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Month auto increment using mktime and timegm functions in C++

I'd like to convert a string date (UTC) to a timestamp using C++. It works fine except for the month, which is auto incremented by one. If the string is 20221222074648, for 2022-12-22 07:46:48, the ...
Lazouache Farid's user avatar
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Unexpected value returned from mktime() [duplicate]

I prepare the following structure : struct tm tDepartureTime; tDepartureTime.tm_min = 24; tDepartureTime.tm_hour = 13; tDepartureTime.tm_mday = 11; tDepartureTime.tm_mon = 2 - 1; tDepartureTime....
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work with jmktime in JDF library

I have a problem with converting Jalali date to timestamp. For do that i'm using JDF library. So far I've Done this: $jalalidate = $this->input->post('c_adddate'); list($year, $month, $day) = ...
Mostafa M.K_Soft's user avatar
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Diffrence between two time stamp if hour greater than 24 [duplicate]

I just edit my question I have have two time format i want the difference between them For example $time1 = new DateTime('09:00:59'); $time2 = new DateTime('100:30:00'); $interval = $...
Chauhan's user avatar
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Timestamp mktime php format

I have a php page listed below with events and I wish to order them by dates. No problem with this, but I want the date format was "15/Lug/1998" and not "15/Lug/1998:00:00:00 -0000". I post the code ...
Andrea Otto's user avatar
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Convert between date/time and time-stamp without using std library routines

I am trying to implement in C two simple convertors, date/time to time-stamp and vice-versa, without any dependencies on time library routines (such as localtime, mktime, etc, mainly due to the fact ...
barak manos's user avatar
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NASM: Getting the day of the week a different date

I have been tasked with writing a NASM program that gets the day of the week for the first day of the next month. As an example: If today is June 4, then the program should say something like: July ...
Drifter64's user avatar
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how to convert date and time to timestamp in php?

i have a date '07/23/2009' and a time '18:11' and i want to get a timestamp out of it : here is my example: date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $d = str_replace('/', ', ', '07/23/2009'); $t = ...
Patrioticcow's user avatar
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PHP: How to create a timestamp from pattern H:i (17:45)?

my current code: <?php $timestamp = DateTime::createFromFormat("d.m.Y H:i", $_POST["datetime"]); echo $timestamp; // works! ?> Now I've a form with two fields: date and time, ...
Mr. B.'s user avatar
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problem with mktime and timezone

I would like to display the time stamp of 00:00:00 1 Nov 2010 with the code as below $day = mktime(0,0,0,11,1,2010); However, it always display the wrong timestamp from what I intended. For ...
davidlee's user avatar
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Finding days between 2 unix timestamps in php

Hay, i have a database holding events. There are 2 fields 'start' and 'end', these contain timestamps. When an admin enters these dates, they only have the ability to set the day,month,year. So we are ...
dotty's user avatar
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PHP swap month and day in timestamp

Right. I was inserting a load of data into a MySQL DB and used the following to generate the timestamp: $stamp = mktime($t[0], $t[1], $t[2], $d[2], $d[1], $d[0]); Unfortunately, the day and month ...
James's user avatar
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convert mysql timestamp to mktime

I have the following MySQL timestamp: 2009-06-23 16:21:48 How can I convert it to a format like mktime()?
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