the generated test report based on tags. Specifically, I require a solution ...
Hamza Naveed's user avatar
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cypress mochawesome reporter screenshot as base64

I am currently trying to create and email a html report with screenshots via mochawesome. In order for it to be emailed, I have been trying to turn the png images into base64 to inline it into the ...
Dmns's user avatar
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Cypress - Build a mochawesome report from a jenkins job

for test purpose, I want to have a mochawesome report generated with a jenkins job : I have a jenkins in local with Dockerfile.jenkins: FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts USER root RUN apt-get update &&...
Eloise's user avatar
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Mochawesome Report Generator is generating old reports only

I'm setting up a GitLab pipeline for my Cypress tests, and I'm encountering an issue where old Mochawesome report files persist even after removing them from the artifacts directory. I want to ensure ...
Bibek Kharel's user avatar
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Mocha test html report is not generating for all test files in visual studio code throwing an error as windows can not find the test file

Mocha test html report is not generating for all test files in visual studio code throwing an error as windows can not find the test file.(refer the attached screenshot) Report is generating for ...
Saroj Sahoo's user avatar
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Mochawesome Report add context

I am using Mocha to run my test cases in a tool that I have built. To generate the report a use Mochawesome. Now I need to add information to the HTML Report. I have my test case: describe('INTWL ...
BlueReddington's user avatar
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How to re run only failed test cases in cypress and azure pipeline

I've running testcases in azure pipeline but for some reason testcases fail randomly, I just want it to re run only the failed ones, not the whole suite, same as well in local I've tried retires ...
H N's user avatar
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GitHub action is missing the JSON report after the Cypress tests finish

I am trying to setup a GitHub workflow for executing the Cypress tests in parallel using the cypress-split package to split up the tests. My GitHub repository is also part of a GitHub Enterprise ...
t3stI0's user avatar
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Getting blank page using HTML publisher in Jenkins

I am using Jenkins to run Cypress tests and using using Mochawesome to generate reports. I am able to generate json and html results files. From the reports folder I am able to link to my test results ...
Scott Floyd's user avatar
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Cypress Mochawesome report showing file twice [closed]

I'm running Cypress 12.13.0 with mochawesome-report-generator 6.2.0, mochawesome-merge 4.3.0 and mochawesome 7.1.3, although I've had this problem for a few versions of Cypress. I'm using bamboo to ...
Corey Snow's user avatar
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Mochawesome-reporter for Cypress with Typescript

I have a Cypress project which uses Typescript and I want to include a reporter. Problem is that the reporter always shows only the compiled Javascript code. I tried to google but the only thing I ...
Zokki's user avatar
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Cypress does not show the execution time of failed tests

We are using Cypress with Github Actions and everything works as expected but I am not getting the time for the failed "it". I tried to use mocha-junit-reporter to see what I am getting back ...
Or Nakash's user avatar
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adding mochawesome reporter in typescript

I am trying to add MochaAwesome reporter in my cypress typescript tests. When I add require('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin')(on); in my cypress.config.ts file, I am getting "Require ...
Tarishah's user avatar
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Getting ERROR @wdio/runner: Error: Some reporters are still unsynced: WdioMochawesomeReporter

This is the error I am seeing when try to integrate mochawesome report to Appium with wdio: ERROR @wdio/runner: Error: Some reporters are still unsynced: WdioMochawesomeReporter [0-0] at Timeout.&...
Murali . Krishna's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to select date and time from devextreme calendar in cypress

I want to select date and time from devextreme data time widget and where this data entered this field is locked. DevExtreme Calendar Calendar Control HTML Time Control HTML
Muhammad Bilal's user avatar
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When I want to switch from A tab to B then it shows blank page using cypress

After login when I switch from Tab A to Tab B then it shows blank page, How i maintain session of Tab A. After performing activity on Tab A, I move to Tab B and start performing activity on Tab B
Muhammad Bilal's user avatar
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How to run cypress run and cypress open at a time with this user can see the cases are performed on web the same report are generated

How to run cypress run and cypress open at a time with this user can see the cases are performed on web the same report are generated I want to run npx cypress open and npx cypress run at a time so ...
Muhammad Bilal's user avatar
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How to select 2nd row of table and enter data in column if 2nd row is contains data, then it selects column of 3rd row using cypress devextreme table

Want to enter data: My Code: I want to select 2nd row of table and enter data in column because 1st row is disable and if 2nd row contains then it auto clicks on 3rd row. My code selects 1st row ...
Muhammad Bilal's user avatar
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How to integrate cypress-mochawesome-reporter to Gitlab pages?

How to integrate cypress-mochawesome-reporter to Gitlab pages? Currently i have this code on my gitci-.yml stages: - test test: image: cypress/browsers:node18.12.0-chrome107 stage: test ...
Noel Dulin's user avatar
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HTML page (Mochawesome Report) doesn't load on Google Cloud?

I'm running API tests using GitHub Actions and I want to upload to the report generated by Mochawesome to Google Cloud so I can see failures clearly without digging through CI logs. I have the upload ...
George's user avatar
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How to embed screenshots into Cypress 10 Mochawesome report?

I am trying to implement Mochawsome report to my Cypress 10 framework. I use cypress-mochawesome-reporter plugin and set it up regarding npm package instructions
vitaliy4us's user avatar
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I am unable to create mocha report in cypress of all the test cases

I want to create a combined report for all the test cases that are in my project, for now when i run the command then it's creating report for the last script only.
Aref Aly's user avatar
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Mochawesome does not generate bulk reports

I installed the Mochawesome results reporting add-on to Cypress. The problem is that every time I finish all the tests, I only have the html file with the last one in the reports folder. Do you know ...
Tomasito's user avatar
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Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.commands; Not Working

CONTEXT: I use cypress 8.7.0. and on support/commands.js I have a function than get the commands foreach execution using Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.commands; | function in support/...
Jasp402's user avatar
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Cypress multi reporters: using mochawesome with autoset-status-cypress-testrail-reporter

I need to use two reporters with my Cypress tests: mochawesome to generate html reports, and autoset-status-cypress-testrail-reporter to publish test results to Testrail. The main tool I could find ...
Diana Eftaiha's user avatar
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Making the jenkins build failure if cypress TC failure

Currently , my cypress testes are runnning in docker container on one stage stage('Run E2E tests') { steps { withCredentials([ sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: '*********', ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Customize Cypress Mochawesome Report

I'm using the cypress-mochawesome-reporter V. 2.3.0 and Cypress 10.4.0 to create html Reports of my Cypress Tests. I'd like to customize this html report and add some additional context like the ...
eazyennocodes's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'err')

I'm working on generating mochawesome report by executing my cypress Test My configuration are like that: Cypress.json { "defaultCommandTimeout": 100000, "reporter": "...
Mahmoud Letaief's user avatar
4 votes
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"before all" hook in "{root}": Error: Timeout of 45000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called;

I am using vscode-extension-tester and getting below error. Please find package.json and .mochrc.js file also. Extension 'helloworld-sample-0.0.1.vsix' was successfully installed. Loading mocha ...
Ajinkya's user avatar
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Skip Pending and Skipped tests from HTML report in Cypress

I have written some BDD tests in cypress using cucumber and using below command to run my automation tests: ./node_modules/.bin/cypress-tags run -e TAGS='not @ignore and @bdd',allure=true test:all As ...
Heera Singh's user avatar
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Mochawesome with Cypress - how to get aggregated charts at higher level?

I've just started using mochawesome with Cypress (9.7). Our test structure is basically a number of spec files, each following something like the following format: describe('(A): description of this ...
Steve H's user avatar
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Combined JSON & Mochawesome test report not generating during Cypress tests in Docker container?

I am running Cypress tests inside a Docker container to generate a HTML test report. Here is my folder structure: As you can see in the cypress/reports/mocha folder, there are some JSON test results ...
user9847788's user avatar
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Generating empty HTML Mochawesome report from populated JSON file in Cypress

I am trying to generate one mochawesome report that contains all results of the spec files in my Cypress test suite. Here is my package.json: { "test": "npx cypress run", &...
user9847788's user avatar
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Getting "Error: Pattern mochawesome-report/*.json matched no report files" error only when test running in github action

I am able to merge and generate reports in my local but when I am running mt test into GitHub action through error ERROR: Failed to merge reports. I never used GitHub action before so maybe I have ...
Krupal Vaghasiya's user avatar
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Dashboard to display test automation results from different tools

I have got to create one common dashboard that can be used to display the execution results along with execution status and pass percentage from various test automation tools like api - mochasome ...
pav's user avatar
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I want to send cypress test report after cypress run in the slack channel

I want to automatically send a cypress report after the cypress run is completed to the slack channel. I don't know what to do, but I think there is a way to do that. I have tried to integrate with ...
Krupal Vaghasiya's user avatar
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Getting Error: Cannot find module 'cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin' when i run cypress in docker

I have never used docker before. When I run it in my local it will be working fine but when I run using docker getting an error. I have created a docker file that contains the below line of code. FROM ...
Krupal Vaghasiya's user avatar
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I am trying to generate Mochawesome Report with framework json files are not created

I have added below dependencies in my project "mochawesome-report-generator": "^6.0.1", "wdio-mochawesome-reporter": "^4.0.0", "@wdio/dot-reporter": &...
Dipika Mishra's user avatar
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Is there a way to integrate Cypress reporter with "report portal" and "mochawesome"

I am trying to integrate cypress resporting with report portal and mochawaesome. The goal is to get both reports. I have tried this in the cypress.json "reporter": "cypress-multi-...
Arpit Nigam's user avatar
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How to view cypress mochawesome reports in jenkins after running test step inside docker container?

I'm running my cypress tests on Jenkins inside a dockerized container and I generate cypress mocha awesome report, but I don't know how to display it inside Jenkins. This is my cypress.json content { ...
Mona101ma's user avatar
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Cypres - mochawesome reports - reportDir

I am trying to implement dynamic path to mochawesome reports for different browsers e.g for example, for chrome it is supposed to be cypress/reports/chrome/mocha This is my cypress.json configuration ...
dawidk09's user avatar
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How can I get full HTML mochawesome report using codeceptjs running test in parallel mode?

I am using codeceptjs library in order to develop and run automated tests. Currently I'm in process of run those tests in paralell using NodeJS` workers. CodeceptJS proposes this opportunity and ...
Snow's user avatar
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How to resolve mochawesome reports in framework getting error TypeError: ReporterClass is not a constructor

I have added the below dev dependencies for mochawesome reports in my framework. "wdio-dot-reporter": "0.0.10", "wdio-mochawesome-reporter": "^4.0.0&...
Dipika Mishra's user avatar
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Send Cypress Mocha test reports to Cypress dashboard

We run our Cypress tests locally (in Jenkins) and create Mocha test reports (JSON). Now we would like to send these reports to Cypress dashboard so they are more easily accessible. We have looked in ...
madu's user avatar
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What tool can I use to take a screenshot with cypress automation?

I have a cypress spec.js and I would like to take several screenshots after particular assertion of the whole page several times. I want the screenshot to be available on a folder or in the report. I ...
Rita Basu-ghosh's user avatar
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Cypress mochawesome report

When all spec.js files passes raport is generated and everything is okey. When just one or more of tests fails there is something weird going on. There is many warnings and errors but still report is ...
dawidk09's user avatar
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